Department of State

Hot car

Consumer Alert: Safety Tips During Extreme Heat

Take Precautions to Keep Children and Pets Safe and Prevent Heat Stroke.

Consumer Alerts

Consumer Protection Complaints
Please attempt to resolve your complaint with the company before filing a complaint. Complaints already the subject of a lawsuit or other legal action cannot be handled by the Division of Consumer Protection. We will attempt to help all parties reach a satisfactory settlement. Please be sure that your statement is complete, factual and brief.
Office for New Americans
ONA Hotline

Answers to immigration & naturalization questions, referrals to free legal help and programs, Information about nearby Opportunity Centers. Calls are confidential & anonymous. Available Monday-Friday 9AM to 8PM (ET).


Office for New Americans

The Office and its network of providers assist New Americans in navigating the naturalization process, starting and growing businesses, learning English, and becoming part of New York’s diverse cultural fabric.

Press Releases & Events
News from the Department of State and upcoming events, board meetings, training programs and workshops.
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