Damage Matrix

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The tables below displays how much damage each unit can inflict on an enemy unit or building. Each row represents the attacking unit, while each column represents the unit or building that is being attacked.

Base Damage[edit]

A damage preview showing expected attack damage
A damage preview showing the range of possible attack damage (Wargroove 1 only)

The first number in black represents base damage. This is how much damage is expected to be dealt if the attacking unit is at full health, the defending unit is on neutral Terrain such as Road or Deep Sea, and no other unusual modifiers apply to the damage.

The second number in red represents the damage dealt by a Critical Hit under otherwise the same conditions as expected damage. A critical hit only occurs when the attacking unit meets a specific condition, as specified in that unit's description.

In Wargroove 1, any number listed on this table is the median damage, but the actual damage dealt is slightly randomized. The actual damage dealt may be as much as 5 points higher or lower. The median damage is the default in-game for the preview of an attack, and critical hit multipliers are based on median damage. Damage is not randomized in puzzle maps, however, and instead all attacks will always deal their median damage.

Checking the "Show Damage Range" checkbox on the "Advanced" tab of the "Options" menu will cause damage previews to display maximum and minimum values instead of median values.

In Wargroove 2, the damage dealt is no longer randomized, and will always be the exact value shown.

Beach and River Combat[edit]

In Wargroove 2, melee land units can now attack all naval units now. The opposite is also true, melee naval units can now attack all land units. However, it can only be done if the target unit is on a beach or river tile. If a melee land unit vs. a melee naval unit combat happens, the attacking unit will receive a counter-attack if it starts the attack from a beach or river tile too. If not, then the attacking unit will not receive a counter attack.

Because of this mechanic, melee combat between land and naval units will always have a +10% or +20% damage modifier from terrain (since beach and river tiles give -10% and -20% defense respectively). All numbers in the table below are for when the defending unit is on neutral terrain, which can never happen in this scenario. Therefore, those numbers are hypothetical only.

Damage Values[edit]

