Power from the Lens of Maasai Elders

Understanding the power dynamics in the Maasai community through the words of the Maasai elders.

A women's Fate (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

The Maasai are one of the oldest communities in the world. They have strong cultural roots and traditions and a robust social system.

Sharing Learnings (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

An integral part of the Maasai society are the Elders. They are men who have passed the age of warriorhood as Morans (warriors in Maa language) and are now the heads of the society.

In the shadows (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

As elders, they are responsible for guiding society and resolving all conflicts.

Losimingori Village (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

Since 2018, we have been collaborating with the Maasai people, residing in the Losimingori village of Arusha, Tanzania, to build a community centre cum museum that serves the tribe as a place for conducting business, getting digital skills and catering the tourists.

A Group meeting (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

In December 2021, we conducted an extensive on ground research with the Maasai people and got to learn about the societal structure from the community, including the Maasai Elders.

Moson Thomas (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

Moson Thomas, 37, shared that the elder’s responsibility is to teach good behaviour and sort out all the conflicts in society. He shared that it is important for an Elder to properly conduct themselves.

Story time (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

“Elders should be like mirrors in society. The behaviour they reflect is what is imbibed by others in the society.”, Moson shared.

Elder sitting (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

We asked 65-year-old Kittetoi what he has learned as an elder in society. He shared, “As an elder, I am someone who solves the problems of people. I sort out their quarrels. I have learnt that if you give enough respect to people then you will be loved for your wisdom.”

Kakachi sitting (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

For Kakachi Ole Chakai, age doesn’t matter that much. He said, “It is not the older but who is clever that matters. My father and grandmother taught me this lesson. They also taught me that we must pay respect to everyone.”

Langema, a Maasai elder (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

Langema, a 50-year-old elder shared that people can learn about discipline and boundaries from the Maasai. “There is a time for everything. When you retire, new people come up and take on those roles and responsibilities."

Elders command (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

"Leaders should know that they have to retire and when the time comes they should acknowledge that.”, Langema shared.

Credits: Story

Project FUEL would like to thank the Maasai community in the Losimingori village of Arusha, Tanzania for opening their hearts and home to this research. 

This exhibit is part of the Wise Wall Project, an initiative of Project FUEL, to document, design, and strengthen the wisdom of rural communities and marginalized villages using art and community outreach programs. In the third edition of this project, we collaborated with the Maasai, in Arusha, Tanzania, to build an on-ground community centre for the people and bring an exclusive insight into the life, lifestyle, and learnings of this inspiring community.

Photography: Vibhor Yadav, Siddharth Govindan
Wall Murals: Poornima Sukumar
Canvas Art: Advithi Emmi
Cultural Consultant and Translators: Kaay Ndoika Lengima, Elisha Olchakai Kirumui and Lemali Ndoika
Research, Interviews and Curation: Project FUEL
Project Partners: Vijana Inspiring Foundation, Vikram Solar Ltd., Lions Club of Dar es Salaam and Arusha, Google Arts & Culture

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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