Chapter 4 of Scout: An Apocalypse Story has been released! You have found the  People Across the Orange Plains. What will you do now?

This story is at about 60,000+  words thus far. I am planning for it to be 10 chapters, 100,000+ words upon completion (probably closer to 150,000 at this point). 

Next chapter? I'm estimating about one month. If you follow me on Tumblr, you'll know that my personal life has absolutely exploded recently. I'm a one woman team, so I've been on the back foot the past few months. Thank you all for your patience!

Issues with saves?  Twine has a cache-based save system that I’m still trying to work around. If you’ve cleared your cache, cleared your cookies, have certain browser extensions, are using a different browser, are using a different device, etc. – you will not be able to access your old saves

But my saves are acting weird even if I haven’t cleared my cache: message me! Preferably on Tumblr or email. Letting me know what browser and version would be great to help troubleshoot. 

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It has been over a decade since a worldwide natural disaster obliterated the natural planet and decimated human civilization. There are small groups of humans still alive, fending for themselves, trying to create communities amongst the rubble. 

You are a 24-year old scout living in a small community on the edge of the Orange Plains. You lost your mother and your sister before finding your way here. You are primarily an academic, and you put your skills to use on regular scouting missions. With your best friend and your scouting team leader in tow, your small group is a pillar of the Community. 

On your first scouting mission of the hot season, you meet the leader of the People Across the Orange Plains. Will you break from the Community you have known your whole life? Ask a romantic partner to join you? Discover secrets that your own people have been hiding? Become a leader yourself? 


Choose your name, pronouns, appearance, and scouting team position. Choices you make throughout the story will affect your standing in the community, your relationships, and significant plot points. This is primarily a romance game. 

Romance Options

There are 4 romance options in this game: Two male, one female, and one you can choose between M/F. 

Elle/Ezra Taylor: Your best friend and another member of your scouting team. Charming and intuitive to your every feeling. You two have been inseparable ever since you both arrived to the Community around the same time. Recently, you are worried about losing your best friend to this new tension that seems to be developing between you both. 

Oliver Shen: The leader of your scouting team. Impossible to impress. Easy to annoy. He has absurdly high standards for your scouting team and is constantly on your back. You enjoy openly challenging him on a regular basis. Oliver is intimidating, and you’ve never quite gotten along, but there are signs that he values you more than you initially realize. 

Sabine Langford: A new addition to your scouting team. She is your replacement when you are put on probation. Sabine is a rule follower and abhors any risk-taking behavior from your team. You resent the addition of a fourth team member, especially one that seems to constantly be reprimanding you or getting in your way. But, when you’re in trouble, she always seems to be there. She has been paying attention to you. 

Gage ??: Leader of another civilization group across the plains. You’ve run into each other briefly before on other scouting missions, and it has never ended well. He has shown a keen interest in you, and not only for your scouting skills. Gage intrigues you – he is from across the plains and could show you a completely different way of living through this apocalypse. If you’ll let him. 

Content Warnings

Violence, language, sexual content. 

StatusOn hold
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, HTML5
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(1,435 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction
Made withTwine
TagsDating Sim, Female Protagonist, LGBT, Male protagonist, Otome, Post-apocalyptic, Romance, Story Rich, Text based
Average sessionA few seconds
InputsMouse, Smartphone


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(2 edits) (+3)

bro this was my fav in high school. I started reading it as a sophomore during lockdown and since the last update I’ve graduated 😭 I used to check every day for an update and it’s dwindled into checking every few months.  would love to just know ur ok author <3 hope all is well

this is genuinely so good! i wish all the best to both the author and others playing this game :)


I KEEP COMING BACK😭 Regardless, I sincerely hope that the author is living a good life and is safe! I hope they're doing well and if this was a passion that was lost... I hope they rediscover their love for it. They're an amazing writer. The plot, the twist, the characters and the ability to make us readers so immersed in the story is insane.  I love how we all keep coming back to this, hoping for not only an update on the story but also the author <3 I really do hope they're doing well! 

(1 edit) (+5)

I've played this over and over and i realized i never left a proper comment! I hope the creator is doing okay and im so happy to see how active this community is despite the project being dead for the last few years!


been here so many times I'm recognising some of you guys..... I see you  👀


i just played this today and im so close to writing a fic about it </3 out of respect for the author i wont but this was such a good game and their writing is so good ahhh


it's sweet how people keep checking up on this. :,) love perseveres... even if anya never continues, it lives in our hearts


I still have hope for this to update...PLEASEEEE


there is a info update that says Scout: pause 2021, so they might have stopped making this but I hope they're okay


Anyways ill always look here to see if theres an update, im just hoping i dont forget abt this because its great :^)


Such a good story, I always check back here for a miracle that it's been updated 😅


so real


It's been 4 years 😭 and I still can't stop thinking about this masterpiece


Gage it's been like 4 years but I miss you :,) thank you anya I will never forget this story!


