
Ssoulgemss Ssoulgemss 18 March

Gushing about Angel Eyes (Art Book)

Art books have always been one of my favourite types of merchandise to collect, and Angel Eyes was no different. I have read it over and over and over again, analysed it with friends, gushed about it to family, and scanned every line, every placement of texture and colour until my eyes hurt. I absolutely love Angel Eyes and want to describe why, as well as include images and explain exactly what makes each one so special to me, as well as the techniques that Akimi Yoshida uses that I find to work so effectively in this instance. Will update soon

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MysticFantasy08 MysticFantasy08 31 August 2023


Just saying hi lol

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FISHY on Me1000 FISHY on Me1000 14 November 2020



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Minso.senpai Minso.senpai 21 October 2020


Listen I have anger issues and I just wanna say...

any of y’all have arthur’s location cause if so..

who is driving cause y’all we about too beat a bitch up

thanks for listening -senpai minsoo

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Craneface Craneface 24 December 2019

It's been a year since episode 24 aired

Even though it's been a year I'm sure a lot of us are still stuck with the ending of this amazing and painful story. 

The story that BANANA FISH adaption delivered has convinced me that it has been the absolute best anime I've ever watched and I don't know if it's possible to beat, at least not in this century. 

Even though it's been a year (And three days) I am still feeling devastated from the last episode of BANANA FISH. I didn't think any anime would get me this sentimental, ever. It was next to 'impossible' having to wait a week for each episode to air, especially the last three episodes. Man, it was just one terrible event after another filled with plot twists and heartbreaks. I'm still speechless and I often think of the fact that "Wo…

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S3r0-Ph1i S3r0-Ph1i 31 October 2019

Halloween times!

Banana Fish is one such series lucky enough to have seasonal events occur in its story, namely Halloween! It's the right kind of spooky, fun filled times with the latter part of Episode 12 To Have and Have Not featuring Ash arriving home to Eiji with the appropriate backdrop, not limited to a large amount of pumpkins, much to Ash's delight!

As if it could be better, promotional materials have also released further Halloween related Banana Fish artwork, with the characters in their best trick or treat attire!

With that, such amazing moments and scenes make for a perfect collage for the wiki background for Halloween, which obviously must be shared!

Also favourite images, moments and fan art of the cast during Halloween, what you like best and w…

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S3r0-Ph1i S3r0-Ph1i 2 August 2019

365 days badge

The contribute daily badges may be attained for adding daily to the wiki for 5, 14, 30, 60, 100, 200 and 365 days. A long haul from one perspective to easy sailing improving the articles pages each day, and so easy once the lovely working method is established. If you can do it for 2 days you can do it for the complete 365 days so hopefully this is the first of many!

Collecting badges, improving articles, to simply enjoying the source material, so long as everyone likes all the nice things, what could be better!

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IcicleStars IcicleStars 27 July 2019

JD Salinger (Repost)

Reposting as a blog post because I was recommended to do so.

warning: Spoilers for the Bananafish Anime/Manga, and for the stories "A Perfect Day for Bananafish" and "The Catcher in the Rye" by JD Salinger. You've been warned.

At this point everyone probably knows but I just love talking about it. When I first watched Banana Fish I went on and on to myself about how the plot is based on the morals and themes of JD Salinger's books and stories, specifically "A Perfect Day for Bananafish". The themes of these stories by JD Salinger are preserving the innocent and keeping them innocent. When I read the titles of the episodes after watching the first one that's when I guessed Ash would probably die. The first episode is titled "A perfect day fo…

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DragonKestrel DragonKestrel 13 June 2019

Similar looking Yut-Lung found in another series!

So I was watching a series called King of Prism: Shiny Seven Stars(definetly recommend you watch this one if you like to watch boys competing on stage by dancing,singing, etc. But you should watch King of Prism by Pretty Rhythm first before the one I mentioned because King of Prism is a sequel to King of Prism by Pretty Rhythm.) and I came across a character that looked like Yut-Lung. His name is Yukinojō Tachibana. I decided to use his base design and make him look like Yut-Lung. I just felt the need to do it. And it looks exactly like him if you picture Yut-Lung singing and dancing. Feel free to post some of the characters that you think look like Yut-Lung or any thing that has to do with characters looking alike from another series.

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Ph1i5-B0t Ph1i5-B0t 5 May 2019

Fish Bot Banana (how to make a JS based bot!)

Today we shall be learning how to create a bot using JavaScript (JS) to help with mass edits on a wiki.

