Closed Bug 1893676 Opened 3 months ago Closed 2 months ago

enable tab hover preview by default in Nightly


(Firefox :: Tabbed Browser, task, P1)




128 Branch
Tracking Status
relnote-firefox --- nightly+
firefox128 --- fixed


(Reporter: dwalker, Assigned: dwalker)


(Blocks 1 open bug, Regressed 1 open bug)



(1 file)

No description provided.
Depends on: 1889369
Pushed by
enable tab previews by default in Nightly builds. r=settings-reviewers,mconley
Flags: needinfo?(dwalker)
Attachment #9398876 - Attachment description: Bug 1893676 - enable tab previews by default in Nightly builds. r?#preferences → WIP: Bug 1893676 - enable tab previews by default in Nightly builds. r?#preferences
Attachment #9398876 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1893676 - enable tab previews by default in Nightly builds. r?#preferences → Bug 1893676 - enable tab previews by default in Nightly builds. r?#preferences
See Also: → 1775639
Pushed by
enable tab previews by default in Nightly builds. r=mconley

Backed out for causing mochitests failures in browser_tab_manager_keyboard_access.js.

Please also check these mda-bc failures.

Flags: needinfo?(dwalker)
See Also: → 1896521
Flags: needinfo?(dwalker)
Pushed by
enable tab previews by default in Nightly builds. r=mconley

Backed out for causing multiple failures

TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | browser/base/content/test/tabs/browser_audioTabIcon.js | Tooltips should be equal - Got "", expected "Unmute tab"

Flags: needinfo?(dwalker)
Flags: needinfo?(dwalker)
Depends on: 1897475
Attachment #9398876 - Attachment description: Bug 1893676 - enable tab previews by default in Nightly builds. r?#preferences → WIP: Bug 1893676 - enable tab previews by default in Nightly builds. r?#preferences
Attachment #9398876 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1893676 - enable tab previews by default in Nightly builds. r?#preferences → Bug 1893676 - enable tab previews by default in Nightly builds. r?#preferences
Attachment #9398876 - Attachment description: Bug 1893676 - enable tab previews by default in Nightly builds. r?#preferences → WIP: Bug 1893676 - enable tab previews by default in Nightly builds. r?#preferences
Attachment #9398876 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1893676 - enable tab previews by default in Nightly builds. r?#preferences → Bug 1893676 - enable tab previews by default in Nightly builds. r?#preferences
Pushed by
enable tab previews by default in Nightly builds. r=mconley,tabbrowser-reviewers,dao,settings-reviewers
Closed: 2 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 128 Branch

Did you want to nominate this for a Nightly release note?

Flags: needinfo?(dwalker)

It's a high-visibility change, so it should probably be in the notes. How do I do that?

Flags: needinfo?(dwalker) → needinfo?(ryanvm)

Set the relnote-firefox flag to ? and fill out the form that auto-populates the comment box.

Flags: needinfo?(ryanvm) → needinfo?(dwalker)

Release Note Request (optional, but appreciated)
[Why is this notable]: Replaces tab tooltips with a card containing a screenshot preview; previously opt-in feature is now on by default in Nightly
[Affects Firefox for Android]: No
[Suggested wording]: Hovering the mouse over an unfocused tab will now display a visual preview of its contents
[Links (documentation, blog post, etc)]: None

relnote-firefox: --- → ?
Flags: needinfo?(dwalker)

Added to the Nightly relnotes, thanks.

Blocks: 1900011
Regressions: 1900477
No longer regressions: 1900867
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