Recording Others

"Newsgathering in Massachusetts" Guide Now Available Online!

Another Go-Round with Recording the Police in Massachusetts

Last Thursday, according to the Shrewsbury Daily Voice, Irving Espinosa-Rodrigue was arraigned in Westborough District Court for making a recording of a police officer in violation of Massachusetts' wiretap law, M.G.L. c. 272, § 99.


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Documenting the Vote 2012

We expect that a number of individuals, including many journalists, plan to report from the polling place on November 6th. Photography and video can be critically important to document the election process and to preserve a record of any procedural improprieties and interference with voter rights. At the same time, however, voting is a very private matter, and attempts to record at the polling place are subject to strict regulation to safeguard voter privacy, protect against voter intimidation, and to ensure the proper functioning of the voting process.


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State Law: Documenting the Vote 2012

On this page, we provide a list of election laws, websites, and contact information for election officials in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Contacting your state election officials is a great way to get information about what your state allows in terms of documenting the vote. As you learn new information, please contact us and let us know how your state is handling these requests, so we can share that information on this site.


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Virginia: Documenting the 2012 Vote

Note: This page covers information specific to Virginia. For general information regarding legal issues associated with documenting your vote, see the Documenting the Vote 2012 page.

Virginia election law may affect your ability to use video or still photography in and around your polling place, as well as your ability to interview other voters at the polls.  The following provisions may be important to you:

Prohibited Zone


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Wisconsin: Documenting the 2012 Vote

Note: This page covers information specific to Wisconsin. For general information regarding legal issues associated with documenting your vote, see the Documenting the Vote 2012 page.

Wisconsin election law may affect your ability to use video or still photography in and around your polling place, as well as your ability to interview other voters at the polls.

Prohibited Zone


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Colorado: Documenting the 2012 Vote

Note: This page covers information specific to Colorado. For general information regarding legal issues associated with documenting your vote, see the Documenting the Vote 2012 page.

Colorado election law may affect your ability to use video or still photography in and around your polling place, as well as your ability to interview other voters at the polls. The following provisions may be important to you:

Prohibited Zone


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A Camera Records in Boca, Part Two

Today's post is a continuation of my analysis of the laws implicated by the recording of Mitt Romney's remarks at a fundraiser held at a private home in Boca Raton, Florida, on May 17, 2012. Part One identified these laws, including the Federal Wiretap Act, Florida's own wiretap law, and Florida's common law protection against "intrusion upon seclusion," and discussed the issue of consent under each law.


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Guide to Reporting at the 2012 Republican and Democratic National Conventions

This page hosts the our Guide to Reporting at the 2012 Republican and Democratic National Conventions, and related resources

More than ten thousand journalists are expected to attend the Republican and Democratic National Conventions in Tampa and Charlotte in the late summer of 2012. A complicated array of laws will be enforced at these events by federal officers, state and local law enforcement, and private security. This Guide is intended to provide detailed information about how the law will apply to those trying to gather news at the events surrounding the conventions.


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ANNOUNCEMENT: Panel and Fundraiser for "Without My Consent"

We would like to congratulate Without My Consent on its one-year anniversary, and announce an exciting event in celebration!


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