Attacking Unit Crit. Ground Units Air Units Water Units Special
Soldier ×1.5 60 (90) 50 (75) 40 (60) 40 (60) 60 (90) 70 (105) 20 (30) 40 (60) 35 (53) 10 (15) 100 (150) 70 (105) -- -- -- -- 60 (90) -- -- -- -- 15 (23) 60 (90) 40 (60) 22 (33)
Dog ×1.5 80 (120) 70 (105) 50 (75) 60 (90) 80 (120) 10 (15) 15 (23) 35 (53) 45 (68) 40 (60) 90 (135) 115 (173) -- -- -- -- 80 (120) -- -- -- -- 20 (30) 80 (120) 25 (38) 15 (23)
Spearman ×1.5 80 (120) 85 (128) 60 (90) 70 (105) 75 (113) 15 (23) 75 (113) 50 (75) 60 (90) 55 (83) 80 (120) 90 (135) -- -- -- -- 80 (120) -- -- -- -- 20 (30) 80 (120) 55 (83) 30 (45)
Mage ×1.5 90 (135) 85 (128) 80 (120) 40 (60) 90 (135) 25 (38) 35 (53) 60 (90) 35 (53) 50 (75) 90 (135) 100 (150) 105 (158) 145 (218) 135 (203) 85 (128) 60 (90) -- -- -- -- 25 (38) 105 (158) 40 (60) 22 (33)
Archer ×1.35 75 (101) 80 (108) 60 (81) 80 (108) 70 (95) 15 (20) 45 (61) 40 (54) 35 (47) 30 (41) 75 (101) 85 (115) 25 (34) 35 (47) 25 (34) 15 (20) 75 (101) 25 (34) 25 (34) 25 (34) 25 (34) 10 (14) 75 (101) 25 (34) 15 (20)
Cavalry ×1.5 95 (143) 125 (188) 50 (75) 115 (173) 105 (158) 30 (45) 60 (90) 60 (90) 90 (135) 85 (128) 95 (143) 105 (158) -- -- -- -- 90 (135) -- -- -- -- 30 (45) 95 (143) 70 (105) 37 (56)
Ballista ×1.5 45 (68) 55 (83) 35 (53) 45 (68) 35 (53) 15 (23) 30 (45) 35 (53) 25 (38) 15 (23) 45 (68) 55 (83) 115 (173) 135 (203) 100 (150) 90 (135) 45 (68) 25 (38) 25 (38) 25 (38) 25 (38) 15 (23) 45 (68) 35 (53) 20 (30)
Trebuchet ×1.5 105 (158) 115 (173) 85 (128) 95 (143) 125 (188) 60 (90) 85 (128) 75 (113) 90 (135) 85 (128) 105 (158) 115 (173) -- -- -- -- 105 (158) 85 (128) 50 (75) 70 (105) 80 (120) 30 (45) 105 (158) 90 (135) 48 (72)
Giant ×2.5 135 (338) 155 (388) 105 (263) 115 (288) 155 (388) 50 (125) 90 (225) 80 (200) 105 (263) 110 (275) 135 (338) 145 (363) -- -- -- -- 135 (338) -- -- -- -- 40 (100) 135 (338) 90 (225) 48 (120)
Rifleman ×1.5 125 (188) 25 (38) 105 (158) 105 (158) 90 (135) 10 (15) 15 (23) 15 (23) 10 (15) 10 (15) 105 (158) 90 (135) -- -- -- -- 80 (120) -- -- -- -- 10 (15) 125 (188) 10 (15) 8 (12)
Aeronaut ×1.25 70 (88) 60 (75) 50 (63) 30 (38) 80 (100) 15 (19) 80 (100) 40 (50) 40 (50) 60 (75) 70 (88) 80 (100) 60 (75) 60 (75) 35 (44) 40 (50) 40 (50) 30 (38) 30 (38) 50 (63) 70 (88) 20 (25) 70 (88) 55 (69) 30 (38)
Sky Rider ×2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 55 (110) 65 (130) 40 (80) 40 (80) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Dragon ×2 125 (250) 155 (310) 125 (250) 70 (140) 145 (290) 70 (140) 105 (210) 85 (170) 115 (230) 110 (220) 125 (250) 135 (270) -- -- -- -- 120 (240) 110 (220) 75 (150) 70 (140) 90 (180) 40 (80) 125 (250) 70 (140) 37 (74)
Amphibian ×2 40 (80) 50 (100) 30 (60) 50 (100) 40 (80) 10 (20) 20 (40) 40 (80) 30 (60) 25 (50) 40 (80) 50 (100) -- -- -- -- 30 (60) 15 (30) 15 (30) 35 (70) 15 (30) 15 (30) 40 (80) 20 (40) 13 (26)
Turtle ×1.5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 60 (90) 55 (83) 40 (60) 85 (128) 115 (173) -- -- -- --
Harpoon Ship ×1.5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 85 (128) 135 (203) 85 (128) 75 (113) 35 (53) 50 (75) 80 (120) 35 (53) 20 (30) -- -- -- --
Warship ×1.5 105 (158) 115 (173) 80 (120) 85 (128) 125 (188) 60 (90) 75 (113) 65 (98) 90 (135) 85 (128) 105 (158) 115 (173) -- -- -- -- 80 (120) 70 (105) 35 (53) 85 (128) 60 (90) 30 (45) 105 (158) 80 (120) 43 (65)
Commander -- 120 120 80 85 135 45 60 75 65 60 100 110 -- -- -- -- 100 -- -- -- -- 45 100 75 40
Building -- 35 40 35 40 35 10 15 -- -- -- -- 45 -- 35 -- 10 35 -- -- -- -- 10 -- -- --
Attacking Unit Crit. Ground Units Air Units Water Units Special
Soldier ×1.5 60 (90) 50 (75) 40 (60) 40 (60) 60 (90) 70 (105) 20 (30) 40 (60) 35 (53) 10 (15) 100 (150) 70 (105) 65 (98) -- -- -- -- 15 (23) 40 (60) 60 (90) 25 (38) 20 (30) 50 (75) 20 (30) 10 (15) 15 (23) 10 (15) 60 (90) 40 (60) 22 (33)
Dog ×1.5 80 (120) 70 (105) 50 (75) 35 (53) 60 (90) 80 (120) 15 (23) 45 (68) 40 (60) 10 (15) 90 (135) 115 (173) 80 (120) -- -- -- -- 25 (38) 50 (75) 80 (120) 20 (30) 20 (30) 55 (83) 30 (45) 10 (15) 20 (30) 10 (15) 80 (120) 25 (38) 15 (23)
Spearman ×1.5 80 (120) 85 (128) 60 (90) 50 (75) 70 (105) 75 (113) 75 (113) 60 (90) 55 (83) 15 (23) 80 (120) 90 (135) 70 (105) -- -- -- -- 25 (38) 55 (83) 80 (120) 50 (75) 30 (45) 105 (158) 40 (60) 10 (15) 20 (30) 15 (23) 80 (120) 55 (83) 30 (45)
Mage ×1.5 85 (128) 90 (135) 70 (105) 50 (75) 40 (60) 90 (135) 35 (53) 35 (53) 45 (68) 25 (38) 80 (120) 80 (120) 55 (83) 105 (158) 145 (218) 135 (203) 85 (128) 30 (45) 50 (75) 60 (90) 30 (45) 40 (60) 50 (75) 30 (45) 20 (30) 20 (30) 10 (15) 105 (158) 40 (60) 22 (33)
