How to use prebuilt search spaces and a prebuilt trainer

This guide shows how to run a Vertex AI Neural Architecture Search job by using Google's prebuilt search spaces and prebuilt trainer code based on TF-vision for MnasNet and SpineNet. Refer to the MnasNet classification notebook and SpineNet object detection notebook for end-to-end examples.

Data preparation for prebuilt trainer

Neural Architecture Search prebuilt trainer requires your data to be in TFRecord format, containing tf.train.Examples. The tf.train.Examples must include the following fields:

'image/encoded': tf.FixedLenFeature(tf.string)
'image/height': tf.FixedLenFeature(tf.int64)
'image/width': tf.FixedLenFeature(tf.int64)

# For image classification only.
'image/class/label': tf.FixedLenFeature(tf.int64)

# For object detection only.
'image/object/bbox/xmin': tf.VarLenFeature(tf.float32)
'image/object/bbox/xmax': tf.VarLenFeature(tf.float32)
'image/object/bbox/ymin': tf.VarLenFeature(tf.float32)
'image/object/bbox/ymax': tf.VarLenFeature(tf.float32)
'image/object/class/label': tf.VarLenFeature(tf.int64)

You can follow instructions for ImageNet data preparation here.

To convert your custom data, use the parsing script that is included with the sample code and utilities you downloaded. To customize the data parsing, modify the tf_vision/dataloaders/* files.

Learn more about TFRecord and tf.train.Example.

Define experiment environment variables

Prior to running your experiments, you will need to define several environment variables including:

  • TRAINER_DOCKER_ID: ${USER}_nas_experiment (recommended format)
  • Cloud Storage locations of your training and validation datasets the experiment will use. For example (CoCo for detection):

    • gs://cloud-samples-data/ai-platform/built-in/image/coco/train*
    • gs://cloud-samples-data/ai-platform/built-in/image/coco/val*
  • Cloud Storage location for the experiment output. Recommended format:

    • gs://${USER}_nas_experiment
  • REGION: A region which should be the same as your experiment output bucket region. For example: us-central1.

  • PARAM_OVERRIDE: a .yaml file overriding parameters of the prebuilt trainer. Neural Architecture Search provides some default configurations that you can use:


You might want to select and/or modify the override file that matches your training requirements. Consider the following:

  • You can set --accelerator_type to choose from GPU or CPU. To run only a few epoches for fast testing using CPU, you may set the Flag --accelerator_type="" and use the configuration file tf_vision/test_files/fast_nas_detection_spinenet_search_for_testing.yaml.
  • Number of epochs
  • Training runtime
  • Hyperparameters such as learning rate

For a list of all parameters to control the training jobs, see tf_vision/configs/. The following are the key parameters:

    global_batch_size: 80
    global_batch_size: 16
  init_checkpoint: null
  train_steps: 16634
  steps_per_loop: 1386
        initial_learning_rate: 0.16
        decay_steps: 16634
      type: 'cosine'
      type: 'linear'
        warmup_learning_rate: 0.0067
        warmup_steps: 1386

Create a Cloud Storage bucket for Neural Architecture Search to store your job outputs (i.e. checkpoints):

gcloud storage buckets create $GCS_ROOT_DIR

Build a trainer container and latency calculator container

The following command will build a trainer image in Google Cloud with the following URI: which will be used in the Neural Architecture Search job in the next step.

python3 build \
--project_id=PROJECT_ID \
--trainer_docker_id=TRAINER_DOCKER_ID \
--latency_calculator_docker_id=LATENCY_CALCULATOR_DOCKER_ID \
--trainer_docker_file=tf_vision/nas_multi_trial.Dockerfile \

To change the search space and reward, update them in your Python file and then rebuild the docker image.

Test the trainer locally

Since launching a job in Google Cloud service takes several minutes, it may be more convenient to test the trainer docker locally, for example, validating the TFRecord format. Use spinenet search space as an example, you can run the search job locally (the model will be randomly sampled):

# Define the local job output dir.

python3 search_in_local \
--project_id=PROJECT_ID \
--trainer_docker_id=TRAINER_DOCKER_ID \
--prebuilt_search_space=spinenet \
--use_prebuilt_trainer=True \
--local_output_dir=${JOB_DIR} \
--search_docker_flags \
params_override="tf_vision/test_files/fast_nas_detection_spinenet_search_for_testing.yaml" \
training_data_path=TEST_COCO_TF_RECORD \
validation_data_path=TEST_COCO_TF_RECORD \

The training_data_path and validation_data_path are the paths to your TFRecords.

Launch a stage-1 search followed by a stage-2 training job on Google Cloud

You should refer to the MnasNet classification notebook and SpineNet object detection notebook for end-to-end examples.

  • You can set the flag --max_parallel_nas_trial and --max_nas_trial to customize. Neural Architecture Search will start max_parallel_nas_trial trials in parallel and finish after max_nas_trial trials.

  • If the flag --target_device_latency_ms is set, a separate latency calculator job will be launched with accelerator specified by flag --target_device_type.

  • The Neural Architecture Search Controller will provide each trial with a suggestion for a new architecture candidate through the FLAG --nas_params_str.

  • Each trial will build a graph based on the value of the FLAG nas_params_str and start a training job. Each trial also saves its value to a json file (at os.path.join(nas_job_dir, str(trial_id), "nas_params_str.json")).

Reward with a latency constraint

The MnasNet classification notebook shows an example of a cloud-cpu device-based latency-constrained search.

To search models with latency constraint, the trainer can report reward as a function of both accuracy and latency.

In the shared source code, the reward is calculated as follows:

def compute_reward(target_latency, accuracy, inference_latency, weight=0.07):
  """Compute reward from accuracy and latency."""
  speed_ratio = target_latency / inference_latency
  return accuracy * (speed_ratio**weight)

You can use other variants of the reward calculation on page 3 of the mnasnet paper.

For information about how to customize the latency calculation function, see tf_vision/

Monitor your Neural Architecture Search job progress

In the Google Cloud console, on the job page, the chart shows the reward vs. trial number while the table shows the rewards for each trial. You can find the top trials with the highest reward.

Neural Architecture Search in the Google Cloud console.

Plot a stage-2 training curve

After stage-2 training, you use either Cloud Shell or Google Cloud TensorBoard to plot the training curve by pointing it to the job directory:

TensorBoard plot.

Deploy a selected model

To create a SavedModel, you can use the script with params_override=${GCS_ROOT_DIR}/${TRIAL_ID}/params.yaml.