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Arkham Wiki

For Riddler's dialogues, see: The Riddler

Arkham Asylum[]


  • "...Can you hear me, Batman? I know you can. Yes, it is I, Edward Nigma, The Riddler and more importantly your intellectual superior. My genius has allowed me to easily hack into your primitive communications. My goal is simple! You complete a series of amusingly taxing challenges and, well, you'll see. Ready for your first one? Good. But be careful! "Don't CUT yourself on this SHARPLY observed portrait."

As Batman delays to solve the first riddle[]

  • "I said, don't CUT yourself on this SHARPLY observed portrait."
  • "You know, PORTRAIT? Painting? Picture on the wall? In a frame?!"
  • "A painting of something SHARP?"
  • (Impatiently) "Warden Sharp? That old guy who runs the place? In a painting? On the wall?!"

As the player accesses the Riddler's Challenge menu for the first time[]

  • "I, Edward Nigma, have placed a dazzling selection of challenges and puzzles around Arkham. Can you solve them all? Will you find all my trophies? Are you ready to give up yet? Your puny mind is no match for my own."

Solving Riddles[]

  • "So you did it. Well done. I would have expected a child to work that one out, let alone the world's greatest detective."
  • "Don't get too full of yourself, Dark Knight. It only gets harder from here."
  • "You are performing just below my predicted expectations. At this rate you'll never beat me."
  • "I'd have solved all the puzzles by now."
  • "That one could have been solved by a monkey. But good job, nevertheless."
  • "Easy! Isn't it? Well, we'll see. We'll see."
  • "Bah. Another one of the easy ones. Don't feel too proud, Batman."
  • "Another one? Can it be?...No. There's no way. You can't find them all. It's impossible."
  • "You are beginning to impress me, Batman. You may still reach a level just below my genius one day."
  • "I'm impressed. That was one of the more taxing ones."
  • "I'm losing patience. You are cheating. You must be." (Impatiently)
  • "What? you found that one too? Preposterous."
  • "I don't believe it! How did you work that one out?"
  • "That one was impossible to solve! How did you do that!?"

Finding Riddler Trophies[]

  • "Of course you found that one easy. You were supposed to."
  • "That was one of the easy ones!"
  • "A challenge completed. Can you do more?"
  • "So what was it that gave it away? The big green glowing question mark?"
  • "Can you hear that, Detective? It's the sound of me clapping at your success. You can't? That's because an idiot would have found that trophy."
  • "Easy. A blind man would have stumbled over that one."
  • "Oh, you found that one. Sorry. It wasn't much of a challenge. I was running out of time."
  • "That trophy was a test. Well done. You passed the elementary grade."
  • "Huh. The only way I could have made that one easier to find is if I strapped it to the hood of that ludicrously ostentatious vehicle of yours." (Batmobile)
  • "You are earning my respect Dark Knight Detective. I'll let you help me find my socks if you keep this up."
  • "Thank the Lord. I thought you'd have found that one hours ago."
  • "At last. I thought you'd never find it."
  • "So, you found it at last. What have you been doing with your time?"
  • "I thought I made them easy to find. I guess not."
  • "There is no way you are doing this alone. Who's helping you?"
  • "That one was hidden so well, it was almost invisible!"
  • "Oh, you are definitely cheating."
  • "How did you find that one?"
  • "How are you doing this?"

Finding Riddler Maps[]

  • "So you have given in and taken my map. I hope it proves useful."
  • "A map will always help those who are stuck."
  • "You do know how to read a map, don't you, Detective?"
  • "My map will help you, Batman."

Other Quotes[]

  • "Hi diddle diddle."
  • "Diddle diddle diddle, time for a riddle."
  • "Fiddle diddle diddle, answer my riddle."
  • "It's the E-nygma show."
  • (laughs) "Puzzling, isn't it?"
  • (laughs [alone])
  • "Can you defeat a mind such as mine?"
  • "I am Edward Nigma. The world's greatest detective."
  • "Does your head hurt Batman? Understandable. You're no match for me."
  • "Are you up to the challenge?"
  • "There's no shame in cheating, if you admit you cannot solve my challenges."
  • "Do you like riddles, Batman?"
  • "Can we just agree am I clever than you?"
  • "No challenge is too great for me."
  • "Do you need my help, Batman? Do you give up?"
  • "Riddle me this."

Destroyed Joker Teeth[]

  • "What? You destroyed them all! But...that's impossible."

Riddler's Challenge's Progress[]

  • "So the great detective has solved a mere ten percent of my challenges...Are you ready to give up yet?"
  • "What do you call someone who has failed to solve three quarters of my riddles? A Batman?"
  • "What do you call the Detective who is only half-way to the end? Loser?"
  • "You've solved 75 percent of my challenges? That can't be right."
  • "What? You're nearly done? Are you cheating? Looking them up on the internet? Tell me!"
  • "I'm losing patience. You are cheating. You must be." [agitated]

Completed all Challenges[]

  • "What? You did it? You've must have cheated. There is no way you could beat me. Well you asked for it, Batman. My final challenge with the whole of Gotham is just seconds away... What? Sirens! The police! You cheated, Batman. You couldn't have outsmarted me!"
  • ("Police! Open up.") "No!" ("I said open the door now!") "No!" ("Down on the ground! Down on the ground!") (police struggling Riddler) "NO! Tell me! How did you work out where I was? Do you hear me? I, Edward Nigma, will...(grunts)...Argghhh." (radio lost)

Arkham City[]

As Batman collects his first Riddler trophy[]

  • "Hello, Dark Knight. Did you find that easy? You were supposed to. That was merely a taste of what is to come. You will regret trying to outsmart me. You will solve my riddles and you will collect my trophies. You may not want to, but you must. It's a matter of life and death."

As Batman tries to collect a Catwoman trophy and he is punished with an electric shock for doing so[]

  • "What do you call a bat that thinks he can take something for a cat?"
  • "No, no, no, Dark Knight. Those aren't for you."
  • "Haven't I given you enough problems to deal with? Leave that alone. It's not for you."

As Batman tries to hack a Riddler's security console at the start of the game[]

  • (1st try) "You've getting ahead of yourself, Batman. Those contraptions are of little use to you... for now."
  • (2nd try) "Oh, Dark Knight, you are being impatient. I will reveal the purpose of those when I am good and ready."
  • (3rd try) "Are you really so stupid that you cannot even understand a simple instruction, Batman? Don't answer that. The childlike gibberish you are bound to spout will just be embarrassing. Let me explain one last time. Ignore those control boxes for now. They are not activated yet, as in, they do not work. They will, but only when I am ready. Was that clear enough? Good."

As Batman tries to hack a Riddler's security console just before entering the Church and talk to Riddler[]

  • (1st try) "I'm waiting for you at the church, Dark Knight. Waiting to prove that I am better than you. Come and see me if you dare."
  • (2nd try) "Oh, come on. It won't work. A child can see that. You need to come to the church."
  • (3rd try - Impatiently) "Listen to me carefully. I'll speak slowly enough that even you stand a reasonable chance of following this not terribly complicated conversation. If. You. Want. To. Know. More. You. Need. To. Go. To. The. Church."

Medical Center (Church)[]

  • "I am an instrument whose music always comes from the heart. What am I?"
  • "Well done. See, you can do it. Solve enough of my carefully constructed conundrums and I'll tell you where the rest of my hostages are. The first is in the courtroom. I suggest you hurry. He may have been sentenced already."
  • "Don't get too comfortable, Dark Knight. All through Arkham City, deep, deep undercover are people working to ensure that I am informed of what the other so-called super criminals are planning. Right now, one of them is arranging a little welcoming committee for you outside."

As Batman delays to solve the first Riddle (at the church), which answer is ORGAN:[]

  • "Oh, I can't believe I've beaten you so soon."
  • "Oh, this is embarrassing. I'm an instrument? I've got something to do with the heart?"
  • "Oh, for the love of... I'm a thing that pumps blood, I'm an instrument that sounds like that thing."
  • "I'm at the back of the room, I'm covered in pipes. Like a door, I have keys."

As Batman starts using the Enigma Machine[]

  • "At last. I suppose I should fulfill my side of the agreement. A riddle for a bat. Can you solve it?"
  • "So you actually completed enough of my challenges. Was it hard? I hope so, because it is time for a reward, and what's more rewarding than a riddle?"
  • "Well done, Dark Knight. Well done. You have completed enough of my challenges so now all you have to do is solve my riddle and save the day. Can you do it?"
  • "You actually managed to complete enough challenges, Dark Knight. If you think you can hear me clapping then you are obviously suffering from some sort of delusion for I am doing no such thing. Solve my riddle and find the hostage."

Enigma Machine's riddles[]

  • "Riddle me this: If you know me, you'll want to share me but if you share me, I'll be gone.What am I?"
  • "Riddle me this: The more there is, the less you see. What could I be?"
  • "Riddle me this: I have a head, a tail, but never any legs. Do you know what I am?"
  • "Riddle me this: I'll be right under your feet, in the midday sun; you cannot lose me, no matter how you run. What am I?"
  • "Riddle me this: Hit me hard and I will crack but you'll never stop me (from) staring back. What am I?"

As Batman fails to solve the first riddle using the Enigma Machine[]

  • "Wrong, I'm afraid, Dark Knight. I suppose it was your first attempt. I shouldn't really be surprised, should I. Continue to prove your own stupidity at your own pace, for now." (first time only)
  • "Wrong, wrong, wrong."
  • "Wrong again."
  • "I had a lobotomized monkey attempt to solve that one. He passed. And is now solving crimes in Gotham City."
  • "Again? What is it? Need some help?"
  • "Oh, come on, Dark Knight. This is easy."
  • "I can't believe you are still unable to complete the simplest of puzzles."
  • "Seriously, this was the easy one. How are you going to save them if you can't even figure out the most trivial of conundrums?"