Archer ×1.35 75 (101) 80 (108) 55 (74) 40 (54) 80 (108) 70 (95) 45 (61) 35 (47) 30 (41) 15 (20) 75 (101) 85 (115) 50 (68) 25 (34) 35 (47) 25 (34) 25 (34) 25 (34) 55 (74) 75 (101) 25 (34) 30 (41) 60 (81) 30 (41) 25 (34) 10 (14) 10 (14) 75 (101) 25 (34) 15 (20)
Cavalry ×1.5 95 (143) 125 (188) 50 (75) 60 (90) 115 (173) 105 (158) 60 (90) 90 (135) 85 (128) 30 (45) 95 (143) 105 (158) 85 (128) -- -- -- -- 40 (60) 100 (150) 90 (135) 50 (75) 70 (105) 75 (113) 65 (98) 50 (75) 30 (45) 20 (30) 95 (143) 70 (105) 37 (56)
Ballista ×1.5 45 (68) 55 (83) 30 (45) 35 (53) 45 (68) 35 (53) 30 (45) 25 (38) 15 (23) 15 (23) 45 (68) 55 (83) 35 (53) 115 (173) 135 (203) 100 (150) 90 (135) 25 (38) 45 (68) 35 (53) 25 (38) 30 (45) 35 (53) 20 (30) 25 (38) 15 (23) 10 (15) 45 (68) 35 (53) 20 (30)
Trebuchet ×1.5 105 (158) 115 (173) 80 (120) 75 (113) 95 (143) 125 (188) 85 (128) 90 (135) 85 (128) 60 (90) 105 (158) 115 (173) 90 (135) -- -- -- -- 85 (128) 105 (158) 105 (158) 50 (75) 80 (120) 85 (128) 80 (120) 30 (45) 30 (45) 30 (45) 105 (158) 90 (135) 48 (72)
Giant ×2.5 135 (338) 155 (388) 105 (263) 80 (200) 115 (288) 155 (388) 90 (225) 105 (263) 115 (288) 50 (125) 135 (338) 145 (363) 120 (300) -- -- -- -- 70 (175) 140 (350) 135 (338) 105 (263) 95 (238) 110 (275) 55 (138) 85 (213) 40 (100) 20 (50) 135 (338) 90 (225) 48 (120)
Rifleman ×1.5 80 (120) 15 (23) 70 (105) 15 (23) 70 (105) 60 (90) 10 (15) 10 (15) 10 (15) 10 (15) 70 (105) 60 (90) 80 (120) -- -- -- -- 10 (15) 50 (75) 60 (90) 25 (38) 25 (38) 30 (45) 30 (45) 10 (15) 10 (15) 10 (15) 125 (188) 10 (15) 8 (12)
Air Trooper ×1.5 50 (75) 55 (83) 40 (60) 40 (60) 45 (68) 75 (113) 65 (98) 75 (113) 75 (113) 25 (38) 50 (75) 75 (113) 45 (68) -- -- -- -- 25 (38) 40 (60) 50 (75) 15 (23) 20 (30) 40 (60) 25 (38) 20 (30) 15 (23) 10 (15) 50 (75) 35 (53) 20 (30)
Aeronaut ×1.25 70 (88) 60 (75) 50 (63) 40 (50) 30 (38) 70 (88) 80 (100) 40 (50) 60 (75) 15 (19) 70 (88) 80 (100) 90 (113) 50 (63) 55 (69) 30 (38) 35 (44) 40 (50) 70 (88) 70 (88) 50 (63) 35 (44) 55 (69) 30 (38) 50 (63) 20 (25) 10 (13) 70 (88) 40 (50) 22 (28)
Sky Rider ×2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 55 (110) 65 (130) 40 (80) 55 (110) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Dragon ×1.5 125 (188) 155 (233) 125 (188) 85 (128) 70 (105) 145 (218) 105 (158) 115 (173) 115 (173) 70 (105) 125 (188) 135 (203) 125 (188) -- -- -- -- 115 (173) 150 (225) 125 (188) 85 (128) 90 (135) 65 (98) 75 (113) 95 (143) 30 (45) 35 (53) 125 (188) 70 (105) 37 (56)
Riverboat ×1.5 60 (90) 60 (90) 45 (68) 40 (60) 45 (68) 60 (90) 25 (38) 30 (45) 25 (38) 10 (15) 60 (90) 70 (105) 55 (83) -- -- -- -- 25 (38) 50 (75) 40 (60) 25 (38) 30 (45) 30 (45) 20 (30) 30 (45) 15 (23) 10 (15) 55 (83) 65 (98) 35 (53)
Amphibian ×2 40 (80) 50 (100) 30 (60) 40 (80) 50 (100) 40 (80) 20 (40) 30 (60) 25 (50) 10 (20) 40 (80) 50 (100) 35 (70) -- -- -- -- 15 (30) 30 (60) 30 (60) 35 (70) 50 (100) 25 (50) 40 (80) 10 (20) 10 (20) 10 (20) 40 (80) 20 (40) 13 (26)
Turtle ×1.5 90 (135) 80 (120) 60 (90) 20 (30) 60 (90) 65 (98) 15 (23) 30 (45) 20 (30) 10 (15) 115 (173) 85 (128) 65 (98) -- -- -- -- 60 (90) 115 (173) 115 (173) 55 (83) 65 (98) 95 (143) 50 (75) 85 (128) 20 (30) 10 (15) 70 (105) -- --
Harpoon Ship ×1.5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 80 (120) 115 (173) 65 (98) 75 (113) 20 (30) 40 (60) 35 (53) 65 (98) 35 (53) 25 (38) 15 (23) 25 (38) -- -- -- -- --
Frog ×1.5 70 (105) 65 (98) 55 (83) 45 (68) 65 (98) 85 (128) 40 (60) 45 (68) 45 (68) 20 (30) 70 (105) 80 (120) 60 (90) -- -- -- -- 25 (38) 45 (68) 65 (98) 25 (38) 30 (45) 55 (83) 40 (60) 30 (45) 20 (30) 10 (15) 90 (135) 30 (45) 18 (27)
Kraken ×1.5 60 (90) 65 (98) 45 (68) 40 (60) 90 (135) 110 (165) 30 (45) 40 (60) 35 (53) 15 (23) 70 (105) 75 (113) 60 (90) -- -- -- -- 25 (38) 55 (83) 90 (135) 25 (38) 30 (45) 70 (105) 45 (68) 60 (90) 20 (30) 10 (15) 70 (105) 30 (45) 18 (27)
Warship ×1.5 105 (158) 115 (173) 80 (120) 65 (98) 85 (128) 115 (173) 75 (113) 90 (135) 85 (128) 60 (90) 105 (158) 115 (173) 90 (135) -- -- -- -- -- -- 90 (135) -- -- 75 (113) -- -- 30 (45) 30 (45) 105 (158) 50 (75) 27 (41)
Guardian -- 195 200 145 115 145 180 100 125 115 50 190 210 165 85 120 80 60 80 150 140 85 95 115 60 95 40 45 95 95 50
Commander -- 120 120 80 75 85 135 65 70 65 50 100 110 110 -- -- -- -- 75 95 95 85 75 70 60 60 25 45 100 75 40
Building -- 35 40 30 -- 40 35 15 -- -- 10 -- 45 35 -- 35 -- 10 -- 40 35 -- -- 30 15 -- 20 10 -- -- --