I love how people still come even after years to continue loving this game < 333 this also was one of my first IFs ever and I will always love it 


this game was one of the first introductions to interactive fiction, and it will always hold a special place in my heart as i was in a pretty dark place at the time. interactive fiction is something very dear to me and im so glad this was my first experience with it. i played this when i was 16 and im 20 this year, about to step into my second year of uni. i hope the author is doing well wherever she is, thank you for creating memorable stories, even if it goes unfinished forever, and changing so many people's lives. 

(1 edit) (+4)

ngl im a bitter bitch sabine is lovely but i wanna be mean ~for the plot~ and i cant much :/ oliver bby i love him and loving abandoned works

edit: realised this could come off kinda passive aggressive, i really enjoyed the game and hope (tho not believe) it will be finished some day! best wishes to everybody waiting lol


so sad that this work is abandoned...


we will get gta6 before a update


That was an amazing read I love em all Ezra, Oliver, Sabine, Gage

(1 edit) (+28)
I will always come back here~

This game for me is like a long-lost lover, whose memory lingers in the hidden corners of my heart. Every moment spent within its world rekindles the dormant passions and echoes of a time when joy was unbridled and pure. The familiar melodies and landscapes are like whispered secrets from a distant past, weaving a tapestry of nostalgia that wraps around my soul.

Its intricate details and vivid imagery paint a canvas of emotions, each brushstroke a reminder of adventures shared and dreams once pursued. Just as a lover's touch can awaken forgotten desires, this game stirs a profound connection, reviving the essence of who I once was and who I aspire to be. It is a reunion with a cherished part of myself, a poetic dance between reality and memory, a symphony of lost moments and newfound delight.


Why is this comment so poetic


so when's the poet job coming cause this is beautiful


close enough, welcome back edgar allen poe




did anyone else also romance sabine?


When does the next chapter come out i need to know

(1 edit) (+17)

The author hasn’t been active for almost  3 years nor has there been any information on how they are doing (the story for now, can be considered kinda abandoned but I still hold on hope for it and for the author). Wherever they are, I hope they are okay.


you seem like a good person

(1 edit) (+1)

He's a good man for sure... and the author too. I thank her gracefully to her beautiful story, also if it's unfinished it was a good adventure's storyto read. ;) <3

(1 edit) (+4)

This was good, this was good. Best friends to lovers, it'll get me every time T_T


Waiting paitently...


i don't think there's anything else coming man 😭😪


Me and Ezra are going to get married with Gage as the faithful third wheel.


does anyone have any idea what happened to the author :(


I wish we did! I genuinely hope they're ok though. We just have to wait and see ig.


reminding myself that i read this and fell in love only to realize its been three years since the last update or mention of this game is devasting aa


damn, come back to us please


I can state with full certanity, that even if this game never gets an update (which would be sad but c'est comme ça), I'll never be able to forget about its existence for a long time at once. It's awesome, and I love this, and I really hope the author is doing okay. Even if it won't be finished, it already brought a lot of people joy, so basically the  existence of these chapters is a gift in itself.


I'm still here with my knees on the floor and a face streaked with tears.


I hope the author is okay :( it's been 2 years since they gave an update(that I know of) I genuinely do hope they're mentally doing okay, and I know they don't owe us that but I still hope they're doing okay.


it's been almost 3 years daddy... I really really miss you...




Damn, y’all are actually ass at respecting art that you enjoy. Sorry to the author that had to put up with this

(7 edits) (+2)

Can't blame them too much. The story is amazing they were told they'd have to wait about 3-5 months and ended up waiting 3 years seems like its dead at this point anyone left is begging or given up hope it wasn't always like this. If they've given up on this story, that's fine, but a lack of an update at all caused this and no one thinks encouraging comments will fix a 3 year hiatus. They've given up hence the trolling/begging. From their perspective why respect art when the only thing left is pain of never seeing the finished product regardless of the generosity of the author for working so hard on what they did post.

(1 edit) (+4)(-3)

Yeah they’re upset. So what? It’s an incomplete project that someone put blood sweat and tears into and they got to enjoy for free. I’m not saying they have to be encouraging, I’m saying that they’ve got a shitty way of appreciating the author of a story they enjoy. Being disappointed isn’t an excuse to be disrespectful. Children throw tantrums when they’re disappointed 

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)
(4 edits) (+22)(-4)

to the recent string of entitled comments (thankfully not all were such). this game is being provided FOR FREE and made from the dev's own free will and motivation. 

I don't think those type of comments will motivate them to actually continue the story. I know we all loved what was up so far, but they're not obligated to give us anything. Let them decide what to do with it and if they choose to return, let them do it at their own time.

I'm not saying to not leave a comment--I'm sure the dev appreciates them, but at least be more mindful about it?? This is the game page go rant somewhere else


yes I do agree with you, but since kofii is still up and she (they?) probably still receive notifications and with all the love her story is still written in the comments... just a "Im alive, thank you" would be nice


bro dont tell me im going to graduate college before u update


"are you there god..its me fiona" ahh comments


if we get the new spiderverse movie before a new update I'll give up hope for this game



ig we're all just stubbornly waiting 😭




im punching the air


so um, how's everyone doing?


horrible, I’m drowning in school work and the author of this game is no where to be seen

(1 edit) (+4)

Confused, by my own existence and my uni work keeps on sucking my sanity..

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