Bringing Technology to the Community

Kaai Ndoika Lengima, an educator shares his dream of empowering his community.

Kaai Ndoika Lengima (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

My name is Kaai Ndoika Lengima. I am 33 years old, and I am a computer teacher at the Maasai community centre in the Losimingori village of Arusha, Tanzania.

Number of Cattles (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

When I was young, my family had a large number of cattle, and I didn’t get in any trouble while caring for them, so my parents enrolled me in a school. I then completed a diploma course in a college in Arusha and became a teacher. If I was not educated, I might’ve been a farmer.

Kaai Ndoika Lengima (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

I believe that it is very important for a community to be educated. It is significant in earning good employment, and income and securing a good future for the younger generation. 

Educating the young (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

There is a large number of people in the community who are not educated, and I want to change this balance. Very few people are educated, and I want to educate more of them. When people see me in the community, they see a teacher who can share with them the values or perceptions

Securing futures (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

Young girls need to get educated because if not, they will be married off or forced to marry while they are still young. This needs to change in our community. We teach them and bring them here to get educated so that their future is secured.

Educating others (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

We need to ensure that the cycle of education continues so that another teacher can come after me and keep educating people and so on.

Kaai Ndoika Lengima (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

My brothers still live in the interiors of the forest and strictly follow the Maasai traditions and lifestyle. I would like for them to be educated as well. 

Build a home (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

In the next five years, I plan to purchase a piece of land near the road and build a home so that my entire family can live together and make sure that my brothers’ children go to school.

Together we are whole (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

My father once told me that if you want to grow in a better way, you have to respect each other and show love. You can show love and respect to each other by cooperating with them. We all are together. 

Gratitude (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

There is a proverb in the Maa language that I deeply resonate with. It says “Whoever be the God around the world, never forgets the community.” It is used to express gratitude.

Happy and Confident (2021) by Vibhor YadavProject FUEL

I feel happy that I was able to fulfil my mother’s wishes and expectations as her son. I have many wishes for my mother, and I am confident that I’ll be able to fulfil them for her.

Credits: Story

Project FUEL would like to thank the Maasai community in the Losimingori village of Arusha, Tanzania for opening their hearts and home to this research. 

This exhibit is part of the Wise Wall Project, an initiative of Project FUEL, to document, design, and strengthen the wisdom of rural communities and marginalized villages using art and community outreach programs. In the third edition of this project, we collaborated with the Maasai, in Arusha, Tanzania, to build an on-ground community centre for the people and bring an exclusive insight into the life, lifestyle, and learnings of this inspiring community.

Photography: Vibhor Yadav, Siddharth Govindan
Wall Murals: Poornima Sukumar
Canvas Art: Advithi Emmi
Cultural Consultant and Translators: Kaay Ndoika Lengima, Elisha Olchakai Kirumui and Lemali Ndoika
Research, Interviews and Curation: Project FUEL
Project Partners: Vijana Inspiring Foundation, Vikram Solar Ltd., Lions Club of Dar es Salaam and Arusha, Google Arts & Culture

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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