Open Bug 1821414 Opened 1 year ago Updated 3 months ago

Make the crash reporter client tell the user to re-install Firefox if we detect a corrupt installation


(Toolkit :: Crash Reporting, enhancement)





(Reporter: gsvelto, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


Originally my idea for this bug was to check the checksums of a Firefox installation against some hard-coded, known good hashes that would be stored in the crash reporter client itself. Since crashes caused by a corrupt installation are not actionable it's probably better to help the user, aside from getting the crash reported.

One type of crash we could quickly detect without having to add checksuming would be bug 1821411. After running the minidump analyzer we have the list of modules available in JSON and it would be trivial to check that all the modules that belong to Mozilla have the same version (or not).

Blocks: 1821415
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