Android Developers Blog
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Making security easy: How we are helping you fix vulnerabilities in your Android apps
Making security easy: How we are helping you fix vulnerabilities in your Android apps

25 July 2024

Posted by Bessie Jiang – Software Engineer and Chris Schneider – Security Engineer Contributors: Maciej Szawłowski – Security Engineer,...

The Fourth Beta of Android 15
The Fourth Beta of Android 15

18 July 2024

Posted by Matthew McCullough – VP of Product Management, Android Developer Today we're bringing you Beta 4, the last scheduled u...

3 fun experiments to try for your next Android app, using Google AI Studio
3 fun experiments to try for your next Android app, using Google AI Studio

20 June 2024

Posted by Paris Hsu – Product Manager, Android Studio We shared an exciting live demo from the Developer Keynote at Google I/O 2024 ...

The Third Beta of Android 15
The Third Beta of Android 15

18 June 2024

Posted by Matthew McCullough – VP of Product Management, Android Developer Today's Android 15 Beta 3 release takes Android 15 ...

Android for Cars: Bringing more apps to cars
Android for Cars: Bringing more apps to cars

15 May 2024

Posted by Vivek Radhakrishnan – Technical Program Manager, and Seung Nam – Product Manager With technology in cars becoming more cap...

The Second Beta of Android 15
The Second Beta of Android 15

15 May 2024

Posted by Dave Burke , VP of Engineering Today we're releasing the second beta of Android 15, which continues our work to build...