Project FUEL

Project FUEL

Project FUEL is a social enterprise that documents and celebrates human wisdom of everyday people across the globe, through creative interventions and participatory tools of education, arts & culture and media.

This approach has led to the creation of a knowledge database of human-interest stories and has brought multi-fold benefit to communities worldwide. According to the One Young World Impact report, the social return on investment ratio for Project FUEL is 1:12 i.e., 12 dollars worth of social impact is generated for each dollar invested into our work. Listed as world's top 100 innovations, FUEL's methodology has been formally adopted in the learning ecosystems of Antwerp, Belgium, Pittsburgh, USA and Arusha, Tanzania.

The whole movement thus exudes a great democratic intuition of inclusion, empowerment, and equity, all the while encouraging individuals to adopt a life-long perspective to learning through human encounters. A grandmother in rural Nepal can influence a data scientist in New York, a Maasai woman can teach skills of adapting and integration to survivors of human trafficking.

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