Silenced Sounds

A story born of music

5328(1)Museum of Modern Art of Ukraine

The name of Ivan Marchuk (born in 1936), who is still actively working, among connoisseurs was included in the rank of classics of Ukrainian painting. The artist received the highest state award - the National Award named after T.G. Shevchenko.

At the same time, Ivan Marchuk entered of the British list of "One Hundred Geniuses of Modernity". "International Academy of Modern art" in Rome accepted him into the ranks of the "Golden Guild".

The artist's works attract attention at any opening. He found his own technique, which was called "Plantanism". Spirituality and professional skill are characteristic of the author to combine the plot with the language of expression, as a confession is interwoven on a canvas.

With a thin brush, the artist applies lines, overlays others on top of them, and so on in many layers. In this deliberate confusion, images are born. "Silenced Sounds" is a work created in 1993. A musician holds a stringed instrument. The head is bowed, long thin fingers pick the strings.

The figure is on the entire format, but the pose itself, the diagonal arrangement of the figure testify to longing, about the inner dialogue conducted by the musician. With who?

The artist suggests images that arise in the memories of the musician, and the main one is female, whose cure is looking "eye to eye", establishing a connection, sending tenderness.

Thin lyrical strings connect the musician with other appearing characters upon careful consideration. They arise in memory, because they enriched life and spiritual experience.

Maybe at this time the author of the work is talking about himself, sending a message to the outside?... "The sounds fell silent", and the images that the music gave birth to remained like shadows, like an unfolded white book of life Interwoven life, like a canvas, became the essence of artistic search.

A lot thoughts, a stinging feeling, a mental tear, like torn strings... Reflections connect the author with the viewer, because everyone will find related feelings in their own souls.

Credits: Story

Oleksii Bondarchuk

Credits: All media
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Stories from Museum of Modern Art of Ukraine
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