  • 1 How can a bot help?
  • 2 Step 1: Create your bot
  • 3 Step 2: Add the JavaScript you like
  • 4 Practice Makes Perfect, Add the Images to their Second Category!
  • 5 All done!

With a lot of singular identical edits. Currently, there are two large areas on the Banana Fish Wiki where a bot can be very helpful, specifically 1) adding licensing templates to images 2) the mass categorization of images by adding them to two categories on the Wiki's impressively detailed image gallery pages.

Carrying out this task manually without a bot would involve choosing one image at a time on a image gallery page, scrolling down to choose edit to add the Fair use licensing temp…

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S3r0-Ph1i S3r0-Ph1i 1 April 2019

Update to Discussions on the Banana Fish Wiki!

It was no April Fools to have by all accounts a much-needed overhaul to Discussions across wikis. Today Banana Fish, along with all other English language wikis had the update.

This progression ties Discussions in with the wiki itself more, rather than feel somewhat detached as it was originally. The background is now the same as the respective wiki rather than white, it is more user friendly as well.

People may notice/look back and see how character pages are now able to be viewed. This is in addition to pages that have just been updated as part of the successfully merge the wiki and Discussions move.

There is now an Insights area for Discussions as well as further developments as explained on the announcement blog on the Community Central W…

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DragonKestrel DragonKestrel 30 March 2019

Banana Fish (March Spotlight)

Banana Fish was the very first spotlight for March in 2019 to be featured!

View the full discussion here:

View the Spotlight's for 2019 here:

Fellow Wiki's alongside Banana Fish for March:

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Ephaporia Ephaporia 13 March 2019

The Similarities of Banana Fish and Final Fantasy VIII

OK guys, just to the point about the similarity between them. I mean just about the character, not the plot.

Both of them have some cold face and manner, and also anti-social (Squall is really anti-social eventhough he is a SeeD's member, while Ash actually isn't so-so. He has his own gang, just he can't trust anyone carelessly because of his struggle with the world he endured and his past), but actually they are the gentle and kindhearted behind their cold manner. Also, both of them have their own love interests who can melt their cold-hearted.

From the meaning of name, both of them have the names that mean a "lion". Ash's real name, Aslan in the turkish is lion. Meanwhile, Squall's last name, Leonhart, is a variation of the English surname "Lionheart…

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Ephaporia Ephaporia 18 February 2019

Vote Banana Fish for Crunchyroll Anime Awards (Categories Bonus)

A special bonus round of categories that were missed in the official Anime Awards!

Banana Fish being categoried as Best Drama and Best Romance. Vote for them.

Also, you can watch how many votes the animes got after you vote. So, enjoy voting.

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DragonKestrel DragonKestrel 18 February 2019

Happy Valentines!

Hope you're all having a Happy Valentines Day, share all the hugs and kisses to your loved ones, friends, and other users. And feel free to post some of your favorite Valentine Banana Fish fan arts that are either created by you and/or other users fan arts that catch your eye! If you use other users fan arts, please make sure to give them credit by naming that picture/file with there name on it, example: Banana Fish Happy Valentines by DragonKestrel. Have a fun time searching!

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S3r0-Ph1i S3r0-Ph1i 14 February 2019

A Banana Fish Wiki Policy

The Banana Fish wiki is removing the ��status” from the infobox code because:

  • The wiki shall be ‘spoiler free’, a term referring to avoiding at a glance spoilers such as “Alive” “Deceased” right there in the infobox as the first thing people shall come across that are not noted as such.

The synopsis pages will detail everything concerning the characters roles in the story, but this involves actually reading the text to see the spoiler. Pages with spoilers shall be marked with the relevant templates at the top of the article page, this is in keeping of editing comments to cover spoiler text for article comments.

  • People can remember the characters and everything eternally great about them. Remembering a character for being deceased, no instead o…
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Emmaswan2003 Emmaswan2003 2 February 2019

Asheiji vs. Victuri

Lol look what I found on twitter:

(Maybe this one's only for ppl who've watched Yuri on Ice)


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S3r0-Ph1i S3r0-Ph1i 24 January 2019

Migration to Fandom

Today on the 24th January, 2019 Banana Fish was formally migrated to Fandoms new URL. A long planned process beginning with it’s rebranding in October 2016, Fandom began the migration of its wikis in October 2018. Around 350,000 communities have been gradually migrated with planned completion on February 4th.

This day was significant for the Banana Fish wiki. Not just for historical purposes with the moment of its migration but also because not all sites were transferred to Fandom. Some with low activity or were deemed unsuitable for Fandom when it evidently checked through every last wiki were simply closed and deleted.

