Through the Dragon Age
Anonymous quipped: Do you know if anyone has put work into figuring out dwarven runes and what they are phonetically so they could be used as a mode of writing? It would be really difficult, considering the lack of source material, but if bioware is consistent in what is there it might be possible.  

I’m really sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but dwarven runes have no phonetic value and are actually pictographs as most common dwarves cannot read dwarven.


For instance, a fire rune is very obviously fire. While runes from Origins are a bit more obscure, but still pictographs. For example, Silverite Runes against Darkspawn are stylized Ogre horns and Cold Iron runes are used against the undead, which is a stylized skull.


Therefore, it is impossible to use them to decipher the Dwarven alphabet, despite being able to be used as a form of writing (pictographs are one of the oldest forms of writing). Sorry :(

(Source: Asunder by David Gaider)

Posted on Saturday, April 23rd at 11:36PM with 25 notes
tagged as: Dwarves Anon ageofdragon responds Dwarf Dwarven Pictographs Lore Dwarven Runes Runes
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