† Because of the way a Giant's critical hit functions, its critical hits will never actually do as much damage as is listed in the table, unless Captain's Sabre item is equipped. In Wargroove 1, these values are entirely hypothetical.

‡ These units do not have a Critical Hit condition.

Special Units[edit]

Some unique units exist that can be attacked, or perform attacks, but are not listed in the standard damage matrix. This section offers details on these special exceptions.


  • Garrison

Unlike all other units, all structures (except Gates) will counter-attack using their Garrison. The Garrison cannot be harmed, and therefore will always do its maximum expected damage. The Garrison has only 1 range, and so will only counter-attack if the attacker is adajcent to the structure. A garrison is unable to initiate the attack, and can only counter-attack.

  • Gate

Unlike other structures, Gates cannot counter-attack.
While not listed, Gates receive damage equivalent to a stronghold.


Some units can be especially summoned by map events or commander grooves, having unique properties.

  • Cherrystone Crystal

Summoned by Emeric's groove.
The Crystal will always take an expected 105 damage.
Note: Because the crystal always grants itself +3 Defense, it will never actually take this much damage. At worst, on a river Crystal will take 90 ~ 99%, therefore it cannot be destroyed in a single hit without a critical hit.

  • Floran Vine

Summoned by Zawan's groove.
The vine receives damage equivalent to a building, but can still receive terrain bonuses.

  • Sparrow Bomb

Summoned by Koji's groove.
The Sparrow Bomb can be attacked by anti-air units (e.g. Mage), and will always receive an expected 55 damage.
When a Koji bomb detonates or is destroyed, it will deal equivalent to 50% of a Commander's attack to all adjacent enemies, this includes Aerial and Naval units, based on their internal values (see: Expected Damage).

  • Shadow Sister

Summoned by Vesper. The Shadow Sister attacks with the same damage as a commander, but will always receive an expected 105 damage.