Eastward on Steam


Coming Soon…

13 thoughts on “Eastward on Steam”

  1. Hey!I am a game lover really looking forward to see your beautiful game soon, hoping to see more detail in your development on steam or this website!

  2. Hi pixpil team, I really like the design and soundtrack of this game. Very excited to play it!

  3. Hey, came across a preview of this game yesterday. The artwork is gorgeous and the game mechanics seem fun! Will definitely give it a try when it releases. Good luck!

    Also, it will be really cool if you guys can continue to blog about the development process or anything related to it.

  4. I’m following the game and it seems so incredible that I would like a key because I did not play and I’m almost a fan and I’m Brazilian too and I would very much like the game to receive a Portuguese translation.

  5. 添加在愿望单好久了,超喜欢这画风和冒险类型的游戏,希望能早些盘起来。祝你们正式发行时销量爆棚,好评如潮。话说Muse Dash也是你们做的么?

  6. I’m really excited about this game that looks wonderful and I’d like to know more about the development, like many others players on Steam, please tell us more about it !

  7. 自从贵游戏的宣传视频发布以后我就一直期待着游戏的正式发售,游戏的画风和设定让我深受吸引。希望游戏能早日发售并大卖,也期待着贵公司能不断做出优秀的游戏。

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