About Me

Welcome, I'm Mike Stopford, the founder and driving force behind Code32. My mission is to collaborate with indie game developers and publishers, crafting innovative and functional websites without the heavy costs associated with large agencies.

Over the past four years, I’ve had the privilege of working alongside some of the most talented and passionate studios in the indie gaming world. This journey has been incredibly rewarding, allowing me to immerse myself in the vibrant indie community and contribute to its growth.

My approach to web development is deeply collaborative. I believe that the best results come from working closely with my clients, understanding their unique visions, and translating them into digital experiences that captivate and engage. Every project is a new adventure, and I take pride in delivering websites that not only look great but also perform flawlessly.

A crucial part of my journey has been my partnership with the brilliant Mike Heald at Fully Illustrated. Mike’s exceptional design skills have been the cornerstone of all my projects, ensuring that each website is not just functional but also visually stunning. Together, we create websites that are both artistically inspired and technically robust.

With Code32, you’re not just getting a service; you’re gaining a partner dedicated to your success. I’m passionate about indie gaming and am here to help your studio or game shine online. Let’s build something amazing together! Get in touch