Remembering the Masters

Beautiful works of Ukrainian Art from Galagan Art Museum collection. 19th - I half of the 20th century.

Starosty (1844) by T. ShevchenkoGalagan Art Museum

Art of Ukraine of the 19th Century

The museum collection of works of the 19th century is represented by the names of well-known artists most of whom received professional education. The Kharkiv Art School of M. Raievska-Ivanova, the Drawing School of the Odesa Society of Fine Arts and the Kyiv Drawing School of M. Murashko played an important role in establishing the national artistic education in Ukraine.The collection of portrait painting reflects changes in stylistic trends in the art of that time. 

Portrait of Yevhen Hrebinka (19th c.) by A. MokrytskyiGalagan Art Museum

Thus, the images of D. Horlenko and Ye. Hrebinka created in the first third of the 19th century by K. Pavlov and A. Mokrytskyi are marked by features of romanticism. Realist tendencies can be traced in the works of H. Vasko and H. Miasoiedov.

Chumaky near the hut (19th c.) by V. Shternberg (?)Galagan Art Museum

The canvas of K. Makovskyi “Grooming” (the 19th century) is the sample of the salon portrait, features of art nouveau and impressionism are traced in “The portrait of a woman” (the beginning of the 20th century) of M. Bohdanov-Belskyi.The images of children and young people performed by M. Ge “The Girl in a Red Cuff” (1856), M. Rachkov “The Ukrainian Girl” (the II half of the 19th century) and V. Afanasiev “The Portrait of the Ukrainian Boy” (the 19th century) are distinguished by interest in ethnographic details.

Ukrainian girls telling fortunes by crowns (1860s.) by I. SokolovGalagan Art Museum

The domestic genre is actively developing from the beginning of the 19th century under the influence of changes in society.

Ukrainian girl (2nd half of the 19th c.) by M. RachkovGalagan Art Museum

The works of V. Shternberg (“Chumaky near the tavern”), I. Sokolov (“Little Russia Girls who tell fortunes by crowns”) and K. Trutovskyi (“The Ukrainian Woman”) are marked by appeal to peasant subjects.

Girl in a red shawl (1856 (?)) by M. Ge (?)Galagan Art Museum

In the 19th century the landscape appears for the first time as an independent genre in Ukrainian painting. Noteworthy are the works of M. Klodt, Y. Krachkovskyi and V. Bialynitskyi-Biruli. The landscapes by S. Svitoslavskyi, V. Menko, M. Pymonenko, M. Buracheko, V. Kozlovskyi and M. Kholodovskyi are full of feelings of penetrating lyricism.

At the outskirt by M. ClodtGalagan Art Museum

The special pride of the museum collection is Taras Shevchenko etchings “The Judges Board” and “Starosty” from the series “Picturesque Ukraine” (1844). Imprints from the author’s boards were made by V. Kasiian in 1939.

Take a bite (Late 19th - early 20th c.) by F. BuchholzGalagan Art Museum

Portrait of Mykola Kostomarov (2nd half of the 19th c.) by P. BorelGalagan Art Museum

Still life (Early 20th c.) by M. BurachekGalagan Art Museum

Art of Ukraine of the Ist Half of the 20th Century

The collection of works of Ukrainian art of the I half of the 20th century represents the contradictory processes of the development of society of that time.The First World War and revolutionary events stimulated the renewal of culture and art. 

Portrait of a woman (Early 20th c.) by M. Bohdanov-BelskyiGalagan Art Museum

At the beginning of the century Ukrainian artists had not lost their cultural ties with Europe and had been in the field of artistic innovations.

Street on Podil (1912) by O. BohomazovGalagan Art Museum

The museum collection contains works by famous modernist artists, whose works are the golden fund of Ukrainian culture.

Decorative panel "Lilies" (1918) by M. ZhukGalagan Art Museum

One of the Universalists was the spokesman for the European modern M. Zhuk. Synthesis of symbolism, secession, and traditions of national art were the determinants of the figurative and stylistic concept of the artist, for example: full of elegance “Portrait of a Woman” (1901), decorative panel “Lilies” (1918).

Portrait of a woman (1901) by M. ZhukGalagan Art Museum

Impressionist features of painting are brilliantly embodied in the canvas of M. Buracheck “Still Life. Flowers” (the beginning of the 20th century). A wide body smear vigorously cleans the form, passes live elasticity of flowers, and reproduces a diverse texture.

Portrait of M. Rylskyi (1942) by K. TrokhymenkoGalagan Art Museum

Self-portrait (1926) by A. RzheznikovGalagan Art Museum

Symbolism and impressionism, seeking for color made the basis of I. Trush work (“Cypresses”, “Flowering bush”).O. Bohomazov, the founder of Ukrainian cubofuturizm, synthesized geometrical forms and dynamics of movement in his works (etude “Street on the Podil”, 1912).The versatility of the work of L. Kramarenko, the founder of the “Association of Modern Artists of Ukraine”, which was oriented towards the European artistic avant-garde, was featured in the paintings “Abkhazia. Gudauta. On the Shore” (1938), “The Road to the Mountains” (1936).

Ukrainian hut (Early 20th c.) by S. SvitoslavskyiGalagan Art Museum

Self-portrait (Late 19th - early 20th c.) by V. SokolovGalagan Art Museum

Since the 1930’s, art was oriented towards the mastery of the canons of socialist realism. However, even in such difficult circumstances, artists were experimenting in the realm of style.

The girl reading a newspaper (1906) by S. ButnykGalagan Art Museum

Flowering bush (20th c.) by I. TrushGalagan Art Museum

The performance and the poetry of works by K. Trokhymenko, O. Pashchenko and S. Butnyk, Chernihiv artists A. Rzheznikov, P. Chyrko and O. Antiokh-Verbytskyi and many others drive special attention.

Portrait of Maria Vasylivna Nesterovska, author's niece (1906/1907) by P. ChyrkoGalagan Art Museum

Portrait of Nehovska (1914/1915) by H. YaremenkoGalagan Art Museum

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