Catalog / Tony Consiglio

Tony Consiglio

Tony Consiglio

Tony Consiglio was born and raised in Queens, NY by two Sicilian immigrants who happen to be his mother and father. Tony spoke no English when he frst attended school and walked around with his name and address safety-pinned to the front of his shirt. Upon receiving his College diploma from the School of Visual Arts, Tony proceeded to forge his high school diploma under his younger brother Johnny's name so that he could help him get hired at the local utility company. Ironically, Johnny's yearly income is three times that of Tony's best year. Besides gorging himself at family functions, Tony is best known for his comics Double Cross, which semi-autobiographically details his life, as well as his graphic novel 110 Percent. He is currently working on a story that is taking way too long and that he someday hopes to finish. Tony begrudgingly resides/perspires in Phoenix with his wife Chris. It's a dry heat. Yeah, right.

110 Per¢

110 Per¢

by Tony Consiglio

"Tony Consiglio is a natural-born cartoonist; his drawings are funny, sharp, and uncluttered. Upon his incisive line he somehow manages to balance both misanthropy and a sympathy for human foibles. He may skewer his characters (sometimes literally), but I suspect that, deep down, he has a tender …

$12.95 (US)

$7.99 (US) DIGITAL


ISBN 978-1-891830-75-4



by Tony Consiglio

Doublecross has been one of the funniest and longest running minicomics in the biz, and finally, there's going to be a mass edition of one of the best parts of the Doublecross saga. Telling a complete story, this hilarious excerpt has us heading to Queens, New York to get a glimpse of Tony's family …

$4.95 (US)

$4.99 (US) DIGITAL
