Medicinal Materials That Can Be Used as Food

Tradition Chinese Medicinal 1 by Shanxi Tourism and Culinary Vocational CollegeWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Chinese food culture has a long history, and many Chinese medicinal materials have been used to make food or health products since ancient times. However, not all Chinese medicinal materials can be used as food. 

Here are some food and medicinal materials and materials that can be used as health foods that have been carefully selected for you. Let's learn some interesting things about them!

Chinese Wolfberry 2 by Shanxi Tourism and Culinary Vocational CollegeWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Materials that are both food and medicine

1. Goji berries

Goji berries are one of the most common Chinese medicinal materials, and can be used to relieve symptoms such as weakness in the waist and knees, fatigue, dizziness, anemia, and insomnia. Goji berries are native to China and are made from professionally processed fresh goji berries.

Chinese wolfberry 3 by Shanxi Tourism and Culinary Vocational CollegeWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Goji berries have a long history in China, and cultivation techniques have spread all over the country. Its annual output in China can reach about 4 billion tons. The most famous variety is Ningxia goji berries. Because some areas of Ningxia have little water, high temperatures, and plenty of sunshine, the goji berries produced have a better taste and higher nutritional value.

Chinese Wolfberry 1 by Shanxi Tourism and Culinary Vocational CollegeWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Since goji berries were listed as one of the materials that are both food and medicine, the many benefits of goji berries have become indispensable to more and more dietary and medicated diets.

Poria Cocos 2 by Shanxi Tourism and Culinary Vocational CollegeWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

2. Poria

Poria has a long history as a Chinese medicinal material. It generally grows on the roots of pine trees, making it difficult to harvest manually. It is rich in nutrients and can prevent gastric ulcers, relieve stomach acid, lower blood sugar, and improve immunity.

Poria can be made into a variety of delicious foods, the most popular of which include poria cakes, poria paste, and poria porridge, which are both nutritious and delicious.

Poria Cocos 1 by Shanxi Tourism and Culinary Vocational CollegeWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

There is a well-known story about poria cake: During the Qing dynasty, Empress Dowager Cixi had a poor appetite due to illness. In order to allow her to eat, the imperial kitchen developed a poria cake with white flour and nuts. The freshly baked poria cake was sweet, crispy, and melts in the mouth. Cixi praised it greatly after tasting it, and her symptoms disappeared completely after few days. Poria cake remained popular in China’s imperial court ever since.

Perilla Leaf 2 by Shanxi Tourism and Culinary Vocational CollegeWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

3. Perilla

Perilla is a herb and a well-known medicine that has been passed down for thousands of years. The medicinal value of perilla is recorded in many ancient texts. The leaves, stems, and seeds of perilla can be used as medicine, and have the effects of relieving phlegm and cough, and regulating the spleen and stomach. 

In culinary use, its special aroma makes it an excellent seasoning, and it is used in dishes such as perilla pork ribs, perilla braised fish, and perilla leaf mixed with cucumber, which are not only delicious but also have various health benefits.

Perilla Leaf 1 by Shanxi Tourism and Culinary Vocational CollegeWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

With the advancement of cuisine, people have discovered the ever increasing value of perilla as a food. As a result, perilla is now cultivated on a large scale and many related products have been developed.

Dandelion 2 by Shanxi Tourism and Culinary Vocational CollegeWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

4. Dandelion

Everyone has surely  seen dandelions growing on the roadside. They may be commonplace, but their nutritional value is very high.

Dandelion 1 by Shanxi Tourism and Culinary Vocational CollegeWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

The entire plant can be used medicinally to treat ailments including fever, cold, sore throat, and toothache. It is also one of the materials approved by China as both food and medicine. In culinary use, it is mostly made into cold dishes or tea drinks. It is especially suitable for consumption in summer, as it has a fresh taste with a slight bitterness, which is very refreshing and provides relief from the heat.

Dendrobium Officinale 1 by Shanxi Tourism and Culinary Vocational CollegeWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

5. Dendrobium officinale

Also known as Yunnan iron skin, it is known as the "life-saving immortal herb" in the traditional Chinese medicine. It is a Grade II state key protected wild plant in China, and is mostly distributed in Fujian, Yunnan, Guangxi, Zhejiang, and other areas. Due to the large market demand for Dendrobium officinale and its very slow growth cycle, supply exceeds demand, which also makes it scarce and precious. 

