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On Christmas Eve, a Code 10 riot, instigated by Black Mask and his Henchmen, broke out at Blackgate Prison.


On Christmas Eve, the serial killer, Julian Gregory Day, also known as the Calendar Man, was scheduled to face execution for his mass murders, with GPCD Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb overseeing the execution. While attending a press release on the event, Loeb dismissed further questions after one of the reporters implied it was Batman and not the GCPD who was responsible for Day's arrest.

After torturing Warden Joseph, and threatening his family, Black Mask forced him to make security lax in order to execute a prison riot inside the prison. After Black Mask and several of his men, including Killer Croc, broke into the prison, a dispatch was issued requesting backup. Loeb and the news crew were taken hostage during the riot. Bruce Wayne, overhears the dispatch and enters Blackgate to quell the riot.

The Riot[]

Upon arrival, Batman deduces the entry point of Black Mask and his men was a damaged entrance. Batman saves Warden Joseph from being brutally killed by some of Black Mask's Henchmen and then defends himself from a panic-stricken Joseph. Batman then interrogates him on who caused the riot before hearing an inhuman roar alongside a horrified scream, with Joseph commenting that he doesn't know what it was as it was huge. Batman then demands to know where Black Mask was, with Joseph claiming ignorance, and suggesting that he instead interrogate Black Mask's men due to them being in a better position to know, with the only thing he knows for certain is that he's after Loeb. He eventually tracks down two of Black Mask's henchmen and subdues them, although not before having to contend with prisoners they released as "backup." He then leaves one conscious long enough to interrogate him, ultimately learning that Black Mask is headed to the prison's execution chamber with Loeb. He then sarcastically tells him to take a nap before knocking the mobster out. While tracking down Black Mask and Loeb, Batman also stumbled upon a drone and deduced a third party was controlling it. However, prisoners escaping from their cells caused the gate in front of him to shutter off, forcing him to use his grappling gun to bypass it after subduing the rioting prisoners. He eventually stumbled upon Killer Croc biting into the prison guards and tossing him aside before leaving. After saving a guard from one of the heavily armored mobsters, Batman then neutralized several of Black Mask's men as they were guarding Vicki Vale's reporters. Vale was unable to photograph him due to the mobsters destroying her camera. After blowing up the elevator with his Explosive Gel, Batman then witnessed Black Mask and Killer Croc as well as several prisoners surrounding Loeb.

Black Mask then, while referencing the adage "Crime doesn't pay", alludes to Commissioner Loeb being on the take via his money, and implies he instigated the riot out of indignation towards Loeb "locking his men in the slammer" while omninously declaring that he intended to make big changes to things before having Loeb dragged off.
