Gems and Masterpieces from the Galagan Art Collection

Galagan Family Collection & Western European Art of the 17th - 19th centuries

Portrait of Hnat and Olena Galagan (1740s.) by Unknown artistGalagan Art Museum

The Galagan Family Collection

The contemporaries called the Galagans estate in Sokyryntsi as ”Ukrainian Parnassus”. The family seat of the famous Cossack family survived to our days and is the most characteristic example of the palatial architecture of the Left-Bank Ukraine of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Historical sources read that the interiors of the palace were stuffed with antique furniture, refined dishes, valuable weapons, icons, sculptures, paintings and graphics, valuable things the collection of which began regiment commander Hnat Galagan. 

Portrait of Hryhorii Galagan (Late 18th c.) by F. Zemliukov (?)Galagan Art Museum

Significant contribution to the replenishment of the collection was made by Hryhorii Galagan (1819-1888), a well-known state and public figure.

Portrait of Natalia Rozumovska (18th c.) by H.G. HauserGalagan Art Museum

Portrait of Vasyl Daragan (1745) by H.G. HauserGalagan Art Museum

The bigger part of the collection is the family gallery, represented by portraits of eight generations of this family, starting with the portrait of famous Pryluky regiment commander Hnat Galagan.

Portrait of Sofia Daragan (18th c.) by Unknown artistGalagan Art Museum

Portrait of Ivan Skoropadskyi (2nd half of the 19th c.) by F. Zemliukov (?)Galagan Art Museum

Paired to it is the portrait of his wife Olena, which O. Lazarevskyi described as “the best of our old ... portraits.”

Portrait of Kateryna Galagan (1897) by M. Potapov (?)Galagan Art Museum

Worthy of attention are the portraits of other family members, in particular, Hryhorii Ivanovych Galagan (about 1793), created by a talented foreman self-trained artist Fedir Zemliukov, and works by German artist Heinrich Gottlieb Hauser (the 18th century), who painted portraits of the Galagan relatives – Natalia Razumovska and Vasyl Daragan.

Portrait of Petro Galagan (1839) by K. Yushkevych-StakhovskyiGalagan Art Museum

Portrait of Hryhorii Galagan (1843) by V. SerebriakovGalagan Art Museum

The collection also represents the variants of ancient canonical portraits of Ukrainian hetmans – Ivan Mazepa, Ivan Skoropadskyi, Pavlo Polubotok, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi.

Portrait of Pavlus Galagan (1897) by M. Potapov (?)Galagan Art Museum

Portrait of Kostiantyn Lamsdorf-Galagan (1898) by F. BuchholzGalagan Art Museum

Interesting are the folk paintings, including famous Cossacks Mamai, dated the 18th and 19th centuries. The decoration of the family collection are also the portrait of Hryhorii Pavlovych Galagan (1843) by Vasyl Serebriakov, the painting “Italian woman” (1851) by Ivan Shapovalenko, one of the early works of Ivan Aivazovskyi “Storm at the Sea” (1840-1842), painting “The Gothic Bridge in the Sokyrynskyi Park” by Oleksii Voloskov (1846).

Portrait of Kateryna Lamsdorf-Galagan (1899) by M. Potapov (?)Galagan Art Museum

Cossack Mamai (Early 19th c.) by Unknown artistGalagan Art Museum

Gothic bridge in Sokyrynskyi park (1846) by O. VoloskovGalagan Art Museum

Estate of Hryhorii Galagan in Lebedyntsi (1857) by O. VoloskovGalagan Art Museum

Storm at the sea (1840/1842) by I. AivazovskyiGalagan Art Museum

Italian woman (1851) by I. ShapovalenkoGalagan Art Museum

Travelling musicians. The Concert (1626) by H.J. ter BrugghenGalagan Art Museum

Western European Art of the 17th - 19th Centuries

The museum collection contains about 300 works of Western European art created by artists of the 17th-19th centuries from Holland, Germany, France, Italy, Poland and Czechia.Among the works, the authorship of which is of no doubt – paintings of Dutch and Flemish masters of the 17th-18th centuries. 

Out on grass (19th c.) by B.P. OmmeganckGalagan Art Museum

First of all, paintings “Travelling Musicians” (1626) by Hendrick Jansz ter Brugghen, “Fish on the seashore” (1653) by Abraham van Beyeren, “Cavalry Attack” (the I half of the 17th century) by Palamedes the Elder are worth paying attention.

Little genius. Vanitas (Late 17th - early 18th c.) by G. Schalcken (?)Galagan Art Museum

Fox in a henhouse (2nd half of the 17th c.) by Unknown artistGalagan Art Museum

The Flemish School is represented by the painting “Military Camp” (1705) by Peter van Blumen and two animalistic landscapes “Out at grass” (the 19th century) by Balthazar Paul Ommegank.

The Coronation of Esther by Ahasuerus (Mid-18th c.) by M. SchiavoneGalagan Art Museum

Cupid (portrait of B.M. Yusupov) (1790s.) by E. Vigee-Le BrunGalagan Art Museum

Among the works of the French school of painting an allegorical portrait of Prince Borys Mykolaiovych Yusupov by famous artist Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun “Cupid” (1790’s) and the genre scene of famous master of household plots Alfonso Cornet “Near the Well” (the I half of the 19th century) are distinguished.

Near the well (1st half of the 19th c.) by A. CornetGalagan Art Museum

Landscape in Harz (1870s.) by H.L. FrischeGalagan Art Museum

Beauty (19th c.) by A. BlattnerGalagan Art Museum

The German painting is represented by the works of Paul Schweier, Henry Frisch and Heinrich Gottlieb Hauser.

The School of Athens (18th c.) by G. VolpatoGalagan Art Museum

A dance to the music of Time (18th c.) by R. MorghenGalagan Art Museum

Entry of Alexander into Babylon (19th c.) by J-F. PourvoyeurGalagan Art Museum

The Italian school of painting is represented mainly by copies of high quality anonymous authors of the 18th-19th centuries.

The sons of Tippoo Sultaun (1793) by J. GrozerGalagan Art Museum

The Lace Maker (19th c.) by H.A. PayneGalagan Art Museum

The collection of European graphics includes Italian reproduction prints of the late 18th and early 19th centuries of Raphael’s frescoes in Vatican, reproductions of works of William Hogarth performed by German engravers, English engravings of the third quarter of the 18th century concerning the Anglo-Mysore Wars.

The Rape of Prozerpina by Pluto (18th c.) by E.M. FalconetGalagan Art Museum

Young man fighting an eagle (1894 (?)) by J.M. VerschneiderGalagan Art Museum

The collection of Western European sculpture consists of interior works of masters of France and Italy of the end of the 18th-19th centuries.

A man fighting the panther (1851) by F. JuliusGalagan Art Museum

Among them – marble compositions “The Rape of Proserpine” and “The Rape of the Sabines” by Etienne Falconet (the 18th century), bronze plastic: “The Young Man Fighting an Eagle” (the end of the 19th century) by Jean-Marie Verschneider, “Cosette” by Francois Pompon (the end of the 19th century) and “Shepherd” by Giuseppe Renda (the beginning of the 20th century.)The museum collection also contains objects of decorative art – samples of English, German and French porcelain and earthenware, artistic glass of the 19th century.

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