二十四节气摄影图:立夏 by Da DongWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Lixia (Beginning of Summer)

Lixia is the first solar term of summer. It usually falls between May 5 and 7 every year, and is the sign of summer's arrival. Frogs croak, and earthworms begin to wriggle their way out of the earth. 

奶汤蒲菜上素 (2020) by Jiao SongtaoWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Cattail Broth

Lixia is the time when the cattail's stalk is at its most tender. Eating cattails is a prelude to the beginning of summer.

蛤蟆鲍鱼 (2020) by Jiao SongtaoWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Toad-shaped Abalone

Fish maw is placed on a piece of abalone and carved into the shape of a toad using a steak knife. Shredded cucumber is added, along with peas to resemble eyes. The resulting dish is both nutritious and singular in appearance.

二十四节气摄影图:小满 by Da DongWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Xiaoman (Lesser Fullness)

Xiaoman is the second solar term of summer. It usually arrives between May 20 and 22. This is the time when the fruits of summer crops in the north grow increasingly plump. The early-season rice begins to grow ears and bear tiny grains.

JARDIN DE MONETWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Monet's Garden in Summertime

All kinds of flowers bloom in summer and there is a burst of floral competition. This dish is a miniature representation of this kaleidoscopic summertime event. 

翡翠素卷 (2020) by Zhang XinxinWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Jade Rolls

The baking summer heat is often detrimental to people's digestive systems. Therefore, around Xiaoman, it is better to choose light, soft, and digestible foods that are lower in caloric value. Jade Rolls are made of carrots, Chinese black mushrooms, sweet beans, and cabbage. Light and refreshing, they are a perfect summertime treat.

二十四节气摄影图:芒种 by Da DongWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Mangzhong (Grain in Ear)

Mangzhong is the third solar term of summer. It usually falls between June 5 and 7. During this period, the temperature begins to soar. The abundant rainfall and high humidity provide an optimal environment for grain crops with awns.

Braised Changhai Fresh Abalone with Black Truffles and Glazed Cherry & Fig SuaceWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Abalone with Cherry and Fig Jam

Mangzhong is the time for eating cherries. Abalone with black truffle has a strong taste. Accompanied by the sourness and sweetness of cherries, it boasts bold flavors that are well-suited for this time of year.

炸煎芒种虾 (2020) by Wang ZhitaoWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Fried Shrimp

Fried Shrimp is a famous traditional dish of the Han people in the Shandong province. Shrimp is nutritious, soft, and easily digested. It is rich in magnesium, which is vital in maintaining a healthy heart. It also makes for an ideal ingredient during Mangzhong.

二十四节气摄影图:夏至 by Da DongWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Xiazhi (Summer Solstice)

Xiazhi usually arrives around June 21 each year, and features the longest amount of daylight in the northern hemisphere. Deer shed their antlers. Cicadas hum tirelessly.

Canadian Peony Shrimp Sashimi and Salmon SeedWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Canadian Spot Shrimp and Canadian Salmon Roe with Rice

Spot shrimp begin to appear in marketplaces around Xiazhi. The meat is tender and fresh. It can be made into sashimi, which can relieve the heat of summer and bolster one's appetite.

彩蝶竹荪鱼丸汤 (2020) by Jiao SongtaoWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Bamboo Mushroom and Fish Ball Soup

With the passing of Xiazhi, the temperature starts to rise. This is the time of year when people should be eating a light diet. Bamboo mushroom soup is fresh and delectable in addition to being rich in nutrition. Drinking this soup can keep people hydrated even after intense perspiration.

二十四节气摄影图:小暑 by Da DongWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Xiaoshu (Lesser Heat)

Xiaoshu is the 11th solar term, and usually falls between July 6 and 8 every year. The weather starts to heat up, although the highest temperatures are still yet to come. Many regions across China see the most thunderstorms they will get all year.

Cuttlefish Roe Cold Soup with LimeWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Cold Soup with Lime and Cuttlefish Roe

The weather turns oppressive around Xiaoshu. A bowl of cold lime soup can be a refreshing treat that helps reactivate one's appetite.

Stir-fried Shrimp with Wolfberry and Gorgon Fruit (2020) by Jiao SongtaoWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Fried Shelled Shrimp with Goji Berries and Fox Nuts

Fox nuts are easy to digest, and can help relieve fatigue. When paired with shrimp, this dish can help fight fatigue, nourish the spleen and relieve the summer heat. 

二十四节气摄影图:大暑 by Da DongWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Dashu (Greater Heat)

Dashu is the last solar term of summer. It usually falls between July 22 and 24. Most parts of China witness their highest temperatures during this time period, and crops grow faster than any other time of year. This is also when China experiences the most frequent occurrence of various meteorological disasters. 

Baked Matsutake MushroomWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Broiled Matsutake

Matsutake mushrooms are only available for two weeks during Dashu. The freshness of matsutake mushrooms shines through no matter how they are prepared. They are truly a culinary gift from nature.

御赐福袋 (2020) by Wang ZhitaoWorld Federation of Chinese Catering Industry

Royal Lucky Bag

Sliced sea cucumber, Australian scallop, and portobello mushrooms along with cuttlefish paste, chives, green beans, sliced pickles, and sliced water chestnuts are all stuffed inside bean curd skin. This symbolizes a fruitful and auspicious year full of good fortune both personally and financially.

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