An overview of article features on Adventure Gamers, from our yearly acclaimed Aggies to a variety of special articles covering all aspects of the Adventure Game ecosystem.

weaver Article

U.S. Edutainment Games of the ‘90s that Shaped My Childhood: A Retrospective

An amusing blast from the past that revisits the long-lasting influence of educational games.

Read more Jul 5, 2024
Simogo Company Article

Growing Up With Simogo

A retrospective journey into the significant contributions by Swedish developer, Simogo, to the adventure game genre over the last decade.

Read more Jun 17, 2024
Tomb Raider Remastered - lookback Article

Remastered vs Survivor: Tomb Raider’s Timeless Tug

Tomb Raider I – III Remastered outshines the Survivor Trilogy – but it’s a series stuck in the past.

Read more May 19, 2024
Broken Age Feature Article

Broken Age at 10: A milestone for gaming

Double Fine's Broken Age: revisiting its development and influences.

Read more Feb 10, 2024
Aggies: Complete Results Article

The Aggie Awards – The Best Adventure Games of 2023

Only the best of the best adventures took home a coveted Aggie statue... Time to unveil the winners!

Read more Feb 6, 2024
AdventureX - No data Article

AdventureX 2023

AdventureX once again displays a superb collection of games in development, promising exciting, upcoming new releases.

Read more Nov 16, 2023
Captain D Article

Creating a Location in Captain Disaster and the Two Worlds of Riskara

A fascinating glimpse into the minds of game developers as they fashion virtual vistas.

Read more Oct 18, 2023
Gabriel Knight 2 - Travel Article

A Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within-Inspired Tour of Southern Germany

Gabriel Knight 2 provides inspiration for a journey filled with gorgeous German locales.

Read more Jul 28, 2023
Cozy Cove Article

Cozy Games Take Center Stage: The rise of stress-free gaming experiences

Discover the delights of tranquil towns and charming characters in these popular cozy games.

Read more Mar 18, 2023
Aggies: Complete Results Article

The Aggie Awards – The Best Adventure Games of 2022

Only the best of the best adventures took home a coveted Aggie statue... Time to unveil the winners!

Read more Feb 24, 2023
Aggies: Final Nominees Article

2022 Aggie Award Nominees

The best games from last year have been whittled down to top tens as we unveil the final contenders for the upcoming Aggies!

Read more Feb 16, 2023
AdventureX - No data Article

AdventureX 2022 – Round-up

It's been two years since AdventureX, the world's biggest adventure gaming convention, has taken place. But it's finally back, bigger and better than ever before.

Read more Nov 19, 2022
Inspiring Locations (Part 2) Article

Inspiring Adventure Games That Gave Me Wanderlust: Part 2

Can a game truly bring exotic and historic locations to life? This picturesque jaunt provides the answer.

Read more Nov 8, 2022
Gamescom 2022 Article

Gamescom 2022 - Roundup

With many big names not in attendance, Gamescom 2022 still managed to impress

Read more Sep 14, 2022
Inspiring locations (Sarah - Part 1) Article

Inspiring Adventure Games That Gave Me Wanderlust: Part 1

A fascinating, vividly descriptive journey through real-life locations in adventure games.

Read more Sep 4, 2022

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