As Batman fails to solve the other riddles with the Enigma Machine[]

  • "Fail! Not so easy now, is it? I think it's time to introduce a little penalty to help you comprehend your ignorance. What shall it be? Oh yes. I've frozen you out, Dark Knight. Frustrating, isn't it? Take some time to wrap your feeble mind around where you went wrong and try again." (first time only)
  • "Give up? No, really. Give up. You cannot solve this. That is becoming increasingly obvious."
  • "Well I guess we both know what you'll be thinking about for the next thirty seconds."
  • "Oh, please. I could have answered that one when I was six years old."
  • "This is embarrassing, isn't it? How many times are you going to try and solve that one. Let me give you some time to think about it."
  • "What do you call a grown man who's been locked out of the Enigma Machine because he can't even solve a simple riddle?"
  • "I believe I credited you with more intelligence than I should have. Let's give your brain a rest. It needs it."
  • "Locked out again, Batman. Oh, sorry. Yes, you failed. Again."
  • "Again? Do you need help? Take a little time to find some."
  • "Thirty seconds, Dark Knight. Thirty long, boring seconds to think about how feeble your so-called detective mind is."
  • "Did you really get that one wrong? That one?"
  • "Seriously? Do you need me to tell you what to do? Well I will, in thirty seconds."
  • "Wrong again. This is getting boring."
  • "So the World's Greatest Detective can't solve the world's simplest riddle? I shouldn't be surprised."

Solving riddles with the Enigma Machine (progress)[]

  • "Well done Dark Knight, you did it. Like a child learning to walk for the first time, I feel I should reward this miracle and give you the location of the poor, soon to be dead doctor, who is desperately crying out for help."
  • "Amazing. You actually solved my riddle. I suppose a reward is due. I'm running a little game of chance that you may be interested in playing, here's your invitation."
  • "Three solved? It seems I underestimated your abilities, but before you start to feel superior, you should try and rescue my next hostage. Bring a towel."
  • "What! No. This is not happening. Did you cheat? Of course you did, it's the only way. Well it ends now. Here's the next location, you won't be able to cheat your way past this problem."
  • "How did you do that? Who helped you? Tell me! Actually, it doesn't matter. Come and save the final guard. I'll be as shocked if you don't come and save her as she'll be if you do."

As Batman wins the challenge to collect a Riddler Trophy at The Bowery (n° 1 of row 3)[]

(note: in most cases these quotes are unvoiced and their subtitles disappear quickly, possibly due to some glitch)

  • "Did you think I hadn't thought of that, Batman? Of course I had. I know every move to plan to make before your primitive synapses have even considered it."
  • "I see you have resorted to cheating in order to complete my conundrum. I suppose I shouldn't be disappointed in you."
  • "So, you thought you could circumvent my puzzle, did you?"
  • "That's cheating! Though, I am hardly surprised. I knew this was too difficult for you to complete."

As Batman tries to activate the Enigma Machine by radio frequency without solving enough of Riddler's challenges[]

  • "I would claim to be surprised at this attempt to retrieve the location before collecting enough secrets but I am not. This was entirely predictable."
  • "Too soon, Dark Knight. The missing ingredient to finding hostages is secrets and you don't have enough."
  • "Is someone trying to locate a hostage before they're found enough of my secrets? I hope not."

Deathtrap at the Subway Maintenance Access[]

  • "This is not going to be easy, Dark Knight."
  • "What number comes after 3, when the Knight falls? The Answer is 2... 1..."
  • "And the Dark Knight Detective fails to complete my challenge."
  • "What happened, Dark Knight? Did you actually out think my puzzle?"

Deathtrap at the Subway Tunnels[]

  • "What starts with a tick and ends with a shock?"
  • "Three... Two... One..."
  • "And the Dark Knight Detective fails to complete my challenge."
  • "That's cheating! Though, I am hardly surprised. I knew this was too difficult for you to complete."

1st Riddler Room[]

  • "Come now, Dark Knight. How can a mere door thwart your attempts to rescue that pathetic individual. Do I need to provide you with a key? How about a cheat code?" (door - #1)
  • "Are you so stupid that you cannot open a simple door? What chance have you got with what else I have planned." (door - #2)
  • "Well done, Dark Knight. You figured out how to open a door."
  • Is that really you, Batman? Has someone SWITCHED places with you? (if Batman delays to progress - #1)   
  • "Answer a QUESTION for me. Shall I get someone to SWITCH places with you?" (if Batman delays to progress - #2)
  • "You really need to SWITCH up a gear if you want to save that pointless medic." (if Batman delays to progress - #3)
  • "Oh, very good, Batman. I see you have begun to understand this room. Bathe in the glory of your primitive conquest. It will be your last."
  • "It's the E-nygma show."
  • "There's no shame in cheating, if you admit you cannot solve my challenges."
  • "I hope you don't think that all my puzzles will be that simple?"
  • "Does your head hurt, Batman? Understandable. You are no match for me."
  • "I see you have resorted to cheating in order to solve this conundrum. I knew it was too difficult a challenge for you but it was inevitable that you would solve it this way." (As Batman skips the room's electrified floor using his Line Launcher instead of following the rules of the challenge)
  • "Don't feel too pleased with yourself, Dark Knight. That room was one of the easy ones."

2nd Riddler Room[]

  • "Roll up, roll up. It's time for my latest game."
  • "All you need to do is keep your eyes on the prize."
  • 'Keep your eyes open, Dark Knight!"
  • "Exciting, isn't it?"
  • "Take your pick, Batman."
  • "What's wrong? Too difficult?" (if Batman delays to choose - #1)"
  • "Is my machine too fast for you, Batman?" (if Batman delays to choose - #2)
  • "Oh, come on, Dark Knight. Take your pick. It's not like anyone's life is depending on it." (if Batman delays to choose - #3)"
  • "Shall we see if you were right?"
  • "And the winner is... ME." (Batman fails)
  • "What?! No! How did you do that?" (Batman wins)
  • "There's no way you could have defeated that one, Batman. Even I couldn't. You must have cheated! Consider this a warning. From here on in, it gets harder."

3rd Riddler Room[]

  • "I've done it! This is one puzzle you cannot solve. I've studied your techniques, reviewed your childish gadgets and there is nothing in your arsenal that can help you defeat this room.
  • "The hostage will die and I will be victorious."
  • "What! How did you? Where did you? This is cheating. You hear me? Cheating!" [When Batman makes it across using the Line Launcher or the Freeze Blast]
  • "Is it all getting to you? Is the pressure too great? Then give up, and admit I have beaten you."
  • "What's wrong, Dark Knight? Too much pressure?"
  • "Are you feeling the pressure?"
  • "No! You couldn't have possibly have done that! How did you...Who helped you? You cheated! I know you cheated! Oh, this isn't over, Dark Knight. Oh, no. Now things get far more difficult. People will die and you will be to blame."

4th Riddler Room[]

  • "What kept you? Did you get lost? Were you scared? Did I finally get to you? Have you accepted that I am the winner here? Have I ground you down, have I made my point? No? Well this next room will. That, I guarantee."
  • "What is it? Unsure what to do next? May I suggest lying on the floor and allowing the roller to do its thing?"
  • "What's wrong? Scared? Confused? About to die under a rotating mass of steel and sparks? Or is it all three?"
  • "It's off, but for how long, Dark Knight?"
  • "You've turned it off, but for how long?"
  • "I cannot begin to fathom the level at which your primitive brain functions. Allow me to give you some help. Give up and die. Now."
  • "As you look upon my work, your primitive brain must be struggling to comprehend how I have managed all this. Ha ha. It was easy."
  • "How did you do it? Did you cheat? Of course you did. How could I expect anything more from someone like you?"

Final Riddler Room[]

  • "What's good for me and potentially fatal for you, Dark Knight? Don't bother taxing your tiny mind, for the answer is obviously my final puzzle. Will you save the ignorant guard? I'll be shocked if you do."
  • "As you can see, Dark Knight, that ignorant guard is CURRENTLY experiencing the SHOCKING sensation of her own mortality. Can you help her without experiencing yours?" (randomly glitched)
  • "Can you rise to the occasion and solve this problem? Or will you be left crushingly disappointed?"
  • "So, you wrapped your brain around that last puzzle and squeezed out a predictable solution. How will attempt to solve this next riddle?"
  • "Riddle me this. How can you possibly expect to save that poor, poor guard when it is quite clear that you cannot even out-think the simplest of challenges?"
  • "This challenge was designed by me to defeat you. I do believe it is working."
  • "What do you call a bat with a hundred thousand volts of electricity running through him?" (When Batman is punished with an electric shock for not solving one of the room's riddle - #1)
  • ''How many Bats do it take to solve my challenge? Obviously more than one." (When Batman is punished with an electric shock for not solving one of the room's riddle - #2 [but Riddler also can say that one even if Batman is not injured]).''
  • ''Even I'm not socked that you failed that one". (When Batman is punished with an electric shock for not solving one of the room's riddle - #3)
  • "Oh, this is working out better than even I could have predicted. You are lost, confused and beaten by the Riddler."
  • "I am shocked at your inability to progress, Dark Knight. A rat could have beaten this room with only a piece of cheese as motivation."
  • "How long should I wait before telling you the answer?"
  • "Is all this too taxing for your primitive mind?"
  • "Oh, come now. Surely 'the great Batman' can progress without cheating and looking for answers online."
  • "Do you need to call a friend? Why bother, I am sure you don't have any."
  • "What's keeping you? Fear or stupidity?"
  • "Do you need to phone a friend, Dark Knight?"
  • "Do you need help, Dark Knight?"
  • "A brute force approach to a simple conundrum, Dark Knight. How predictable."
  • "You weren't supposed to do that! That room was impossible. How did you? Oh, this isn't over, Dark Knight! You may have defeated me tonight, but I'll be back."
  • "Right. Listen to me carefully. I still have more of those guards so...I'll just need a couple of days and I will make a puzzle so taxing that you will never solve it! I will. You'll see!"

