First DevLog :)

Hello everyone!
We are a small studio ( 3 people at the moment ) from Shanghai.

We are currently working on a game project named Eastward.

In the world of EW,  human societies are isolated and shrinking, due to some severe environmental problem.  You will be playing a ‘father’ with a following ‘daughter’ ,  and go through this post-apocalyptic world ( well that does sound familiar … ).


The game will be an action adventure. We hope it will be like a Zelda game with some JRPG style storyline.  It’s going to be released on Steam first ( of course we’d like to get it on the consoles if it’s possible )


The game use a special “retro-pixel + 3D lighting” visual style. We aim to achieve a feeling close to Japanese animation from 90s.

we are using an in-house framework based great MOAI  engine ( . It’s a cross-platform C++ engine written for Lua.  We have an IDE on top of MOAI with help of Python & QT.  We will write more about the engine part in future updates.

The project is still in very early stage. We’ll try best to keep updating this devlog as often as possible.

You can follow us at:  @pixpilgames
Also,  the tumblr: pixpilgames

Please feel free to share us your ideas!
Thank you!


21 thoughts on “First DevLog :)”

  1. Let me know if you need an alpha/beta tester. I’ve played RPGs for 20 years and would love to help. Amazing project.

  2. 什么时候开售啊,在即刻上发现,然后到steam找到,结果还没开售,google一波开发商发现博客,真的太喜欢这种画风了,制作组们加油啊,快发售啊啊啊啊啊啊啊

  3. I’d like to cooperate with your guys. would you mind to talk to me online? My OICQ number is 45735413, wechat , sophiatangxp

      1. 发现您原来会中文。。。那我直接打中文了。。。我一个朋友对您家的美术画风非常有兴趣,想让我帮忙问问您家需不需要招聘美术,或者能否可以让她和主美沟通下?
        QQ: 45735413

  4. 你好,我在Twitter上看到你们的游戏,很惊艳,超级喜欢。我目前也在上海,是一名游戏独立开发者。希望能与你们交朋友,交流学习。





    上海 闵行

  5. Hope you guys will get invited to talk to GDC or something, the pixel art techs you made for this game is honestly amazing, I would love to learn more about them (the lighting, water render, the grass, the tiling, and general art direction is superb too). Success to you and your games 😀

  6. It feels like I’m visiting you from the future 🙂
    Congratulations on launching, and your success. The game is absolutely gorgeous.


  7. Great work! Your game is one of my biggest inspirations to get into the game dev in the future! also is one of my fav indie games ever.

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