Dendrobium candidum 2 by Shanxi Tourism and Culinary Vocational CollegeWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Dendrobium officinale has extremely high nutritional value. The polysaccharides it contains are not easily hydrolyzed, and it is also the plant with the highest polysaccharide content in the world. It has a very good therapeutic effect on people with high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high blood lipids.

In recent years, the output of Dendrobium officinale from artificial cultivation has increased, and the types of food made from it have also increased, such as Dendrobium tea drinks, Dendrobium noodles, and Dendrobium powder. Choosing to prepare it as a stew or a juice can maximize the retention of its nutrients.

Ganoderma Lucidum 1 by Shanxi Tourism and Culinary Vocational CollegeWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

6. Ganoderma lucidum

Ganoderma lucidum has the reputation of being one of China’s nine immortal herbs. After decades of analysis and testing by researchers, it has been confirmed that Ganoderma lucidum has extremely high nutritional value and can treat fatigue, shortness of breath, insomnia, and palpitations, and also enhances appetite, improves immunity, prevents diseases, and has anti-aging effects.

The most nutritious part of Ganoderma lucidum is the spores. Therefore, when used as food, it is mostly made into a soup to get the most out of the ingredient. The most common dish is Ganoderma lucidum chicken soup, which is nutritious and delicious.

Ganoderma Lucidum 2 by Shanxi Tourism and Culinary Vocational CollegeWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

There is an interesting legend about Ganoderma lucidum. There was an emperor in ancient China named Shennong. When he accidentally ingested a poisonous plant, he became dizzy, fell to the ground, and was soon unable to speak. With his last bit of strength, he pointed to a Ganoderma lucidum. His subjects hurriedly mashed it up and fed it to him. The Ganoderma lucidum detoxified the poison, and Shennong made a recovery.

Pearl 2 by Shanxi Tourism and Culinary Vocational CollegeWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Materials that can be used as health food

1. Pearl
Research has found that pearls first appeared about 200 million years ago as ancient organic gems. But did you know that pearls have both medicinal and health benefits? In recent years, China has approved pearl as a health food.

Pearl 1 by Shanxi Tourism and Culinary Vocational CollegeWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

According to Chinese medical literature, pearl is a material with medicinal value in traditional Chinese medicine. It was included in Chinese medical texts as early as 2,000 years ago. It has high nutritional value, and is rich in seven essential amino acids, over 20 trace elements, and high in calcium, taurine, and other substances. Its effects include delaying aging, removing spots and whitening, improving immunity, and supplementing calcium.

Ginseng 1 by Shanxi Tourism and Culinary Vocational CollegeWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

2. Ginseng

Ginseng is one of the most well-known Chinese medicinal materials. It has many therapeutic effects, such as treating cardiovascular diseases, digestive system diseases, and diabetes. It can also regulate the central nervous system and improve brain efficiency.

Although ginseng was discovered very early, it truly reached its peak during the Qing dynasty. The Qing dynasty originated in the northeast, which is also where ginseng originates. Therefore, ginseng was highly favored by the imperial court, and sold for extremely high prices.

Ginseng 2 by Shanxi Tourism and Culinary Vocational CollegeWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

The high price of ginseng is due to its preciousness as an ingredient, it has high requirements for the growth environment and a very slow growth cycle, the older the plant, the higher the nutritional value and the more precious it is. It is also a Grade I state key protected wild plant in China. In culinary use, ginseng is mostly used to make soup. When stewed for a long time, its nutrients are released into the soup, creating a dish that is both healthy and delicious.

Tradition Chinese Medicinal 2 by Shanxi Tourism and Culinary Vocational CollegeWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

China has a wide variety of culinary ingredients, but the materials that can be used as both food and medicine or as health food need to be determined by experts through research and experimentation. The lists of materials that are both food and medicine and the materials that can be used as health foods  continue to be updated and expanded. If you are interested in this type of food, you can check whether they are on the lists to make sure you use them correctly.

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