As he unknowingly awaits for the Batman's arrival at his hideout[]

  • "Let's see... how to beat the Bat? I just need to think of a better, tougher plan. The others weren't good enough. He solved them too quickly. I need something that will take up his time? Let's see, let's see... How about I place these poor deluded fools underwater, see how long they can hold their breaths while Batman tries to solve a mathematical conundrum? I could fill the tank with "red" herring? Would he understand? Of course he wouldn't. No. That's not good enough. Think harder, Edward. You can do this."
  • "Cogs? No, he'll work that out. I could steal that shark from Penguin. There's no way he could get past a shark, could he? No, it's got to be better that that. Too many variables. What if he has some kind of shark repellent? He'll get past it. Lasers? Yes. Lasers. Or dogs? Dogs with lasers? No. That's not good enough. Think harder, Edward. You can do this".
  • "How do I make it impossible for him to beat? There's no way that he can outsmart me. He's an idiot. A deluded fool in a fancy dress outfit. He only beat the other puzzles by luck. Or he cheated. Or both. No. That's not good enough. Think harder, Edward. You can do this."
  • "Think you outsmarted me, did you? Well you didn't. I'll build another puzzle, Batman, and you will die in it. Oh, this is not over. No. That's not good enough. Think harder, Edward. You can do this."
  • "All I need is one perfect puzzle. Just one, and he will be doomed. No. That's not good enough. Think harder, Edward. You can do this."
  • "What?" (As he's grabbed from below by Batman and then taken down with a punch to the face)

After Batman defeats him and Aaron Cash forced him to walk with his own explosive device attached to his head:[]

  • "These insects don't deserve to be saved! And they won't be. I'll find a way to have my revenge!"
  • "Gotham will pay! I swear. I will make you all kneel before me! And it will be your fault, Batman!"
  • "Gotham will kneel before the Riddler and beg me for mercy!"
  • "This isn't over. I'll find a way to get out of this! I swear!"
  • "I'll get out of this thing and I'll humiliate you too!"
  • "Don't think for one moment you have won!"
  • "You haven't won here, Dark Knight!"

As Batman gets in his way and he gets terrified thinking it would cause the false explosive device to explode:[]

  • "What are you doing? You're in my way!"
  • "What are you doing?!"
  • "Get out of my way!"
  • "You'll pay for this!"

Progress of Henchmen[]

  • "That's one down to you, Batman. Enjoy the feeling. I expect it'll be the last."
  • "First man down. Interesting. If I was a betting man, which of course I am not, I would wager that he is picking you off one by one in order to gain a tactical advantage, using both fear and the unpredictable nature of his attacks."
  • "Two down. All of you to go."
  • "So that's two of you down. I must confess, even my overly optimistic prediction expected you to last a little longer than this."
  • "Three down. Those odds appear to almost guarantee you will all be defeated by this preposterous buffoon. Prove me wrong."
  • "Four down. Disappointing."
  • "So, the Bat has taken down five of you? I will enjoy studying this result in order to find out exactly how you failed me."
  • "There are five of you in there. Five barely functioning, cerebrally challenged monkeys. Staggering in the dark."
  • "So, it's just you ... left now. Do you plan to disappoint me? Or is there even the slightest chance that you can drag yourselves above the admittedly low standards, and actually stop him?"
  • "So, there are ... of you left now. Disappointing, but completely predictable."
  • "Oh come on, Batman. Leaving these two to walk around is actually cruel. If you don't put them out of their misery, I will."
  • "What number rhymes with fun? But ends with you lying on the ground, ribs broken, desperately clawing at pockets of air?"
  • "Just one of you? One?!"
  • "Only one of you left. You're even more stupid than I estimated."
  • "You cretinous fool. Do you really think you can win, all on your own?"

Broadcasts to Henchmen (Calm)[]

  • "So. You are the best. How unfortunate for me to have to rely on you to get this done. Thankfully, you still have me to guide you. Without my help, I fear you would already have lost."
  • "This room contains the cream of what is available in this God-forsaken cesspool of a prison. You ignorant buffoons should consider yourself nearly as intelligent as a retarded monkey."
  • "Does your protector know that you're here all alone, little Robin?"
  • "Listen carefully, cretins. I know this is hard to believe, but there seems to be a foolish young man dressed like a bird in there with you. Crush him."
  • "It seems Batman has sent a replacement to the party, that is both rude and against the rules. Find this Nightwing and teach him not to mess with me."
  • "There is no way that you have the mental power to outwit this room, boy. I'll be sure to tell the Dark Knight that his little helper died here tonight."
  • "Let's see how you microscopically brained automatons perform. I am not expecting great things."
  • "How many ways are there to skin a Cat? It won't be long to provide that answer."
  • "You are all insects compared to I, The Riddler. Don't let that upset you, though. You were the best I could find."
  • "I hope we can get over this quickly, Nightwing. Your presence here has already bored me.
  • "This is a test to determine the smartest cretin in the room. Whoever outsmarts the Batman will move to the top of the class."
  • "This room will destroy you, Batman. I, Edward Nigma have constructed a cerebral puzzle of such ingenuity that I fear you will die here. Still, don't cry. No one will miss you."
  • "I can throw these fools your way all night, Batman. You will still not defeat me."
  • "The performing monkeys are currently searching for you, Nightwing. Will find you and kill you."

Broadcasts to Henchmen (Nervous)[]

  • "Oh, this is very exciting. Who will win? Well, obviously that will be me, so who will lose first? You, or the rats running the maze like their lives depend on it?"
  • "I do not pay you to get nervous. I pay you to provide a small distraction to a man who, though no challenge to me, is so far beyond what you cretins can understand, and is very likely to break a large number of bones in your bodies."
  • "Oh, boo hoo. Are you scared?"
  • "Do not let him scare you. He uses a simple collection of theatrical tricks and pantomime effects to strike terror into your tiny, lizard brains."
  • "Even I expected more than this. Not much more, granted, but still, more intellectual prowess than you are currently showing."
  • "Listen. She is nothing but a cheap cat burglar who trades on good looks and luck. You are supposed to be the best the criminal underworld has to offer. This should be easy! Even for you."
  • "Are you all seriously telling me that you couldn't even catch her? What's wrong with you?"
  • "This is really not good enough, cretins."
  • "Are you feeling the pressure?"
  • "You fools are performing at a level significantly below what I have expected."

Broadcasts to Henchmen (Terrified)[]

  • "This is not what I expected. Even from you."
  • "I think it's becoming clear to us all that you will die down there. I can't begin to explain how disappointed I am in you."
  • "You are all experiencing fear. An emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger. This is perfectly understandable."
  • "The sensation you are experiencing can be easily overcome using advanced mental calming techniques. Unfortunately, you are all far too stupid to perform them!"

KO'd Henchmen[]

  • "Really? No one will miss him. All you've done is tell me you're here."
  • "Please don't think that that was some sort of victory over me. It wasn't."
  • "There are plenty more fools where that one came from."
  • "Did you enjoy that, Batman? Savor it. The next thing you taste will be defeat."
  • "Oh, Dark Knight. Please don't feel any sense of pride in that move. It has merely proven to me that these fools deserve any pain you inflict upon them."
  • "Oh, very good, Catwoman."
  • "So the cat caught the little mouse? How predictable."
  • "How do you feel, Catwoman? Proud? Victorious? Well, you shouldn't. This room will defeat you."
  • "Even a child could defeat you, you bumbling, pathetic idiots."
  • "That one was so unimportant to me, Robin, that I barely feel the necessity to comment on this failure."
  • "Did Batman teach you how to do that?"
  • "Do you really think you are enough to defeat me, Nightwing? Taking out that idiot does not make you better than me."
  • "Oh, very good. It appears you have learned a little of what makes Batman so easy to predict."
  • "What lies unconscious at the top of the walkway?"
  • "Did Batman teach you that move, little Robin?"
  • "How does it feel knowing you are following in the steps of the great Batman all the way to defeat?"

Game Over Lines[]

  • "This is hardly a surprise. I always knew I was better than you."
  • "Well, well. So the shaved monkey has failed. How utterly, utterly expected."
  • "What's wrong? Has your primitive brain given up and accepted that I, the Riddler, am better than you?"
  • "Riddle me this. What lies on the ground, is full of holes, and gives off a slight burning smell?"
  • "Question: What do you call someone who prevented a guard from turning him into minced-meat? Answer: Not you, Batman!"
  • "You picked wrong, Dark Knight!"

Arkham Origins[]

  • "Well look who just showed up! Have you really decided to try and take me on? Get to it, then! I'm looking forward to watching you fail."
  • "Not so easy when you have to use your brain instead of your fists..."
  • "Typical, I mean-why apply cognitive resources to problem when you can just throw crap at it!"
  • "You know, if you'd asked nicely, I'd of opened it for you."
  • "Ready for round three, then? Let's see what you can do. Oh. Right. There are also some things we should discuss. But we can attend to them when you're finished. Assuming you can finish..."
  • "Careful now! That's public property you're destroying!"
  • "Crawling around in vents like a common rat. How...expected."
  • "I bet steering that thing requires a whole lot of concentration (crashing noise)-OOOPS! SORRY ABOUT THAT!"
  • "Oh, that poor door! You really should apologize."
  • "Hello again! I'm afraid you'll find I've stepped things up considerably. Which means I think our time together is coming to a close. It's been fun, Batman. But all good things must come to an end."
  • "I'm disappointed, Batman. You do realize there are other ways to overcome obstacles beyond smashing them?"
  • "Well - I guess that's one way to solve a problem."
  • "Who needs doors, anyway!"
  • "Well this is definitely the last time we'll be speaking. And frankly, I'm glad. Your self-righteous posturing is getting on my nerves."
  • "I'm upping the stakes, Batman - just like I promised. Tread carefully."
  • "Oh boy! You sure showed that grate who's boss!"
  • "How pedestrian. Try and put some effort into it at least."
  • "Another day, another door. They're just no match for you!"
  • "It's over, Batman. I've put everything I've got into this one! Throw yourself at it for a while, if you must. But you're not cracking it. Not a chance."
  • "I thought you had a city to save? So what are you doing, wasting time with me?"
  • "Alright. We've had our fun. But this endeavor's grown tiresome."
  • "Stay away from the tower, Batman! I've got work to do. And now you're just getting in my way."
  • "Oh you're tenacious. I'll give you that. But you're still no match for my vastly superior intellect - as you'll soon discover."
  • "Keep it up, Batman - and you're going to be very, very sorry."
  • "You're quickly approaching the point of no return. I'd turn back if I were you!"

