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Arkham Episodes: Harley QuinnRed HoodA Matter of FamilyGCPD LockdownCatwoman's RevengeA Flip of a Coin

Catwoman's Revenge is a DLC story expansion from Batman: Arkham Knight. It was released on November 24th, 2015. The events of the story take place after Arkham Knight's main story.

Catwoman returns to enact revenge on The Riddler following his prior kidnapping of her.

Incident Report[]

Some time after Batman’s disappearance, Catwoman, eager for revenge against The Riddler for holding her hostage, finds the location of Riddler's HQ, located in Winslow's Toy Shop. After obtaining the necessary key cards and knocking out the guards, Catwoman unlocks the hidden entrance to Riddler’s robot factory, hidden beneath the shop. At the same time, Riddler, still incarcerated at the Gotham City Police Department, attempts to communicate with his factory’s AI system in order to command his Riddlerbots to free him (which he feebly disguises as a call to his lawyer). Catwoman taunts him over the phone, detailing her plan to steal his money and destroy his factory as payback for his actions against her. Furious at this notion, Riddler activates the factory’s security measures, including Riddlerbots, lasers, an electrified floor, and a giant buzzsaw device similar to ones used in other traps of Riddler’s. After evading the traps and destroying the robots, Catwoman reaches Riddler’s main computer and proceeds to empty his accounts before activating the factory’s self-destruct sequence, leaving an irate Riddler stuck in jail to be tasered by Cash (who has caught on to Riddler’s antics).



Icon Name Description Points Trophy
TheCatCameBack The Cat Came Back Break into Riddler's secret hideout and exact your revenge. 30 Gp-g Trophy silver



  • This DLC unlocks two Challenge Maps:
  • This episode takes place one night after the City of Fear incident, thus making it the earliest post-Arkham Knight Arkham Episode.
    • It being the earliest was further supported by one of the Riddler thugs stating that "Penguin's boy's ain't getting paid. Two-Face's boys spent the night robbing banks and they ain't getting paid. But Riddler's boys?", as in both GCPD Lockdown and A Flip of a Coin, it was revealed that Penguin's thugs were still getting paid via one of Penguin's remaining stashes of money while breaking him out of the GCPD, and Two-Face's thugs were revealed to have continued their money-laundering operations despite their robbing banks in Gotham being foiled due to Two-Face exploiting Nightwing's absence from Bludhaven by robbing Bludhaven's banks.
  • The fight near the end of the episode has became infamous for being one of the most difficult fights in the series, as the traps that are activated can easily lead to failure if the fight takes long enough.
    • In addition, Catwoman can take damage during takedowns, if she is performing it on the electric floor. It is suggested to avoid using special moves, and instead using the damage boost granted by Freeflow focus MKII.
  • The story and Catwoman's motivations and actions are similar to Batman Returns by Tim Burton. Breaking and entering Winslow's Toy Store is similar to her first crime as Catwoman in the film of robbing a toy store. She also had a similar motive of revenge against someone who did her ill in the past (in Returns, it was against Max Shreck who tried to murder her by throwing her out the window to silence her, and in the DLC, it was against the Riddler due to his earlier trickery against her). Both also get their target tasered when succeeding in their revenge plans (in Returns, Catwoman used up her "last life" by shooting herself and Shreck with a taser, frying the latter to a charred corpse, while in the DLC, Catwoman indirectly gets the Riddler tasered by Aaron Cash when he break down after being robbing of his wealth and then his robot factory self-destructed).
  • The DLC episode is the only time where Riddler Thugs were given a standard uniform (green vests with a hood), as in prior games they were indistinguishable from other thugs outside of a noticeable green glow after being marked out by the Batcomputer (this due to the fact that they were undercover in various groups).
  • Catwoman stealing three keycards and using them in a computer terminal in order to get something that will benefit her financially is identical to her third story mission in Batman: Arkham City when retrieving her loot from Hugo Strange's vault, right down to having to take out the guards in the room before proceeding.
    • Catwoman herself even comments on this similarity after stealing the three keycards, referencing the last time she did this by saying "Three keys. Why is it always three keys?" when using them in the terminal.