Those who activity contribute, those who add every now and again, someone correcting spelling here and there to the multitu…

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S3r0-Ph1i S3r0-Ph1i 23 January 2019

Manga and Anime!

This might not even be a formality for the Banana Fish wiki since there has not actually been any opinions whatsoever on which is ‘better’ anime or manga wise. Everyone seems to enjoy both, would never try and diminish one or the other with needless comparisons, indeed are happy the anime was made at all which is exactly the way it should be.

Still whilst other series may feel the need to debate which is better and why, rather than enjoy both, we are all in a fortunate and totally enviable position. We can have something far nicer: namely a blog to comment that we are lucky enough to have both manga and anime (the anime was only slightly overdue by like a few DECADES after all).

To that end this blog can commend what both the anime and manga…

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Craneface Craneface 18 January 2019

My thoughts/review of the anime

--Spoilers incoming--

I have never felt so anxious waiting for an episode, ever. After episode 22, I knew it was all about to end and it was getting more and more sad by the minute. Watching a character evolving the way Eiji and Ash did, and watching their relationship grow in a world with such savage environments, I grew to love those two, so much. Every moment they had together made me feel all warm and fuzzy. I admit, I didn't watch the anime from when the first episode aired, but after episode 7 had just been aired. I saw a thumbnail on youtube with the scene of Ash kissing Eiji, that made me want to try watching the anime in the first place.

I was very very sceptical thinking "Man I don't like the art, it's so different from the anime a…

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DragonKestrel DragonKestrel 7 January 2019

Banana Fish Ending (My opinion)

This is a Banana Fish ending done by myself of how Banana Fish should've ended, feel free to leave your thoughts on the story down below in the comments on your thoughts about the ending. Enjoy the actual ending of Banana Fish instead of Akimi Yoshida's depiction of the anime and manga.

Sing tells Ash about the letter that Eiji instructed him to give to Ash. Ash opens up the letter to find plane tickets to Japan inside. "You have to go, Eiji wants you to go with him to Japan since he's leaving today." Said Sing. "I don't want to make things anymore worse for him when he see's me." Said Ash. "What are you taking about you're his friend, don't you want to..." Ash interrupts Sing. "He doesn't belong in this world, not when there are killings a…

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Ephaporia Ephaporia 3 January 2019


Here the list of the categories where BANANA FISH being nominated:

  • 1 Top Anime
  • 2 Characters
    • 2.1 MAN OF THE YEAR
  • 3 Aspect
  • 4 Side Category
  • 5 Theme Song
  • 6 Personality

Banana Fish

  1. LYNX, Ash
  2. OKUMURA, Eiji

Ash x Eiji

WONG, Shorter

Banana Fish

Banana Fish

Banana Fish

Banana Fish


Banana Fish


Banana Fish

'found & lost' - Survive Said The Prophet

'Prayer X' - King Gnu

Yuuma Uchida - Ash Lynx (Banana Fish)

Vote all of them at…

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S3r0-Ph1i S3r0-Ph1i 30 December 2018

Ash and Eiji among the 7 best anime ships

Ash and Eiji were chosen as one of the best anime ships for the whole of 2018 by Fandom. This entry is to help share this lovely mention, it's superb other people could see it as well.

It was so nice that what they have between one another was recognised. Though ‘shipping’ is generally fun and games there is very real chemistry between them and here symbolizes the special connection between Eiji and Ash.

Among the many pairings from a plethora of anime throughout the year it is even more impressive they were chosen. Naturally other contenders will be there for later years, as it happens Ash and Eiji’s relationship stands out, as they are the best for successive years, too! (This blog may or may not be biased). 

Specific points can be detailed…

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Ephaporia Ephaporia 19 December 2018

Moral Messages from Our Two Greatest Main Character in Banana Fish

OK, maybe need to take this from my comment on other blog because for it's so interesting to be discussed, especially our two greatest main characters, Ash Lynx and Eiji Okumura, also with their greatest moral that they have which nobody like us has.

I'm salute about Ash who never blame everyone eventhough he knows that someone clumsily ruins his plan or maybe someone betrays him, especially Eiji, and most unexpectedly Shorter. Even Ash knows the reason why Shorter (coercedly) betrays Ash to kidnap Eiji and follows The Lee Family. That's why Eiji has character development in ep. 19. He is now immune with every poisonous snake mouth from Yut-Lung because he knows that Ash never blames him so much eventhough what happened to them unintentiona…

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S3r0-Ph1i S3r0-Ph1i 14 December 2018

The gift that keeps on giving!

