The Gulliver Airship

Between heaven and earth

By DOX Centre for Contemporary Art

DOXDOX Centre for Contemporary Art

Gulliver Airship by Photo Jan Slavík (c) DOXDOX Centre for Contemporary Art

Architectural intervention

A 42 meter-long and 10 meter-wide
structure inspired by the shapes of the
giant early 20th century airships.

Gulliver Airship by Photo Jan Slavík (c) DOXDOX Centre for Contemporary Art

Photo of Guliver AirshipDOX Centre for Contemporary Art


The airship bears the name after one of the most familiar figures of utopian literature, Gulliver, a traveller to remote, fantastic worlds and unexplored territories.

DOXDOX Centre for Contemporary Art

DOX Centre by Photo Jan Slavík (c) DOXDOX Centre for Contemporary Art

Between art and literature

A space for reading and public discussions of literature – fiction, poetry and critical writing – related to the themes of DOX’s exhibitions, which typically offer a critical view of particular aspects of the contemporary human situation.

Gulliver Airship by Photo Jan Slavík (c) DOXDOX Centre for Contemporary Art

Credits: All media
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