Closed Bug 1701250 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Move browser_search_discovery.js and browser_addKeywordSearch.js to browser/components/search


(Firefox :: Search, task, P3)




89 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox89 --- fixed


(Reporter: standard8, Assigned: u682976, Mentored)



(Keywords: good-first-bug)


(1 file)

I just noticed that in browser/base/content/test/general/, we have browser_search_discovery.js and browser_addKeywordSearch.js.

We should move those across to browser/components/search as I think that's more appropriate (especially for the search discovery).

Depends on: 1692018

I'm happy to mentor this. The basic work that needs to be done here:

  • hg mv the two test files from browser/base/content/test/general/ to browser/components/search/test/browser/.
  • hg mv the support file as well browser/base/content/test/general/discovery.html
  • Move the references for the test and support files from browser/base/content/test/general/browser.ini to browser/components/search/test/browser/browser.ini (to equivalent places, please keep alphabetical ordering)
  • Update the file discovery.html reference in browser_search_discovery.js.
  • In browser_addKeywordSearch.js change the TEST_URL reference to
  • Do a build (./mach build)
  • Make sure the tests pass in the new location (./mach mochitest browser/components/search/test/browser/)
Mentor: standard8
Keywords: good-first-bug

Can I be assigned this task?

Hi Dawit, sure. Issues will also be automatically assigned when the first patch is posted, but I'll set you as assignee anyway for this. Please let us know if you happen to stop working on it so we can reassign.

Assignee: nobody → fc85dlup

What passes as a success when I run the test command (./mach mochitest browser/components/search/test/browser/)?
I finished all the tasks and when I run that command, it opens up Firefox with 4 tabs and it crashes.

(In reply to Dawit from comment #4)

What passes as a success when I run the test command (./mach mochitest browser/components/search/test/browser/)?
I finished all the tasks and when I run that command, it opens up Firefox with 4 tabs and it crashes.

Normally there should be a success/fail indication at the end of the run. Maybe try it without your changes (commit the changes, then update to the current tip and rebuild), and see if that helps.

If you're still hitting issues, then the #introduction channel on Matrix is a good place to ask for help.

Update references to the files in all occurences

I just submitted a patch to Phabricator (

Thank you - the patch is looking good, though there's an extra added file testing/web-platform/tests/websockets/Create-verify-url-set-non-default-port.any.js-53d60826 - please can you remove that? It shouldn't be necessary.

I'd normally comment on the patch itself, but as it is in draft mode, you wouldn't get notified of the comments. For the reviewer, you can request review from me, e.g. add "r=Standard8" in the commit message and re-submit (After also having removed the extra file).

Attachment #9215632 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1701250 - Move test files for search component from browser/base/content/test/general/ to browser/components/search/test/browser/ → Bug 1701250 - Move some test files to their respective locations. r?Standard8
Pushed by
Move some test files to their respective locations. r=Standard8
Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 89 Branch
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