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Arkham Episodes: Harley QuinnRed HoodA Matter of FamilyGCPD LockdownCatwoman's RevengeA Flip of a Coin

The Red Hood Story Pack is a DLC story expansion from Batman: Arkham Knight. It was initially released as a pre-order bonus but became available with the Season Pass and for separate purchase on August 4th, 2015. The events of the story take place after Arkham Knight's main story.

Having given up his vendetta against Batman, along with his Arkham Knight persona, Jason Todd has resumed the life of a vigilante, now eager to take down Black Mask for good.

Incident Report

Now donning the new persona of Red Hood, Jason Todd enters through a glass roof to stop an arms deal between Black Mask's and Penguin's henchmen. After neutralizing everybody, he interrogates the only man he didn't kill. With a gun to his face, the thug tells Red Hood about a weapon shipment stored at a dock near Gotham City. With the thug's usefulness expended, Red Hood kills him and heads off.

At the Docks, Red Hood again takes out everybody, this time silently, due to the amount of guns carried by henchmen. With only one man left, Red Hood takes him for interrogation to find out where Black Mask is hiding out. Having been beaten and interrogated by Batman and his allies for years, the thug adamantly tells Red Hood that he won't kill him. Annoyed, Red Hood puts a gun under the thug's chin, asking if he looks like Batman. Now afraid for his life, the thug reveals Black Mask's location in the hopes of being spared. However, just like the last snitch, he too is sentenced to death with a bullet to the head.

Red Hood arrives at Sionis' hideout and takes out several guards. This draws out Black Mask, who enters his office with several henchmen. Black Mask attempts to shoot Red Hood numerous times but fails due to the vigilante's reflexes. Beating Roman and his thugs, Red Hood slowly wears down the crime lord and kills all the henchmen. After the fight, Red Hood drags (the now begging) Sionis to a large window in his office. As Black Mask promises "I'll go anywhere you want!", Red Hood tells him "how about you go to Hell?" and kicks the defeated crime lord through the window and onto a car, presumably killing him. Before leaving, Red Hood tells him to "say hi to Joker for me."



Icon Name Description Points Trophy
UnderTheRedHood Under The Red Hood Shut down this operation. 50 Gp-g Trophy silver



  • This DLC unlocks Red Hood for all Challenge Maps.
  • During the predator section, Killer Moth is confirmed to be dead by one of Black Mask's henchmen: "Is this Red Hood guy the same guy who took out Killer Moth last month?"
  • There is speculation that the Black Mask killed wasn't actually Roman Sionis, but a body double.
    • Black Mask has used body doubles in the past, as seen in Batman: Arkham Origins. In addition, in Origins Batman states that Roman has always been paranoid, and the second interrogated henchman confirmed that Black Mask knew Red Hood was after him.
    • His mask differs from the one worn by Black Mask in Arkham City. As his City mask is supposed to be burnt into his face, a change of masks seems odd.
    • Black Mask begs for mercy, which is very unlike Roman's character. For comparison, in Arkham Origins, he threatened The Joker despite being tied up and betrayed by his own (armed) henchmen.
  • Based on dialogue from some of the enemies, the events of the story take place at least a month after the events of Arkham Knight. This would place it in later November or early December.
  • This is the only post-Arkham Knight Arkham Episode where the events of the story are not referenced in any way, and Batman is even mentioned several times. This was clearly made to avoid spoilers in a pre-order DLC. However, most observant players might notice that Red Hood's guns are the same ones Arkham Knight uses.
  • Wearing the Arkham Knight outfit causes Red Hood's costume to revert to the default one in cutscenes.
  • If the player zooms in on enemies, they are still visibly breathing no matter what method Red Hood uses to take them out. This also happens when playing as the Joker in Asylum, so it's likely caused by an game engine limitation.