History of Ukraine

Fedir Tetyanich is also a "Frypulya" (limitless), who subordinated his own work to philosophical and artistic understanding.

History of Ukraine (1966) by Tetianych Fedir (Fripulya)Museum of Modern Art of Ukraine

The author of the work "History of Ukraine" is the Ukrainian artist Fedir Tetyanich (1942 - 2007) - a performer, philosopher and writer - a representative of the Kyiv artistic underground. As a multifaceted person, he tackled voluminous topics and developed them based on his unique vision.

"History of Ukraine" is the artist's view of the history of the native land, recorded in stages, degrees of development.

The author's interpretation summarizes the details and fragments of images. From the holistic perception of the picture, we pass to individual parts, where we find a reflection of the ancient Drevlian tribe, our ancestors, and the rites of pre-Christian pagans.

We see the image of Princess Olga, the wife of Prince Igor, who was brutally executed by the Drevlians. The grief-stricken princess had to take power into her own hands. She took revenge on her enemies for the death of her husband. Saint Olga went down in history as the first and only woman on the throne of Kyiv.

Her grandson, Prince Volodymyr, brought Christianity to Kievan Rus.

We see the reflection of the glorious military campaigns of the Cossack army, the battle near Kruty and Berestechko.

Let's find a memory of Zaporizhzhya Sich - the center of the Ukrainian Cossacks. The territory was surrounded by high ramparts with a palisade and log cabins, on which cannons were placed. Between the ramparts were kurens, houses where Zaporozhians lived... Fedir Tetyanich was proud of the fact that he himself came from a Cossack family.

In the historical chain of events, the artist gradually introduces images of modern times, which seem fantastically cosmic. The topic of the universe was close to the author, it became his philosophical understanding of recent years. His person who looked into the infinite...

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Stories from Museum of Modern Art of Ukraine
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