Video interrupted

From the early days of television to the numerous streaming platforms of today, video has almost always been interrupted. But unlike those in front of their TV screens, viewers now hold the power to return to the content they're watching: click “Skip Ads.” Digiday surveyed 300 industry leaders, including agencies, publishers and brands and posed the same question: how can marketers move from the present state of video advertising to a more dynamic and engaging one? In this study, learn more about the video strategies and campaigns that are being used to address interruption, user experience, skippable ads along with the expansion of ad formats.

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What's Inside

User experience will always come first - with 85% of respondents deeming it fell between “somewhat important” and “very important.” As media companies, such as YouTube, are becoming more respectful of the user's time, marketers will have to strike a balance between content viewed and the video ad format displayed.

Not all video ad formats are being used to their full potential. While in-stream ads are the popular choice for marketers, the less intrusive overlay ads are the preferred format of online 16% of respondents.

There are constraints that can prevent video ad innovation. A large number of respondents cited insufficient budget, technological partnerships and operational sophistication as roadblocks, and must address their internal efficiencies and expertise to move forward.

Going beyond 'video interrupted' to 'video integrated' ad formats. Today, advertisers and publishers have to start exploring integration strategies. While in stream ads are not going away, using a blend of such interruptive ad solutions coupled with overlays can really boost marketing strategies.

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