Enigma's HQ[]

  • "I figured you'd try and get all caveman on my equipment. It's password protected, I'm afraid - with 10,000 volts of electricity. You've lost, Batman. Might as well head home and get some rest. With everyone's deepest, darkest secrets about to go on public display - I've got a feeling tomorrow's going to be a very busy day for you." (If Batman tries to destroy Enigma's computer before completing all Enigma Mission's requirements)
  • "Uh, uh, uh! No key, no entry!" (If Batman tries to hack the room's security console, before completing all Enigma Mission's requirements )
  • "Well, look at that! You figured it out. I'm impressed. Annoyed too. But your achievement signals a level of intellect rarely seen in Gotham. It seems you're quite the riddle... Now don't get too comfortable. You see, I learned something else tonight. The nastiest, dirtiest little secret you can imagine. It puts the rest of my collection to shame. But I'm going to release it - if only because it means I get to watch you squirm as you wonder what on earth is... I'll be in touch soon!" (As Batman destroys Enigmas computer after completing all Enigma Mission's requirements)

As Batman leaves any GCR Tower before shutting it down[]

  • "Slinking away, are you? I guess, in the end, you just didn't measure up, did you? But when the bar's been set so high - who can?"
  • "Giving up so soon? Not that I blame you. This sort of thing really isn't your strongsuit."
  • "Well, isn't this a shocking turn of events - Batman's giving up!"

If Batman returns to any GCR Tower after he shuts it down[]

  • "What are you doing back here, hmmm? Taking a break from tearing up the city? Well, you're wasting your time. This tower's given up all of its secrets - um, at least the ones your limited cognitive capacity allowed you to process." (Coventry)
  • "You're aware that you've no reason to be here, right? Fly away little bat." (The Bowery)
  • "I suggest you you get back to whatever nonsense it is you normally preoccupy yourself with. Grunting and knocking things over seems to be more with your speed." (Park Row)
  • "Normally, I'd casually observe the tragedy of your incompetence. But now I'm starting to wonder if you're just mocking me. You know, there's a fine line between subtle and stupid, and I just don't know which side you belong on..." (Industrial District)
  • "Okay - now I'm confused. You made it this far - So you know - you know there's nothing left for you here. So, you have to tell me - What are you doing? Does your brain just sort of shut down from time to time? Or do you just need to hear the sound of my voice?" (Diamond District)

Game Over Lines[]

  • "Ugh, and here I thought I'd finally met my intellectual equal... So much for that."
  • "Brains always triumph over brawn, my friend. Always."

Arkham Knight[]

As Batman collects his first Riddler's trophy[]

  • "Hi diddle diddle , detective. I see you've begun putting that mediocre mind against my riddles. I had plenty of time to conceive of them, Batman, when you left me battered and demeaned in Arkham City. I am the Riddler, Batman. I don't suffer humiliation. I pay it back. So solve my ridddles, if you can, the'll be very important later."

As Batman solves his first riddle[]

  • "Batman, while you and Scarecrow were amusing yourselves by blowing up a chemical factory, I - your one true nemesis - had more brain cell bursting Riddles constructed within Gotham. You see, turn your back for a moment, and I pounce!"

As Catwoman tries to leave Pinkney Orphanage without removing Riddler's bomb collar[]

  • "No no no, kitty-cat! Walk through there and there'll be a whole new set of paintings all over the orphanage walls."

As Batman fails to solve Riddler's Challenges[]

  • "An utterly failure. I'm not surprised."
  • "You failed, Batman. Get used to it."
  • "It seems you have lost. You know, Dark Knight, I never tire of seeing you fail."
  • "You seem to have failed, detective (laughs)."
  • " [bzzzzt!] You failed."
  • "Try all you like, you will fail."
  • "(laughs) A failure for a failure. Perfect."

At the challenge for one of the Riddler's trophies located at John Charisma stage's" (inside Panessa Studios)[]

  • "Batman, this time I went easy on you. This next riddle has been calibrated to offer a challenge comparable to a popular child's game. I call it: "Riddler Says". The rules are simple. Hit the switches that match the colors you see, in order in which you see them. Easy! Enjoy!"
  • "Too hard, Batman? Just match the color you see!" (Batman fails - #1)
  • "Try again! Please! It's funny!" (Batman fails - #2)
  • "Ah - the Dark Knight. The Caped Crusader. The World's Greatest Detective. Stumped by a simple memory test. Wonderful." (Batman fails - #3)
  • "Poor Batman, unable to solve a simple memory test." (Batman fails - #4)
  • "Batman, you have impressed me. You can read. But I didn't ask you to. did I?" (Batman fails - #5)
  • "Not easy as you thought? Just hit the switches that matches the color you SEE." (Batman fails - #6)
  • "Come on Batman. I could do this while reciting pi to 200,000 places. Backwards!" (Batman fails - #7)
  • "You'll get there eventually, Batman. You just need to be more intelligent." (Batman fails - #8)
  • "So you've figured it out? Don't celebrate just yet. It gets harder from here." (Batman wins - #1)"
  • "Why didn't you fall for it? How did you know? Oh of course. You can't read. I overestimated you yet again. Even so. It gets harder from here." (Batman wins - #2)"
  • "Wonderful, now we've established that you have a functional short-term memory the real test begins."(Batman wins - #3)"
  • "You think you've won, Batman! But every riddle whittles away at your pitiful brain cell supply. I am puzzling you into oblivion! Here's is your reward." (Batman wins - #4)"

Public broadcasts[]

  • "Batman, it has not escaped my notice that you have failed to arrive at my challenge in Chinatown. Hurry along detective, I like to avoid winning by default whenever possible."
  • "There's still riddles on Founders' Island, Dark Knight! What are you- stupid? Oh yes, yes you are."
  • "Batman! When I summoned you to Chinatown I expected a prompt arrival! How many more of your allies must I kidnap!?"
  • " There are riddles to be solved in Miagani Island, Batman, which is named for the tribe who lived in Gotham in precolonial times. They worshipped bats, you know. Idiots!"
  • "There are still riddles waiting to be solved in Miagani Island, Batman. It's not as if you have something better to do."
  • "Bored, detective? Craving a grimly satisfying reminder of your own stupidity? Then test your mind against the brand new riddles in Stagg's airships, the militia's hideout, and the abandoned film studios!"
  • "Now, Batman, when you solve the remaining riddles in Stagg's airships you must promise - promise! - not to tear off that suit and join your monkey brethen as they fling feces against the walls. OK?"
  • "Why hello there... Bruce Wayne! (laughs) A noble effort, Batman! But did you really believe, that I - the Riddler - would fall for such a nakedly implausible charade? You expect me to accept that I have been bested - time and AGONIZING time again - by some spoiled, trust-fund fuelled HOBBYIST? I don't believe it! Why, I-I refuse to believe it! It's. Not. True. Now, Batman, where were we?" (After the main mission is finished without defeating Riddler)

As Batman attempts to solve the time trials[]

  • "Think of this not as a time trial, detective, but a time ordeal!"
  • "You appear to have lost. Can't think and drive at the same time, Dark Knight?" (failed attempt)
  • "Time to race me, Batman! Well, not me, but the hypothetical time in which I would naturally complete the course."

As Batman solves the bomb rioter riddles[]

  • Oh good, you're here. Lately, Batman, I've been pondering the value of human life - and your strange insistence on preserving even its basest forms." (Riddler Victim)
  • "Take the barely literate triple-murderer in the nearby riot. He's a dead man come dawn, when the microbomb I surreptitiously placed in his brain explodes."
  • "My hypothesis is simple. When faced with the task of trying to save one condemned man amongst that gaggle of idiots, even you will give up in despair."
  • "Oh, and don't knock him out. What little brain activity he has keeps that cranial combustible from detonating."
  • "Well, congratulations, hero! You saved a murderer! A monster! A moron! The gene pool thanks you for your efforts."
  • "There's more doomed men in Gotham tonight. You won't prove your obnoxiously principled point until you save them all."
  • "You remember how this works, Dark Knight. Somewhere in the nearby riot is a criminal unwittingly carrying a bomb in his brain. He's really not worth saving. So don't!" (Riddler Victim)
  • "Did you know, Batman, that the nearby rioter I've rigged to blow has been jailed four times?! For murder!? Yes, murder most foul!"(Riddler Victim)
  • "Why, leaving his skull to erupt in a bloody shower of cerebral confetti would actually be justice, wouldn't it?"
  • "You saved him. How heroic. Perhaps his next victim will write you a thank you letter?"
  • "Batman, before you save the nearby rioter from death by cranial microbomb I want you to think very hard about why you're doing it."(Riddler Victim)
  • "He's dangerous. Violent. Utterly devoid of empathy. And he's stupid! You like to play protector, Batman! Well these are the very people you're protecting Gotham from!"
  • "I'm doing you a favor, Batman, just let these hoodlums die!"

