13 May – 18 Sep 2022

By DOX Centre for Contemporary Art

MADe IN CHINA exhibition by Photo Jan Slavík (c) DOXDOX Centre for Contemporary Art


MADe IN CHINA is the first solo show by Badiucao, the pseudonym of a Chinese artist-activist known for his protest art who is currently working in exile in Australia.

MADe IN CHINA exhibitionDOX Centre for Contemporary Art

MADe IN CHINA exhibition by Photo Iveta Kopicová (c) DOXDOX Centre for Contemporary Art


Badiucao has established himself on the international stage thanks to social media, through which he spreads his message all over the world, exposing himself on the front line against every form of ideological and moral control exercised by political power.

MADe IN CHINA exhibitionDOX Centre for Contemporary Art

MADe IN CHINA exhibitionDOX Centre for Contemporary Art

Art Protest

Badiucao is constantly challenging the Chinese government and censorship in support of the transmission of a non-plagiarized historical memory.

MADe IN CHINA exhibitionDOX Centre for Contemporary Art

MADe IN CHINA exhibition by Photo Jan Slavík (c) DOXDOX Centre for Contemporary Art

Visual Language

He expresses his commitment through the creation of participatory campaigns, posters in public places, illustrations and online activities, often constructed with a visual language that ironically evokes propaganda in a Pop vein, reproducing its graphic style, colours and tones.

MADe IN CHINA exhibition by Photo Jan Slavík (c) DOXDOX Centre for Contemporary Art

Credits: All media
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