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This is post five of fourteen on our trip to Northern Ireland and Croatia, minus our mini Game of Thrones tour. Those posts can be found here.

Although we didn’t have the amazing sunny weather that we had in Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland was absolutely beautiful. In fact, while we were visiting, there was an epic storm due to some hurricane in the U.S. that was wrecking havoc on the northern coastline.

As a result, the weather was tumultuous and varied from torrential rain to cloudy to brief glimmer of sunshine. Mr. Selfish and I tried to hold out for the brief glimmers of sunshine but we weren’t always the best at predicting when it would occur. There were certainly times when we got caught in torrential downpour.

Below is one of the instances, in which we got lucky with the sunshine:

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This is Dunluce Castle, and although it looks quite scenic on the coast, it is mostly in ruins. We didn’t go in; we just snapped some photos when the sun came out briefly. This is because we were trying to ensure that we had some sunshine at Giant’s Causeway, which was our next stop.

Giant’s Causeway: A Stunning Geological Masterpiece

Giant’s Causeway is an UNESCO heritage site and one of the most popular attractions in Northern Ireland. It is a geological masterpiece since it contains about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns, resulting from an ancient volcanic eruption. It is absolutely stunning.

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Admission costs 8.5 pounds per person. You start at the visitor center and then can either walk or take a bus to the causeway. Mr. Selfish and I opted to walk.

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The road itself is right along the coast and is lovely. But in the distance, you could see the hexagonal columns.

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We snapped as many photos as we could while the sun was still shining. After about 5 minutes of “good” weather, the clouds started rolling in.

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It didn’t really matter. Giant’s Causeway is gorgeous regardless of cooperative weather. I just wish that the rain would have held off longer so we could’ve hiked up the hill to get a better view of the causeway.

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In any case, I highly recommend Giant’s Causeway if you visit Northern Ireland. It was just beautiful.

Malin Head: The Northernmost Point in Ireland

After spending several days in Northern Ireland, we made our way back to the Republic of Ireland. It was relief to be on the euro again, as opposed to the inflated pound. We stayed in Letterkenny for a couple of nights and decided to take a trip to see Malin Head, the most northerly point in Ireland.

Although Google Maps had Malin Head in an entirely wrong location, we managed to find it after driving around the Inishowen Peninsula for some time.

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The weather was still a little hit and miss, so we just walked a short trail.

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It was still quite pretty – although it was really, really cold. This was the coldest I was on the entire trip for sure. Next up, Mr. Selfish will go over our day trip to Glenveagh National Park.