As Batman keeps solving the riddles[]

  • "You think you've won, Batman! But every riddle whittles away at your pitiful brain cell supply. I am puzzling you into oblivion! Here's your reward."
  • "Congratulations! You found one of the easy ones!"
  • "Another Riddle solved, detective. No, no, you may keep the trophy. I made it for you."
  • "A fluke, detective! A very palpable fluke!"
  • "Well done, detective. You solved fifteen percent of my riddles! Of course, anything less than one hundred percent is a failing grade."
  • "Batman, you have solved over twenty percent of my riddles. Congratulations! Unfortunately, you've now reached what I call The Stupidity Threshold. In layman's terms, my little layman... they were the easy ones."
  • "Well, well, a quarter of my riddles solved! But at what cost? This is a war of attrition, detective! I'm burning through your brain cells like so much cheap kindling, and I'm warming my hands on the blaze."
  • "Congratulations, detective! One hundred riddles solved. Fittingly, it took you a century, too."
  • "Greetings, idiot! I just wanted to remind you that you've solved a mere... what? FIFTY PERCENT?! That can't be right!"
  • "I mean, yes! I just wanted to remind you that you've solved a mere... over half of my Riddles. Good day to you, sir."
  • "Fifty riddles still to solve. A fine place to give up! I won't think less of you for waiving the white flag of surrender, detective. In fact I can't think less of you."
  • "No! How did you?! The dolts I hired must have failed to construct the riddle according to instructions."
  • "Well, well, well. Twenty-five riddles remain. By now your brain cells lay dying, strewn over your cerebral lining like Allied soldiers across the beaches of Normandy."
  • "My - only ten Riddles remaining! You must be getting rather nervous at the thought of confronting me, right!?"
  • "You do realize, detective, that we are going to fight, don't you? To the death! I, of course, am not afraid. But I want you to consider solving the remaining nine riddles VERY CAREFULLY. For your own sake!"
  • "Eight left? EIGHT LEFT?! I don't know HOW exactly you are cheating, detective. But I know you are! I'm beginning to think that you don't deserve the privilege of battling me! Perhaps I will withhold the honor - on principle."
  • "Very well. When we fight I will not "go easy" on you, but unleash the full force of my fury. Your chances of doom increase exponentially with each of the seven remaining riddles you solve. And when I use "exponentially", detective, I use it correctly."
  • "Six riddles left. This is patently absurd. You should have literally died from the mental exhaustion hours ago."
  • "So, five riddles left. No doubt you left them because they were too hard. You probably thought you lacked the relevant budget! But too bad, detective, you're just too dumb."
  • "Four to go! I am oiling my mechanism in anticipation of our confrontation, detective. But I expect you'll disappoint me."
  • "Three left? My you're rather keen on fighting me aren't you? Well, er, good. I'm looking forward to it too!"
  • "Two left? Two!? Two riddles remaining!? It's impossible. It's like I've been transported to some alternate reality where you are the genius and I am an idiot with an overinflated sense of his own abilities!"
  • "One riddle, remaining! I, I don't understand! But what I do know, detective, is that you can't even fail properly. That's how incompetent you are."
  • "So you solved them all. Well well well. What a smart little detective you turned out to be."
  • "My one mistake has always been very slightly overestimating just how stupid you are. Come back to the orphanage, detective, and I'll deconstruct you like a flimsy philosophical position."

As Batman solves the riddle in the secret room[]

  • "Do you have a photographic memory, detective? Because I do. I can summon your sneering features at will. That is, when they don't burst unbidden into my brain."
  • "I have perfect recall too. I can remember every time you've hurt me. Sometimes I wake up, Dark Knight, to the feel of your hands around my neck-your carbon fiber created fists smashing my solar plexus..."
  • "How dare you brutalize me. Me! Your intellectual superior, your better?! Me, Edward Nigma, the Riddler the world's greatest EVERYTHING? You're a thug, "detective", a bullying emblem of the arrogant notion that might makes right."

After finishing the Final Exam[]

  • "You CHEATER! You fraud. You chancing bumbling amateur. Look what you have REDUCED me to, Batman! If you cannot simply bow down when confronted by your obvious superior then I will stoop to your pathetic, pugilistic level and MAKE you." (Riddler's Mech)
  • "ENOUGH! This is beneath me! You... are beneath me!"
  • "You want to finish this, detective? Then you must earn the privilege."
  • "Solve every last Riddle in this city and I'll fight you, Batman, but not a moment before."

As Batman, after rescuing Catwoman, activates the riddles counter at Pinkney Orphanage without solving all Riddler's challenges[]

  • "You cannot fight me, Batman, you are not worthy."
  • "No no no, Dark Knight, you haven't earned the right to face me."
  • "Riddle me this? What kind of fool tries to face me before he has earned the privilege?"
  • "The early bat does not catch the worm, detective."
  • "Let's see, has Batman solved all my riddles? No, he has not. Is he going to fight me? No, he is not."

Final fight at the Pinkney Orphanage[]

  • "Well, Dark Knight, it seems you have earned the right to die at my mechanical hands. But let us be clear, we do not meet as equals. In fact you literally have not a hope of victory."
  • "Oh, I wish I could say that I have found this one-sided rivalry of ours intellectually stimulating. But in truth I grew bored of you long ago. Killing you here will finally liberate me to engage in more edifying pursuits. Goodbye, detective. You will be neither missed nor remembered."
  • "Riddle me this: what's mechanical, homicidal, and RED ALL OVER?" (Riddlerbots)
  • "You are BESTED. You are CONQUERED. And you are MINE."
  • "NO! What are you doing here!? This is not your fight, Cat." (Catwoman)

Being transported to GCPD in the Batmobile[]

  • "Where am I? What's happening to me?" (Regaining consciousness inside the Batmobile)
  • "No! No! No! You cheated! Catwoman cheated! She stole my victory from me!"
  • "It WAS fair! If you weren't able to bypass the robots' multilayer encryption, decipher their unique operating system and reprogram them mid-battle that doesn't mean you get to call in assistance!"
  • "I never need HELP with anything!"
  • "Ha! I could have brought me here twice as quickly!"

At GCPD (defeated)[]

  • "How exceedingly droll. I won't be needing a lawyer you jumped-up security guard! I will represent myself!" (Aaron Cash)
  • "You forget, you bothersome, Bat. Every time you overcome my puzzles I learn that little bit more about you. Soon enough there will be a riddle that leaves you dead!" (As Batman locks him up in GCPD jail)
  • "You may have everyone in here fooled with your little Bruce Wayne charade, but not me, Batman. You'll never foll me. (After the main history is finished and after his final dialogue with Batman - #1)"
  • "Locked in here, surrounded by inferior minds, I can almost feel them sucking the intelligence out of me!" (After his final dialogue with Batman - #2)
  • "You must be so pleased with yourself. I expect that cowl clad cranium is fit to burst." (After his final dialogue with Batman - #3)
  • "Don't worry, Batman I will come back from this. You see, I'm blessed with the capacity for self-improvement, sadly something you lack. It would be nice if your intellect could move beyond its bestial beginnings, but alas, taking the Bat out of the cave is far easier than taking the cave out of the Bat." (After his final dialogue with Batman - #4)
  • "Tut, tut, Batman. In your incessant quest for justice you've just deprived this city of it one true genius!"
  • "Cope, yes. But also regress. My puzzles are the whetstone with which to sharpen your intellect. Keep me in here and let your mind turn to mush! It will be all the easier when we reconvene!"
  • "Ah, Cobblepot, you vicious, inelegant, tacky bully. How is that Napoleon complex of yours, hm?" (Penguin)
  • "Please cease with these mindless inanities. It is beneath my brilliance to be cooped up with one so clearly insane." (Professor Pyg)
  • "Oh, please don't proselytize to me. I have no need for this superstitious nonsense you peddle." (Deacon Blackfire)
  • "How nice to see you, Dent. Still relying on that coin to make decisions rather than faultless logic and cognitive prowess?" (Two-Face)
  • "Your faith in mindless superstition is as misplaced as your desire to emulate Gotham's overrated defender, you outdated, eleventh century anachronism." (Azrael)
  • "Do you even understand the chemical processes that occur during combustion?!" (Firefly)
  • "You may be the expert in the art of killing things, Wilson, but you'll find I'm an expert at everything else." (Deathstroke)