Aside from the amazingly written manga, excellently made anime and most importantly the eternal bonds between characters, Banana Fish is the gift that keeps on giving! This blog entry would be perfect to discuss other official content released to coincide with the anime. 

Gifts are always nice and what better than the additional content that has been released so far. Whilst the physical items can be bought for yourself or others, this wiki loves to gather the artwork of promotional materials. Usually events may have posters released for them which are great gathered here, whereas if it is something physical you can get, the images of that would look lovely here.

These materials are excellent additions to everything the Banana Fish series has…

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Ephaporia Ephaporia 14 December 2018

Let's give opinion about everything on Banana Fish

Because Banana Fish will end on next week, the let's do some reflection about Banana Fish, and tell me what do you think before Banana Fish and after Banana Fish. Because many people get crying after watching Banana Fish eeven many people hope for happy ending, like me. To be honest, i know that it is impossible since many anime from manga adaptaion must followed what manga do.

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S3r0-Ph1i S3r0-Ph1i 30 November 2018

The gripping tension in the series

A blog entry to detail and discuss how effective Banana Fish is at generating tension from a storytelling perspective seems good!

Beginning with gang warfare involving not just weapons like knives but firearms that can burst in at any time is certainly startling. The world everyone finds themselves in where close friends and even strangers are kidnapped to lure in the people they want more so.

It is not just limited to gangs but the link to mafia connections is a part of the environment. It’s something terrible where this gang and mafia life is both a worst thing but also the only thing to turn to which has haunting real life connotations.

That is all just for the first episode! Banana Fish then proceeds to ramp up the stakes several notches …

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Ephaporia Ephaporia 27 November 2018

What is your favorite Asheiji Moments?

For me, my favorite Asheiji moments are

  • their first meeting (ep. 1),
  • Eiji covers Ash's wound with his ripped clothes (ep. 2),
  • Eiji pole vaults which amazed Ash (also his eye being screen to show the reflection on his green eye) (ep.2)
  • Eiji visits Ash in the hospital room (ep.2),
  • KISS SCENE!!! (ep. 3)
  • Ash teaches Eiji how to shoot with a gun (ep. 6)
  • Ash saves Eiji (ep. 10)
  • Ash-Eiji talk heart to heart and Eiji comforts Ash (ep. 11)
  • Ash tries Japanese (disgusting) healthy food with Eiji (ep.12)
  • Ash and Eiji talk about leopard (ep.13)
  • Everything about ASHEIJI on new OP
  • Ash and Eiji hug each other (ep.17)
  • Eiji acts as housewife to Ash (ep. 18)
  • Ash hugs Eiji from getting shot (ep.18)
  • Eiji offers Ash to go to Japan with him and discuss about Izumo (ep.18)
  • Eiji …
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Ephaporia Ephaporia 23 November 2018

Recommended Song that Suitable for Ash and Eiji's Relationship Moments

Please give a comment about the song that suitable for Ash and Eiji in every moments both in happy, calm, and also sad or maybe gritty. Also write the reason why do you choose the song based on the moments in anime/manga.

For me, the songs that suitable for them are:

1. Sheryl Sheinafia - Fix You Up

This song very suitable for Eiji who always besides Ash and always fixes Ash up after the incidents. Maybe example in episode 11 where Eiji says to Ash to always by his side. Maybe many some radiant and calm moments between Eiji and Ash. This song is very catchy for Eiji's loyality toward Ash.

2. Carrie Underwood - Just A Dream (spoiler)

I know that this song is not so so suitable with the event of Banana Fish. But at least maybe thus song very pict…

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DragonKestrel DragonKestrel 15 September 2018

Who is this?!?!

In this blog post we talk and make predictions about this mystery character in the series. My prediction is that this is Blanca. Answer will be revealed soon, so I will wait for your guy's answers and opinions in the comments on what you think this mystery character is.

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DragonKestrel DragonKestrel 3 September 2018

What do you think of Banana Fish?

You can leave a comment down below on your thoughts about the show, manga, music, etc.

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S3r0-Ph1i S3r0-Ph1i 6 August 2018

The best way to support Banana Fish!

Banana Fish was first published in 1985 and has thankfully returned with an incredibly made anime! Not only that, the manga is being reprinted to share with everyone this deep and meaningful series.

All over using this blog to state that the manga can be bought from Viz Media , and remind anyone and everyone to watch the series legally of course. Why stop there, when we can procure all the Banana Fish related content, as that is the best way to support a series! That is as important than ever, more so now with this masterpiece that’s been unleashed once more.

Cannot praise Banana Fish enough, so remember to share the word about the series here and elsewhere and discuss what is great about it! Word of mouth and sharing are always good methods…

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