IMDbPRO Brand Standards
2.1 LOGO
This design system defines a unified brand vision and voice for IMDbPro. These guidelines and accompanying design toolkits serve as aids for IMDbPro and our partners to achieve global consistency across all of our digital and print communications. The following sections outline how to use our brand logos, colors, typefaces and imagery. Consistent use of assets according to the following guidelines helps reinforce the IMDbPro image and strengthen brand recognition.
Brand guidelines are updated periodically. Ensure you are referencing the most updated toolkits. Rev 02.16.2023
Download Design Toolkit
About IMDbPro
IMDbPro ( is the essential resource for entertainment industry professionals. This membership-based service includes comprehensive information and tools that are designed to help entertainment industry professionals achieve success throughout all stages of their career. IMDbPro offers members the following: detailed contact and representation information; tools to manage and showcase their IMDb profile, including the ability to select their primary images and the credits they are best "known for"; exclusive STARmeter rankings that are determined by page views on IMDb; the IMDbPro app ( for iPhone, iPad and Android; IMDbPro Track, which empowers members to receive personalized entertainment industry news and notifications on the people and film and TV projects they want to follow; a convenient tool that generates custom digital assets to promote their work on social media and other platforms; and free access to premium and secure virtual meetings and chat messaging via Amazon Chime. Additional IMDbPro services include Box Office Mojo (, the leading online source of box-office data. IMDbPro is a division of IMDb (, the #1 movie website in the world with a combined web and mobile audience of more than 200 million monthly visitors. Follow IMDbPro on Facebook (, Instagram ( and Twitter (
2.1 LOGO
Preferred format
The primary logo for IMDbPro should be used whenever applicable. Please note that we have updated the logo to align font usage and sizing. This improves legibility and gives a cleaner overall appearance. Please replace earlier instances of the IMDbPro logo with the 2020 iteration. On light backgrounds, it is set as a combination of Base and IMDbPro Blue. On dark backgrounds, it is reversed to Cloud and IMDbPro Blue.
IMDbPro Primary Logo
Clear space
The logo may be placed over an image as long as there is sufficient contrast. Do not place over busy or complicated images. Never place over a person's face or important screenshots.

Always make sure there is an "x" height of free space around the logo.
leave an "x" height of space around entire logo
Alternate versions

If the background color or image does not provide enough contrast to keep the IMDbPro Blue accessibly compliant, you may use a solid version of the logo.
IMDbPro logo single color
When the display space is less than .5" or circular in nature, such as favicons, apps, and social media displays, it is acceptable to use the stacked version of the logo.
IMDbPro Stacked Logo
When using the logo on a dark background at display sizes smaller than 1", use the adapted version of IMDbPro Blue to ensure adequate visibility.
Co-branding and partnerships
When using partner or affiliate logos in conjunction with the IMDbPro logo please adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Never make the partner logo larger than the IMDbPro logo.

2. If IMDbPro is sponsoring an event, the event logo may be larger, but the IMDbPro logo should be of equal size and weight to the other sponsor logos.

3. If the 1-color version of the IMDbPro logo is being used, the partner or affiliate logo should not be in full color.

4. Maintain appropriate "x" height around the logo at all times.

5. If logos are next to each other, make sure there is double "x" height on the connecting side and a .25 pt rule separating the logos.
Improper usage
When using the IMDbPro logo, the following are never permitted:

1. Using colors not outlined in this design system.

2. Using the logo in a sentence. IMDbPro should be typeset as a single word. The "b" should be lowercase and "P" should be capitalized.

3. Changing the proportion

4. Adding any tagline other than "An Amazon Company"

5. Typesetting the "An Amazon Company" tagline (not using the Amazon logo).

6. Connecting anything to the logo other than a marketing approved logo lock-up.
Primary colors
The purpose of IMDbPro is to feature entertainment professionals and their work, therefore we want to keep our color palette simple and allow the headshots and movie posters to receive the focus of attention.

Our primary palette consists of Summit, Stone, Granite, Cloud, Base and IMDbPro Blue. Text should never be set in IMDbPro Blue for accessibility reasons.

IMDbPro Blue is not an AUI color and the mix is as follows:
RGB: 2.172.211
Hex: #02acd3

These are the only colors that should be used when creating new, non-AUI design elements. IMDbPro Blue should be used primarily for the logo or for small accent elements, never for text. You may use various opacities for the gray tones, but IMDbPro Blue must always remain at 100%.
Primary colors are Summit #D5DBDB, Stone #879596, Granite #373D3E, Cloud #FFFFFF, Base #111111, Pro Blue #02acd3, Small Format Pro Blue #00ccff
Secondary colors
In order to maintain alignment with other Amazon entities and expedite development time, AUI standard colors will be utilized for other warnings, messages, and icons. These include: Base, Secondary, Tertiary, Link, Success Error, Price, and State.

AUI colors are inherited. They should only be used when pre-determined by the AUI framework.
Secondary Colors are inherited from AUI: Base, Secondary, Tertiary, Link, Success, Error, Price, and State
Small format
Small format Pro blue #00ccff
When using IMDbPro Blue in a logo that is displaying at a size smaller than 1" on a dark background, the mix will change to:
RGB: 0.204.255
Hex: #00ccff
Amazon Ember
In order to maintain alignment with other Amazon entities and expedite development time, fonts are aligned with AUI standards. Amazon Ember is the approved font for all graphics and marketing communications. The preferred weight is Regular. Medium or Bold should be used to create visual emphasis or contrast. Light may be used for headlines on marketing materials and ads if it is embedded into the artwork. Avoid using Thin, Heavy, and Condensed versions of the typeface.
Amazon Ember
An Amazon company. Copyright 1990-2023, Inc. or its affiliates.