  • "Ah, both contestants are finally here. Tonight, folks, we've got riddles galore. But first, let me introduce my beautiful assistants." (Batman and Catwoman)
  • "I'm growing tired of my dependence upon the least useless dregs I can scrape from Gotham's utterly uninspired underbelly. Why rely on others for help when you can design, program, engineer and manufacture it yourself?" (Riddlerbots)
  • "What a pair you make. Together, you're just competent enough to survive." (Batman and Catwoman)
  • "Enjoy it while it lasts, Dark Knight. I have more in store for you than hitting things."
  • "No doubt you enjoyed that, detective, it's the most fun you'll have all night."
  • "You see, Dark Knight, this feisty felonious feline has been fitted with a shiny new collar. With each challenge you complete, you'll get one little key."
  • "Collect every key and the kitty goes free. Remove it too soon and the kitty goes BOOM."
  • "Well, don't just stand there, Dark Knight. Take that rocket-fueled roadster of yours and make your way to the Cauldron Trainyard. My first test is waiting." (Batmobile)
  • "Ah, detective. You arrived. I thought Catwoman's little predicament might encourage your participation."
  • "I realized, you see, that the kind of image-based narcissist who places bat-symbols on his hubcaps would never willingly submit himself to the kind of humiliation I have in store. Yet here you are, detective! The humiliation is waiting below."
  • "Well then, detective, it begins."
  • "You are staring, with stupefied comprehension, at a mechanism I have calibrated to respond to an extremely precise radar pulse. In a moment I will give you the decrypted code, Dark Knight, oh, but first, I think we should run through the ground rules of tonight's festivities."
  • "Rule the first. You will address me at all times as Riddler, the Riddler, or Mr. Nigma, sir. Otherwise, detective, I expect your patented brand of churlish silence."
  • "Rule the second. All gauntlets, cowl-integrated microphones and other communications devices, bat-themed or otherwise are to be switched off prior to the start of the test. Should you be caught using any of these you will be expelled from the course."
  • "Rule the third. The use of purpose-built Riddle solving equipment is STRICTLY prohibited. I am familiar with the contents of your utility belt, detective, and I will be evaluating any sudden additions over the course of this evening most suspiciously."
  • "Rule the fourth. In the event of fire or flood I will be on hand to guide you to the nearest emergency exit, assuming that is, you are not too proud to follow my advice. In that eventuality, we will consider your stubbornly prideful suicide an admission of defeat."
  • "Rule the fifth. Do NOT ask for clues."
  • "Rule the sixth. Should I, in my exasperation, CHOOSE to provide you with a clue, hint, obliquely meaningful insult or any other form of assistance, you will not ask for further elucidation but instead thank me for my kind generosity, while adhering to the forms of address outlined in the very first rule."
  • "Rule the seventh. Bathroom breaks will be administered on a discretionary basis. Should we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in your arduous journey to self-realization and defeat, I expect you to hold it in."
  • "Rule the eighth. Any accidents resulting from my strict enforcement of the seventh rule are to be considered your fault entirely."
  • "Rule the ninth. You are required to recite back to me this full list of rules at any moment I request, again, keeping in mind the naming conventions I outlined in the very first rule."
  • "Rule the tenth. I, the Riddler-slash-Riddler-slash-Mr. Nigma, sir, reserve the right to add or announce further rules if and when they become necessary."
  • "Yes, I know what you're thinking, detective. Mr. Nigma, sir knows how to meticulously structure a good time!"
  • "In any case, detective, I'm getting rather tired of the way your stupidity forces me to outline the basics like this. So here's that code you've been waiting for. Let's see how long it takes for you to figure out how to use it."
  • "What? How did you... solve tonight's very first Riddle! Well done."
  • "Welcome to my race track, detective! You must complete 3 circuits of this gauntlet, finishing each before the time limit expires."
  • "Come now, detective. Let's put that grotesque egomobile to the test." (Batmobile)
  • "Be ready, Dark Knight. There's more to this test than just going really fast."
  • "Tick tock, detective, tick tock!"
  • "Can that ramshackle motor handle THIS?" (Batmobile)
  • "Faster, Dark Knight, faster! Can those flickering, faltering synapses keep up with my automatically adjusting course?"
  • "I'm shocked, Dark Knight, is that really as fast as it goes?" (Batmobile)
  • "Let's work that undeveloped brain of yours."
  • "Once more unto the track, Dark Knight, once more!"
  • "Now pay attention, detective: go Left!"
  • "You're close, detective. Don't fumble now!"
  • "Relax, Dark Knight, the ordeal is over. Such a pity the laws of physics prohibit me from testing my non-Euclidean designs."
  • "Now then, detective, hop on the pressure pad beside me."
  • "Listen carefully, Dark Knight, your friend's life depends on it."
  • "Back in the orphanage, a series of glass cabinets have appeared in front of Catwoman. Isn't that right, my dear?"
  • "Good. One of those cabinets, my dear, has your first key inside. The others? They contain less useful keys, keys that will unlock the admittedly slight contents of your skull all over the orphanage walls." (Catwoman)
  • (Getting the wrong key) "Finally, Batman, I'm not the only one to suffer as a result of your incompetence."
  • (Getting the wrong key) "Curiosity didn't kill the cat, Batman. You did."
  • (Getting the wrong key) "I am your better, Batman, and I think I more than proved the point."
  • (Getting the wrong key) "Good game, Batman, good game."
  • (Getting the wrong key) "Oh! The collar performed above specifications.*chuckles* Wonderful."
  • (Getting the wrong key) "BZZT-wrong answer! Oh but there's no need to lose your head over it, kitty."
  • (Getting the wrong key) "Game, set and match, to me, the Riddler!"
  • (Getting the wrong key) "You picked the HEAD EXPLODES card. *chuckles* Do not pass go. Do NOT collect $200."
  • (Getting the wrong key) "Wrong key, Catwoman! And I don't do second chances."
  • (Getting the wrong key) "Well, they're not going to reopen the orphanage anytime soon."
  • (Getting the wrong key) "You know what Batman? That was a fun night." *laughs*
  • (Getting the wrong key) "A noble effort, Batman, you should be proud you kept up for as long as you did."
  • (Getting the wrong key) "Checkmate, Batman. I seem to have decapitated your Queen."
  • (Getting the wrong key) "Well done, Dark Knight. Feel free to collect her body."
  • (Getting the wrong key) "Oh I'm sorry, that was the wrong answer. Please don't forget your head when you leave."
  • "Well done to the pair of you! That's the first key collected. Um... Don't expect to be sinking your claws into too many more." (Batman and Catwoman)
  • "Did you really believe that a challenge designed by me-the Riddler!-would be quite so easy? Oh, Dark Knight, you sweet, naive sentinel, of course it wouldn't."
  • "But now I have several hundred terabytes of performance data relating to the latest model of rocket-powered hearse you're driving." (Batmobile)
  • "With that in mind, I have prepared for you something a little less knuckle whitening and rather more brow-furrowing in Chinatown. Hurry on over detective, or it won't be curiosity that kills the Cat."
  • "Well, well, Dark Knight. Eager for more? It's humbling, isn't it? The opportunity to even glimpse my greatness, the dawning realization of just how insignificant, how unworthy of note, you really are?"
  • "These trials are my masterpieces, detective. When I have defeated you they will become monuments to my genius-testaments to your stupidity."
  • "Crowds of schoolchildren will pack themselves in this elevator, eager to see for themselves the place where the Dark Knight was defeated. They won't understand a thing, of course, but they'll come."
  • "A trial so elegantly simple that even you should manage a feeble grasp of the premise!"
  • "You must provide power to this board, detective."
  • "This isn't just a test of intelligence, Dark Knight. It's a test of skill."
  • "Congratulations, Dark Knight, you've earned the right to play the next part of this puzzle. Head over to the board."
  • "Congratulations! You've achieved the very minor victory of not being as stupid as you look." (Catwoman)
  • "Now Catwoman, celebrate your survival by telling Batman all about the exciting orphanage developments!"
  • "Now, kitty...!" (Catwoman)
  • "Yes! Yes there is! Come back to the orphanage, Batman, and I'll let the pair of you through it!"
  • "Catwoman, this evening is not about you. Wait for Batman."
  • "Well done, Dark Knight. You should, I hope, be beginning to comprehend the breadth of the tasks ahead of you, the sheer scale of the gauntlet I have thrown down."
  • "Or perhaps not. Perhaps you're feeling cocky. Perhaps these early victories have filled you with false hope?"
  • "Well then, ride that wave of smug satisfaction all the way back to the orphanage! I'm waiting."
  • "Welcome back to the Riddletorium! Do not fear, your friend has not been harmed."
  • "Before I allow you to see her, however, riddle me this!"
  • "What kind of question can only be asked upon reflection?"
  • "Well, well, it seems you have earned the right to see your friend."
  • "Why, she'll be as surprised as I am that you've made it this far!"
  • "Oh, I do hope you two are getting along, because you'll need to work together if you want the key hidden in here." (Batman and Catwoman)
  • "Oh, Batman. Catwoman. Neither of you is getting out of there without the other's help."
  • "Well, there we go, it's settled! You're not quite as dumb as each other. Congratulations, Batman. Catwoman, you're lagging behind."
  • "Oh Dark Knight, I can barely describe to you what a pleasure it is to see your brow furrow over the simplest of conundrums. I do apologize for not creating a riddle that you can merely pound into submission."
  • "Here, why don't you take out those primitive frustrations on my automated assistants?" (Riddler Bots)
  • "It's quite liberating to have freed myself from reliance on Gotham's ill-educated muscle, detective."
  • "Prototypes, Dark Knight, these are mere prototypes.! So try to mitigate that primal feeling of triumph upon defeating one." (Riddlerbots)
  • "Every robot you defeat merely provides more data for me to analyze, Dark Knight." (Riddlebots)
  • "Well then, it seems you've earned another key."
  • "I wouldn't celebrate just yet, you two! Dark Knight, my next challenge can be found underneath Elliot Memorial Hospital. Conveniently located for when you pass out due to mental exhaustion."
  • "The preliminaries are done with, Dark Knight, I hope you understand that. Had I so wished, you'd have failed before you had even begun to comprehend the very first hurdle. But no, no..."
  • "I wanted you to know the full extent of my brilliance, you understand? To fully appreciate my superiority. But now? Well, I'm not going easy on you anymore."
  • "Another race track, detective, but please, do not let its unique peculiarities CRUSH your spirit."
  • "Well, shall we begin?"
  • "No, Dark Knight, you are not losing what little grip you had on reality, you've merely entered a brave new world of my design."
  • "That ceiling applies 300 deadbats of pressure, detective. I invented the measurement myself."
  • "I built this course in a sewer, detective. You needed the home-team advantage."
  • "Onward, Batman! Or does the Dark Knight require a pit stop?"
  • "Very good, Dark Knight. Again!"
  • "Is it a car? Is it a tank? Who cares! Soon it'll be scrap." (Batmobile)
  • "That's it! I'm cranking it up! 500 deadbats of pressure!"
  • "You know, I think the wheels on that thing might be as thick as your skull!" (Batmobile)
  • "Feeling claustrophobic, detective? Get ready for the final lap!"
  • "What a fitting end for you, detective: a stain on my floor."
  • "I can see it, detective! You're miscalculating corners! Swerving through straights!"
  • "It's time! 1000 deadbats of pressure!"
  • "Enough! Another lap would be the end of you, Dark Knight, and I can't quite bring myself to stop the fun so soon. Your next key awaits."
  • "Congratulations, Catwoman, you've proved yourself able to follow simple directions."
