Useful Links

You can find here useful links about browser fingerprinting : browser fingerprinting definitions resources, press articles, technical presentations, scientific articles and other resources

General definitions of fingerprinting
Fingerprinting in the press
Technical presentations
Scientific articles
par J. Murdoch, Steven
2006 - Conference on Computer & Communications Security
Peter Eckersley
2010 - Conference on Privacy enhancing technologies
Boda, Károly & Máté Foldes, Ádám & Gulyás, Gábor & Imre, Sandor
2011 - Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems
Keaton Mowery and Hovav Shacham
2012 - Web 2.0 Security & Privacy
M. Mulazzani, S. Schrittwieser, P. Reschl, M. Leithner, E. Weippl, M. Huber
2013 - Web 2.0 Security & Privacy
Acar, Gunes and Juarez, Marc and Nikiforakis, Nick and Diaz, Claudia and Gürses, Seda and Piessens, Frank and Preneel, Bart
2013 - Conference on Computer & Communications Security
N. Nikiforakis, A. Kapravelos, W. Joosen, C. Kruegel, F. Piessens and G. Vigna
2013 - Symposium on Security and Privacy
Acar, Gunes and Eubank, Christian and Englehardt, Steven and Juarez, Marc and Narayanan, Arvind and Diaz, Claudia
2014 - Conference on Computer and Communications Security
Olejnik, Lukasz and Acar, Gunes and Castelluccia, Claude and Diaz, Claudia
2015 - Workshop on Data Privacy Management, and Security Assurance
Fifield, David & Egelman, Serge
2015 - Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security
Spooren, Jan & Preuveneers, Davy & Joosen, Wouter
2015 - European Workshop on System Security
P. Laperdrix, W. Rudametkin and B. Baudry
2016 - Symposium on Security and Privacy
Cao, Yinzhi & Li, Song & Wijmans, Erik
2017 - Network and Distributed System Security Symposium
Sjosten, Alexander and Van Acker, Steven and Sabelfeld, Andrei
2017 - Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy
O. Starov and N. Nikiforakis
2017 - Symposium on Security and Privacy
par Antoine Vastel, Pierre Laperdrix, Walter Rudametkin, Romain Rouvoy
2018 - Symposium on Security and Privacy
Antoine Vastel, Pierre Laperdrix, Walter Rudametkin, Romain Rouvoy
2018 - USENIX Security Symposium
Alejandro Gómez-Boix, Pierre Laperdrix, Benoit Baudry
2018 - World Wide Web Conference
Vikas Mishra, Pierre Laperdrix, Antoine Vastel, Walter Rudametkin, Romain Rouvoy, Martin Lopatka
2020 - The Web Conference
Other fingerprinting platforms
Other resources