
TopatoCo is a "cyber-shop" you can get to on your computer. Most of the profits go directly to the artists!
The rest is probably in the couch cushions.

How do I contact you? What is This Thing?

Q: What the heckie is TopaToco?

A: The Topato Corporation, or TopatoCo (Toe-pah-toe-coh) for short, is a company started in Oklahoma by maverick cowboy cyber cartoonist Jeffrey Rowland, who has been making internet comics since 1999, back when the Internet was run on Morse Code and “teletype.” In about 2004 he created TopatoCo to legitimize the sale of merchandise related to his internet webcomics. Soon, he became addicted to putting labels on things and handing them to the post office lady.

Q: Where is TopatoCo located?

A: TopatoCo is located in Easthampton, Massachusetts! Please do not come visit us with baked goods (specifically snickerdoodles), or try to pick up your order. We will take the cookies though.

Q: How do I contact you?

A: In order to better manage our communications we can only be contacted through twitter (@topatoco) or email (

Q: What about my money? Where does that go?

A:  When you buy from TopatoCo, you’re patronizing independent creators who are using the internet to build sustainable careers from their creative work! We think that is a tremendously cool thing and we thank you so much for your support. We’re absolutely doing everything we can to hold up our end of the bargain too, by making great stuff that you will love and making sure everything goes as smoothly as possible with your order.

All of the TopatoCo member artists are directly supported by your purchases. As a company, we keep the lowest commissions in the industry, which means that the largest portion possible of your money goes directly to the creators of the products you buy. We’re pleased to report that quite a few of our artists are now able to concentrate full-time on their creative work, thanks to you and us working together to support them.

We are also committed to environmental and social stewardship. We use recycled materials in packing whenever possible, and source our apparel and other items from US manufacturers whenever possible. We are active in our community, provide jobs to a variety of shady ne’er-do-wells and our CEO rides his bike to work even if it is raining. (This is true, he does this often.)

Q: Can I sell stuff on TopatoCo? Who is this for?

TopatoCo is exclusively for established, original, independent internet creators with a proven record of solid updates and a considerable existing audience. If you think this is you, go here to read more about our selection process.

Q: Who already sells things for TopatoCo?

We have a list of our clients here on tumblr, and their respective stores are here on TopatoCo.


Information concerning your shipment/order: