BBB National Programs Blog




CEO Insights

Thought leadership on pressing topics and emerging issues from BBB National Programs President & CEO Eric D. Reicin

  • Industry Self-Regulation: Part of the Solution for Governing Generative AI

    The spotlight on generative AI remains bright. The benefits and risks continue to be ever-present in the minds of business and political leaders. No matter the timing or the setting, the creation of transparency, accountability, and collaboration among stakeholders is key to successful industry self-regulation as is the importance of setting standards and best practices.
    Jul 8
  • The Demise of “Chevron Deference”: Who Will Fill the Regulatory Gaps?

    The Supreme Court's 1984 ruling in Chevron v. NRDC held that courts should defer to federal agencies’ interpretations of ambiguous federal laws so long as those interpretations are reasonable. So given the court’s decision to overturn it, where does that leave companies that want a level playing field and perhaps even to raise the bar, instead of racing to the bottom?
    Jun 28
  • Robust Dispute Resolution: A Quiet Enforcer for Privacy Compliance

    ICYMI, a procedural rule change to update the GDPR has been agreed upon by the European Parliament to provide EU citizens with greater legal certainty regarding enforcement of GDPR, improve the dispute resolution process, and streamline the handling of cross-border cases.
    Jun 18
  • How Will Customers Know They Can Trust Your Business?

    When customers trust you, they are more likely to do business with you. It is well past time for business leaders to “galvanize around trust and transparency.” When it comes to enhancing consumer trust, responsible business and nonprofit organizations can – and must – lead the way.
    Jun 13
  • What to Know About California’s Lemon Law

    Buying a new car should be exciting, not stressful, but the fear of ending up with a “lemon” – a car that’s more trouble than it’s worth – is on the rise. While purchasing a car with unfixable defects is uncommon, it is important to know what to do if you face persistent issues and suspect your car is a lemon.
    Jun 10
  • Warning: Use Caution with AI in the Children’s Space

    Children are engaging with various forms of artificial intelligence (AI), a technology that can provide significant benefits that can be accompanied by a series of risks. The Children’s Advertising Review Unit compliance warning regarding the use of AI in practices directed to children reminds industry of its special responsibilities to children.
    Jun 5
  • Continuing to Evolve: the 10s, 20s, and the Future of CARU

    The confluence of social media, apps, and digital advertising in the 2010s and 2020s generated new issues that inspired multiple revisions to CARU's Guidelines as well as compliance warnings to address new platforms breaking onto the scene.
    May 29
  • Colorado’s Second Potential Gold Rush: Regulating AI

    Colorado's Senate Bill 205, the AI Act, which goes into effect in 2026, puts the United States ahead of many other privacy-first world leaders and jurisdictions in writing the rules for limiting algorithmic discrimination when AI – in particular, high-risk AI - is leveraged by companies.
    May 28
  • 3 Things to Know Before Filing an EV Lemon Law Claim

    Are you thinking about going electric? You might be wondering how lemon laws differ from EVs to traditional gas-powered cars. The good news is that most lemon laws treat EVs the same as traditional vehicles. Let’s look into three more key things you need to know about electric cars and lemon laws.
    May 28
  • CARU in the 90s and 00s: Privacy & the Internet

    The Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) Privacy Guidelines helped form the foundation of COPPA. The arrival of Y2K brought with it an accelerated pivot from traditional advertising to online advertising and experiences, and new challenges in privacy compliance. Read about CARU's notable cases in children’s data privacy.
    May 22