When You Grow, GumGum Grows

At GumGum, we believe your job description is just the starting line.

Our fun, highly motivated team is pioneering the use of artificial intelligence in digital media and advertising. Explore roles in engineering, client solutions, account management, design, operations and more today.

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gumgum CEO Phil Schraeder at the beach with employeesThe gumgum team having fun at a social event
image of gumgumers working on a hackathon project

GROW is our new People Program focused on the development of YOU. It stands for Growth, Recognition, Opportunity and Winning!

GROW promotes a culture of growth and self-reflection, provides you with the tools & foundation to be successful and encourages a culture of belongingness and community within GumGum while celebrating company, team and individual wins.

Hear it from the Team

"One of the challenges our team faces is training a deep learning model with minimal biases. The goal is to discern between safe and threatening content such that brands are only aligned with brand suitable content. Our priority is to ensure that our data is diverse and representative resulting in a model that is more objective than subjective."

Iris Fu
Senior Manager, Computer Vision

"The Data Engineering team at GumGum is excited to be migrating our key systems to a new stack consisting of Astronomer Airflow, DataBricks Spark streaming and Snowflake for warehousing. Our ultimate goal is to build a single data model and process to unify our batch and streaming pipelines, reducing cost and the time to implement new features."

Corey Gale
Senior Manager, Dev Ops and Data Engineering
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Our Values

At GumGum, we pride ourselves on fostering an inclusive, creative and energetic environment based on our values.

image of a cute cloud with the word, thoughtful, below it

Being THOUGHTFUL. We listen to understand different perspectives, show everyone respect, and relentlessly seek solutions for our clients (internal and external).

image of a running laptop with the word, agility, above

Having AGILITY to be quick, nimble and change direction gracefully while maintaining control.

image of a kettle bell with the word, grit, on it

Showing GRIT. We bring energy and perseverance to everything we do.

Find Your People

From volunteering to happy hours to ongoing learning opportunities to employee resource groups, GumGum is where you will meet lifelong friends and mentors. We create opportunities for everyone to get involved such as fun team activities, fitness classes, volunteering activities, employee resource & diversity groups, financial education and ongoing learning. GumGum is an inclusive culture where you will meet lifelong friends and establish career-spanning relationships.

Life skills for dummies photo
Life Skills for Gummies

Our life skills series teaches you everything Mom and Dad didn't, from cooking to filing taxes to how to change a tire and more.

virtual leadership bites photo
Virtual Leadership Bites

This program ensures you'll have a seat at the (lunch) table, where you can dine with our leaders and share your ideas.

women of gumgum photo
Women of GumGum

Join a diverse community of women who empower one another through mentorship, leadership and philanthropic initiatives.

gumgum gives back photo
GumGum Gives Back

Give back to your local community by spearheading or joining company-backed volunteer initiatives.

gumgum fit photo
GumGum Fit

Join your fellow Gummies on the soccer field, the cycle studio, the yoga mat and anywhere else you can get sweaty and bond as a team.

photo of employees enjoying coffee together
Coffee Walk

Join fellow GumGummers for conversations over coffee. Meet colleagues from around the world and learn about different cultures and departments.

Annual Hackathons

Our annual hackathon gives GumGummers complete freedom to come up with their own ideas and work on them with a team of their choice for 48 hours.

In Our Words


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