Hyper-Contextual: The New Frontier

Contextual targeting, where ads online are targeted to people based on the context of what they're looking at on page, is looking not just appealing but also safer. Triggered not only by the European privacy law GDPR but also increasing privacy concerns due to behavioral tracking globally, a soaring demand for personalized marketing strategies and the rise of mobile usage, contextual advertising is making a resurgence.

Contextual Advertising
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What's Inside

Forty-nine percent of US marketers use contextual targeting today compared to only 25 percent that use behavioral targeting.

Measurements like CTR are increasing when contextual targeting is overlaid and Nearly 1 out of 3 brands plan to increase their spend on contextual advertising next year.

Computer vision technology offers brands the ability to scan both images and text on webpages to spot brand safety risks and otherwise unsafe content.

The marriage of contextual advertising and computer vision helps advertisers deliver hyper-targeted messages with relevant offers, at exactly the right moment in the buying cycle.

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