  • "I must say, Dark Knight, that your desperate fumblings have exceeded my admittedly meager expectations. I am impressed. This must be how naturalists felt upon observing chimpanzees using tools for the first time."
  • "Did you know, detective, that the cleverest chimps can even obey simple instructions? It's true!"
  • "Let's try it, shall we? Go to Gotham Casino for your next test, and I'll give you a banana."
  • "Oh detective, I can't tell you how pleased I am that you're playing along with my little game. You literally cannot imagine what it's like to be so intellectually removed from the rest of the human race."
  • "I couldn't honestly say you offer me a battle of wits, Dark Knight, but your feeble resistance makes a pleasant change from the instant capitulation of everyone else."
  • "Oh dear, Dark Knight, what a pity you couldn't bring the Batwing to this one."
  • "That's two down, Detective. Do be careful of the death-trap en route to the next one."
  • "Good work, detective! You are literally as capable as the digit-flapping mammal you pointlessly pretend to be. The next key awaits you."
  • "Another key collected! I trust you're not giving her false hope, detective."
  • "Well, Dark Knight detective, you have passed another test. I cannot help but admire the spirit with which you have thrown yourself into a task for which you are woefully under-equipped. I almost feel guilty when I contemplate what's coming."
  • "But not so guilty that I'm going to call it off. Head back to the orphanage, detective. Another of my Riddle rooms is waiting."
  • "Greetings to my costumed contestants. Your next challenge is simple: guide an electric charge to its destination. I hope the varying amounts of PRESSURE don't get to you." (Batman and Catwoman)
  • "Congratulations to the dementedly dressed duo. Your key awaits. Oh, but what's this, an electrified floor?" (Batman and Catwoman)
  • "Goodness, you've figured it out already! Well, you better grab that key and be on your way."
  • "HA! HA! HA! Meet the second generation of my android allies. I've built a variant specifically tailored to each of your dubious "abilities"." (Riddlerbots)
  • "There's more where that came from, Batman! I've built a highly efficient production line!" (Riddlerbots)
  • "All the damage of battle, combined with all the fun of riddle solving! You can thank me after." (Riddlerbots)
  • "You know what, detective? I'm glad you solved this riddle. Because it takes you one step closer to the riddle that kills you!"
  • "This was nothing, Dark Knight, nothing! A new trial awaits you detective, by Divinity Church. And I'm waiting too."
  • "The unexamined life is not worth living, detective, and I have been wondering why I let you aggravate me so."
  • "You're a cheat and a liar. A dressed-up strongman playing with expensive toys. "World's greatest detective?" Hah! And everyone from Gotham to Star City believes it!"
  • "I cannot abide a fraud, detective, a dilettante masquerading among his intellectual betters, stealing every last scrap of appreciation, dignity and respect."
  • "Welcome, detective to the drain I'm going to figuratively- and quite possibly literally-flush you down."
  • "The goal of this aquatic examination could not be simpler, detective. Lower the water, like so."
  • "Before that however, it's time for a riddle! Riddle me this, detective, what do Bats do when they're at home?"
  • "Well done, detective. I think you're getting the HANG of it!" (Batmobile)
  • "That's one, Batman! The water might be lower but you're still out of your depth."
  • "You know, detective, if I rigged that grapple point to detach you could be dead in a moment..." (Batmobile)
  • "But where would the satisfaction be in that!? You will be your own downfall, detective. I have no doubt."
  • "Another switch? Why, the water is almost as low as Catwoman's chances of freedom. Why don't you celebrate with my friends?" (Riddlerbots)
  • "You know what? I wanted you to destroy the robots! I did! It's all part of my immaculately constructed masterplan. So there!" (Riddlerbots)
  • "Don't think I haven't been tempted by a cheap trick and a quick death, detective."
  • "But, no. I will beat you fairly. I will let you test yourself against me and laugh as you fall short."
  • "Excellent, excellent. You are barely keeping up to the precise degree my equations predict."
  • "Careful on your way out."
  • "You know! The line between perfectly designed riddle and unfair deathtrap really comes down to user error."
  • "Another key, well done. Of course, you'll lose all nine lives in an instant should I push this detonator."
  • "I have always been the smartest man in the room, detective, forced to endure the suspicions and mockery of those whose meager faculties prohibited them from appreciating that fact."
  • "And then you appear in Gotham, dressing up your cognitive capabilities-marginally superior, as they are, to that of the average hoodlum-in the guise of crusading hero. And oh how the people swooned."
  • "To the orphanage, hero. It's time to rejoin Catwoman for another trial."
  • "Well hello again to my favorite comedy double act. I'd just like to say what a novelty it's been constructing riddle chambers for two halfwits instead of one." (Batman and Catwoman)
  • "Why, that's practically a whole wit between you!" (Batman and Catwoman)
  • "Dark Knight, when you've failed your feline friend and are done mourning over her headless corpse, perhaps we'll do this again with uh, Robin? Or maybe that prodigal son of yours over in Bludhaven?"
  • "Riddle me this: can a MAZE still amaze if it doesn't have walls?"
  • "Halfway there! Now for a final twist!"
  • "Congratulations! And now your reward: robots!" (Riddlerbots)
  • "Fine! The key. Take the key. I suppose you just about earned it!"
  • "Well, how clever the pair of you must feel. How smug." (Batman and Catwoman)
  • "I hate to intrude upon this miserable little moment of victory, but I wanted you to be aware you're very unlikely to see one another again." (Batman and Catwoman)
  • "Catwoman, the Batman WILL fail you, because waiting for him beneath Ranelagh Ferry Terminal is my greatest trial."
  • "This is it, Dark Knight, we're done! Well, you're done for, at least. I must admit that I'm feeling quite charitable at the moment of my triumph, so I will give you a choice."
  • "Rather than carry on towards your humiliation and death, I will simply let you drive away in return for a signed statement testifying towards my superior intelligence and conceding that I have utterly checkmated you. Oh, uh, the Cat will remain a hostage, of course-a symbol of your failure."
  • "My, my, you're actually going to attempt it? Very well. But this is my finest work, detective, my masterpiece, my Nig-ma resistance!"
  • "So. Let us take that inexplicably life-sized child's toy for its final drive." (Batmobile)
  • "This is it, Dark Knight. Your Teutoburg! Your Bay of Pigs! Your ultimate defeat!"
  • "That's it, detective, drive faster! Drive headlong into defeat!"
  • "Behold your doom!"
  • "What? Impossible! That cannot be!"
  • "You should have fallen to your death! I calculated the curvature precisely! I've GOT THE EQUATIONS RIGHT HERE!"
  • "I-I don't understand. How are you still alive? Oh of course. You got lucky, didn't you?"
  • "It was luck! Luck! The kindly lifeguard of the idiot. I can hardly factor luck into my equations now, can I? I'm not a homeopath!"
  • "Farewell, Dark Knight."
  • "No! No, no, no, no, no! This isn't right. This isn't possible. This isn't HAPPENING."
  • "Since you cannot even be counted on to kill yourself, I will do it for you! I'm controlling the mechanisms now!"
  • "You'll make a mistake! Of course you will! I know you will!"
  • "Goodbye."
  • "You did it. The key. Now you collect the key. Those are the rules. And I have to follow the rules, don't I? I set them, after all!"
  • "Congratulations, Catwoman! You are now free. Free to take my FINAL EXAM."
  • "I dissemble! I artfully obfuscate! BUT I DO NOT CHEAT as you and Batman will discover when you attempt my final riddle room." (Catwoman)
  • "Come back to the orphanage, where I will end you and the unjust things you stand for."
  • "Meet... the Riddle Square! A puzzle which draws influence from both late-twentieth century puzzle cubes and mid-fifteenth century torture devices."
  • "Congratulations! Now, let's CUT to the best part."
  • "Ah! Beginner's luck! Let's intensify proceedings."
  • "You will NOT win this!"
  • "This is it. The end. THE FINAL RIDDLE!"
  • "I designed this suit to perfectly defend myself against you and your violent excesses, so please understand, Dark Knight, that this is an intellectual victory above all." (Riddler's Mech)
  • "You shall be ashes!"
  • "DIE, FATHER! I mean Batman!"
  • "This color suits you better."
  • "I'll subtract you from this equation!"
  • "Decipher this!"
  • "No! How is that possible?! They're not supposed to obey orders from anyone with a sub 150 IQ!"(Riddler Bots)
  • "Keep solving those riddles, detective. I won't allow myself the pleasure of crushing you beneath my giant metal foot until you do."
  • "Oh Batman, you've barely begun to solve my conundrums. In fact, Gotham remains RIDDLED with them... oh I've been waiting years to use that one!"
  • "Bad news, Batman. I've identified a key flaw in your car's design: the driver."
  • "No they should obey me! Not you! I am their creator and their God! I literally programmed a basic religion into those malfunctioning blasphemers."(Riddlerbots)
  • "Ha! This proves nothing! Not until you save them all!"
  • "Oh detective, ninety percent of my Riddles are left unsolved. Why, I almost envy you when I think of what a pleasure it'll be to sample from the intellectual smorgasbord ahead. And then I remember you're an idiot."
  • "So many riddles unsolved, detective. Doesn't it drive you mad? Doesn't the messy, untidy lack of completion gnaw at your soul?"
  • "Congratulations, Batman, you've solved all my riddles and defeated me... oh. Oh dear. My mistake. You haven't defeated me at all. In fact you're doing very poorly. Whoops!"
  • "You know, Batman, as I contemplate how long it's taken you to solve these riddles I wonder if I should become my own nemesis."
  • "How are you doing this? Those robots are unhackable! I made sure of it!"
  • "Batman, it's time I went easy on you. This next riddle has been calibrated to offer a challenge comparable to a popular child's game. I call it "Riddler Says"."
  • "The rules are simple. Hit the switches that match the colors you see, in the order in which you see them. Easy! Enjoy!"
  • "Why didn't you fall for it? How did you know? Oh of course. You can't read. I overestimated you yet again. Even so. It gets harder from here."
  • "Wonderful, now that we've established that you have a functional short-term memory the real test begins."
  • "This is absurd! An outrage! How would you like it if I started ordering Robin around, Batman!"(Riddler Bots)
  • "So, even the robots betray me. Oh they will suffer detective, I'm coding the virus right now."(Riddler Bots)
  • "I don't know how you're doing this, but not one of those treacherous tin men will be receiving the heart I promised them."(Riddlerbots)
  • "Time for a change!" (Red Riddlerbots)
  • "This is the end! My apotheosis!"
  • "Prepare for disintegration!"
  • "Get up, you damn machines!" (Batman)
  • "No no no, my plan. My plan!" (Batman)
  • "You have failed, detective!"
  • "Hi diddle diddle, answer THIS riddle!"
  • "This is the end! My victory! My just reward!"
  • "Keeping up?"
  • "Can you keep up?"
  • "You will both fall before me!" (Batman and Catwoman)
  • "You shouldn't be here! You shouldn't have got this far!" (Catwoman)
  • "Burn, Batman!"
  • "So many Riddles, there's no way you solved them all!"
  • "You think you can defeat MY creations?!" (Catwoman)
  • "It was perfect... my perfect victory." (Catwoman)
  • "Well COLOR me triumphant!" (Riddlerbots)
  • "Which color do you prefer?" (Riddlerbots)
  • "Let's mix things up!"
  • "You solved all my riddles?! How!"
  • "Too hard for you?"
  • "You shouldn't have come back Cat! Your presence was NOT PART OF MY PROJECTIONS." (Catwoman)
  • "You think you're smarter than me?"
  • "I cannot be beaten!" (Batman)
  • "What are we waiting for? Let's get this done." (Joker Hallucination)
  • "I say we finish him before he wakes up. He's too dangerous." (Joker Hallucination)
  • "You, come here. No, no, no, no, stop struggling!" (Joker Hallucination)
  • "You'll have to go through her to get to me. There still must be some things you won't do." (Joker Hallucination)
  • "Now, put down that gun and back off!" (Joker Hallucination)
  • "I can't believe you...!" (Joker Hallucination)

