
Anthony Burch

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Latest answers from Anthony Burch

I don't think I have the patience to play the first Witcher. Everything about it so far is boring me to death. Is the second game an improvement? Should I just skip to Witcher 3 or is that gonna mess up my understanding of the story? I wanna love this world like everyone else!

The story is pretty fucking labrynthine no matter what, but you can skip the first witcher entirely imo (in fact it makes 2 and 3 make more sense, as Triss is a real piece of shit in the first but suddenly you're buds in the second).

DUDE just tell gearbox or someone to make zerhys (zer0/rhys) canon bc that ship, lemme tell u, it has a lot of potential


Is it insensitive to be hurting over your own problems when someone else with greater problems is hurting too?

No. It's natural and fine to feel pain about stuff in your own life. It's impossible not to, as well-- can you imagine getting dumped by trying to FORCE yourself not to feel sad because other countries are undergoing civil war?

What's your go-to game when you feel like playing something but you browse your games and nothing seems to do the trick? Basically, what's your gaming equivalent of comfort food?

Dark Souls

Can you recommend some books on feminism for a former "Hello M'Lady" type of guy trying to better himself?

I hear The Geek Feminist is good, and I can vouch for Feminism is for Everybody

I was looking through my old things, and I was reminded that your review of Mad Dog McCree is one of the best 10 videos on all of YouTube. Amazing job with that one :D

wallid h fielding
thanks much

How important is harsh difficulty to a game being fun? I was mostly bored playing BL2 (not a slam, I stupidly didn't play co-op) with only the writing pulling me through, but my True Vault Hunter mode run I seriously got into it. Same with hating FL4 & liking Survival Mode (though that's crushing me

I mean, it's different for different people. I'm at the point where normal difficulty games don't do anything for me. I feel like a guy who's so desensitized to porn he has to watch stuff with horses.

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