Catwoman's Revenge[]

  • "Computer, computer? It is I, your master!"
  • "Thank you, Computer. But this is a matter most exigent."
  • "It means 'urgent' , understand?! Now-"
  • "Yes! You're welcome! Now, the Gotham Police Department currently has me immured. And I-"
  • "It means imprisoned you idiotic machine! Confined! Incarcerated! Banged up!"
  • "I don't know which is more corrupt, the prison-industrial complex or your vocabulary files!"
  • "I-You're welcome. Now, computer, I believe this would be a felicitous and appurtenant time to run the jailbreak protocol!"
  • "Oh for-Computer, run vocabulary diagnostics."
  • "Argh!"
  • "Just shut up computer! Stay on the line. I will manually execute the jailbreak protocol by using the keys on this phone to write lines of code."
  • "Let's see. That's not it. Oh come on. Ah yes. Here we go. Ha! Argh! Why is it doing this? Come on..."
  • "What?!"
  • "Catwoman!?"
  • "Ha! No prison can hold me. Hang on a second. Why, yes, Officer Cash, I'm just talking to my lawyer! Ha Ha! Get out!"
  • "No... I don't approve of that defense strategy, good sir. Riddlerbots! Attack!"
  • "Soon you will be dead, and I will be free."
  • "This is your home, Riddlerbots! Defend it!"
  • "Ready to die, Cat?"
  • "Oh Catwoman? Remember this trick!"
  • "I'll cut you to ribbons!"
  • "Just die! Please!"
  • "Catwoman! I can't see! Are you dead?"
  • "Argh! I mean, why, that's an outrageous bail price."
  • "I was going to track you down after I broke out of here. Thank you for saving me the trouble."
  • "Hurry up and die, Cat! I'd like to avoid more prison food."
  • "Kill her, my pretties. Then free me!" (Riddlerbots)
  • "Well, well, well look what the cat drag- no wait, that doesn't work, ignore me."
  • "Let me try out some of my newly acquired prison slang: shank her good, robots!" (Riddlerbots)
  • "She's a cat-burglar, not an assassin! Kill her!"
  • "Yes Riddlerbots, fight on!"
  • "You'll regret this!"
  • "Kill her!"
  • "When I get out of here my vengeance will combine the fury of Achilles with the patience of Prospero!"
  • "You'll be looking over your shoulder so hard that empty head of yours will unscrew and fall right off! You-"
  • "Sorry, Officer Cash! Your hook looks particularly shiny today!"
  • "Please, when my robots defeat you make sure to crawl out of my lovely factory and die on the street."
  • "You think you can just steal from me, er, by charging such a high hourly rate, Mr. Lawyer? Evening, officer."
  • "You got lucky last night. But Batman's not around anymore."
  • "Face it Cat, you're no Batman. And he's overrated too!"
  • "Pursing a vendetta against me? How ambitious."
  • "You're not getting your grubby, thieving claws on one cent of my money."
  • "Oh Catwoman? I'm going to defeat you from within prison! Isn't that humiliating?"
  • "My creations will tear you apart! Er, in court."
  • "Computer! You better be recording this for posterity."
  • "You! Taking vengeance! On me!"
  • "How hard can it be to kill one thief?!"
  • "Riddlerbots?! Riddlerbots?! I... deny all knowledge 'Riddlerbots', my legally-versed friend. Hello again, Officer Cash, my, you're on a remarkably efficient patrol route this evening."
  • "And encrypted! Good luck!"
  • "No!"
  • "No! I won't accept a plea bargain."
  • "Stop!"
  • "Please, do you want me to beg!? I can beg!...Mercy, please!"
  • "Ahh! Unhand and unhook me you authoritarian attack dog! Oh, a taser?! You think a taser frightens me?! I am the Riddler and you will noARGHARGHGHGHGH! (Aaron Cash)


  • "Joining you mission can come with a cost, this empty reminder shows just what she lost."
  • "A souvenir from a previous life, why hold with a hand when a hook will suffice?"
  • "Bones stripped bare beneath a warning light, pay heed, seafarers, not to feel his bite"
  • "Business is best when Bats need killing, a mercenary's file should receive top billing"
  • "An open house for bed and dinner, is this sanctuary run by saint or sinner?"
  • "Always looking for names to besmirch, where does this newsman conduct his research?"
  • "Overgrown, abandoned, the inmates set free, madness could never be held in me."
  • "Hope shines brightly in a city this dark, find the source of that signal and you'll soon hit your mark."
  • "A bat uses these to see at night, the doc's didn't work and his cure caused a fright."
  • "I bet you weren't invited to this lavish do, I wonder how many went dressed up as you?"
  • "She stands at our center that we may not weaken, a symbol of hope, a towering beacon"
  • "A visual artist with burning ambition: prove he made movies before his ignition."
  • "You? A father figure? Don't make me laugh. You overwork and break your staff."
  • "She and her love are no longer together, she'll keep the flames burning forever and ever."
  • "Vengeance burns darkly inside the betrayed, as they stare at reminders of debts unpaid."
  • "With a fluffy white coat and ears standing tall, what burrowed the hole in which Alice did fall?"
  • "A psychotic doctor who caught the fear bug, the fruits of his research: a powerful drug."
  • "It doesn't take much to tame a Cat, make them wear this, and then call the bat."
  • "Friends of the Waynes though not as wealthy, their memorial ward keeps Gotham healthy"
  • "The highest building in Arkham City, A Strange man worked here, who took no pity."

Game Over Lines[]

  • "I did it! I actually did it ! I mean, of course I did. Good. As expected."
  • "I don't think you'll be solving this one."
  • "Riddle me this: What's dead? You!"
  • ( Unused ) I am unstoppable I am forever I am the riddler!!! ( if catwoman chooses the Wong key )
  • "Your death was inevitable, I'm afraid. A statistical certainty."
  • "My apologies, Catwoman. But you see, I had a point to prove."
  • "Now to be fair, Catwoman, in cat years you had a very good run."
  • (Bomb victim's death deleted from game) "I don't care that he's dead, Batman. But you do."
  • (Bomb victim's death deleted from game) "Such a senseless waste of life. I'm glad you put an end to it."
  • (Catwoman's Revenge) Revenge is a dish best served by an expert, consummate in it's ideal preparation methods, my dear."
  • (Catwoman's Revenge) "Farewell, my feline foe."

Assault on Arkham[]

  • "Riddle me this: When is a door not a door? It feels like drowning, doesn't it? When the answer is at the edge of your cortex, but you can't seen to grasp it."
  • "The answer? When it's ajar."
  • "Here's an easy one. What runs around a city but never moves? No? A wall."
  • "I'm in charge, so I'll ask the questions. Try to keep up, won't you?"
  • "Riddle me this: What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?"
  • "Huh? You've heard that one."
  • "Why do you talk to me like this, Waller?"
  • "My-- What?"
  • "Riddle me this: Why didn't I quit when I was ahead?"
  • "Easy."
  • "I knew Waller would send someone. I'm too clever for her to let me live."
  • (Killer Frost: "Nothing gets past you, genius... I'll make this fast.") "Do you even know why you're assassinating me?"
  • (Killer Frost: "The Wall said you screwed her and I'm gonna make an example outta you.") "And that satiated your curiosity?"
  • (Killer Frost: "I don't ask questions.") "I don't believe that. The human mind always has questions."
  • (Killer Frost: "My only question, is why Waller don't just blow YOUR head off with your nanobomb!!") "It's the same reason she needs me dead. Because I know how to diffuse them." (Killer Frost: "Wait, what?!")
  • "Then like the hanged man, we are at the end of our rope."
  • "Look familiar?"
  • "I can do it, but you've got to get me into the medical center."
  • "Let's see now. We'll need this on. This for back-up."
  • "Grab a chair."
  • "It's the electroshock."
  • "I'm gonna run 1000 volts through your heads and fry your bombs."
  • "Good. Put the chairs in a circle here around Old Sparky."
  • "Lose those."
  • "Or give you a grand mal seizure."
  • "I'm clamping you to the chairs because you're going to wiggle."
  • "Hmm. A thousand volts, five bodies... multiply by five, allowing for absorption, three-second pulses..."
  • "I don't know. Maybe his skin is too thick?"
  • "Oh. Oh, that's rich."
  • "Haven't you solved it yet?"
  • "The Black Spider is Batman."
  • "Yes, the Black Spider is Bat.....(Batman punches Riddler)