The Forest Wiki

This page lists all the items that can be collected or used in the game:

Inventory items[]

These items are objects that can be collected and used by the player.

IconAirCanister Air Canister
IconAloe Aloe Vera
IconArm Arm
IconArrow Arrow
IconBoneArrow Bone Arrow
IconFireArrow Fire Arrow
IconModernArrow Modern Arrow
IconPoisonArrow Poison Arrow
Animal Skins
IconBoarSkin Boar Skin
IconDeerSkin Deer Skin
IconLizardSkin Lizard Skin
IconRaccoonSkin Raccoon Skin
IconRabbitFur Rabbit Fur
IconArtifactBall Artifact Ball
IconArtifactKey Artifact Key
IconBatteries Batteries
IconBlackBerries Blackberries
IconBlueberry Blueberries
IconSnowberries Snowberries
IconTwinberry Twinberries
IconBone Bone
IconBoneArmor Bone Armor
IconBooze Booze
IconBomb Bomb
CacheMap 09 Cache Photos
IconCamcorder Camcorder
IconCash Cash
IconCassettePlayer Cassette Player
IconCassetteTape Cassette Tapes
IconChainsaw Chainsaw
IconChicory Chicory
IconCircuitboard Circuit Board
IconClimbingAxe Climbing Axe
IconCloth Cloth
IconClub Club
IconCoins Coins
IconCompass Compass
IconConeflower Coneflower
IconCraftedAxe Crafted Axe
IconCraftedBow Crafted Bow
IconCraftedClub Crafted Club
IconCreepyArmor Creepy Armor
IconCrossbow Crossbow
IconBolt Crossbow Bolt
IconDynamite Dynamite
IconElectricalTape Electrical Tape
IconEnergyMix Energy Mix
IconEnergyMixPlus Energy Mix+
IconFeather Feather
IconFish Fish Meat
IconFlashlight Flashlight
IconFlare Flare
IconFlareGun Flare Gun
IconFlareGunAmmo Flare Gun Ammo
IconFlintlockPistol Flintlock Pistol
Flintlock Pistol Parts
IconGunPart1 Gun Part 1
IconGunPart2 Gun Part 2
IconGunPart3 Gun Part 3
IconGunPart4 Gun Part 4
IconGunPart5 Gun Part 5
IconGunPart6 Gun Part 6
IconGunPart7 Gun Part 7
IconGunPart8 Gun Part 8
IconFuel Fuel Can
IconHairspray Hairspray
IconHead Head
IconHeadBomb Head Bomb
IconHealthMix Herbal Medicine
IconMedsPlus Herbal Medicine+
IconIncendiarySpear Incendiary Spear
IconKatana Katana
IconKeycard Keycard
IconKeycardTwo Keycard Two
IconLeaf Leaves
IconLeg Leg
IconLighter Lighter
IconLizardMeat Lizard Meat
IconMachete Machete
IconMap Map
IconMarigold Marigold
IconMeat Meat
IconMeds Meds (Pills)
IconMetalTray Metal Tin Tray
IconModernAxe Modern Axe
IconModernBow Modern Bow
IconMolotov Molotov
IconAmanitaMushroom Amanita Mushroom
IconChanterelleMushroom Chanterelle Mushroom
IconDeerMushroom Deer Mushroom
IconJackMushroom Jack Mushroom
IconLibertyCap Liberty Cap Mushroom
IconPuffMushroom Puff Mushroom
IconGunAmmo Old Gun Ammo
IconOldPot Old Pot
IconOutfit Outfits
IconOyster Oyster
IconPassengerManifest Passenger Manifest
IconPedometer Pedometer
IconPlaneAxe Plane Axe
IconPouch Pouch
IconQuiver Quiver
IconRabbitFurBoots Rabbit Fur Boots
IconRabbitMeat Rabbit Meat
IconRebreather Rebreather
IconRepairTool Repair Tool
IconRock Rock
IconRockBag Rock Bag
IconRope Rope
IconRustyAxe Rusty Axe
IconSap Sap
IconSeeds Seeds
IconSkull Skull
IconSlingshot Slingshot
IconSmallMeat Small Meat
IconSnack Snack
IconSnowshoes Snowshoes
IconSoda Soda
IconSpearBag Spear Bag
IconStealthArmor Stealth Armor
IconStick Stick
IconStickBag Stick Bag
IconStickyBomb Sticky Bomb
IconSurvivalGuide Survival Guide
IconTooth Teeth
IconTennisRacket Tennis Racket
IconSmallRock Throwable Rock
IconThrowableRockBag Throwable Rock Bag
IconTimmysDrawing Timmy Drawings
IconTimmysToy Toy
IconTurtleShell Turtle Shell
IconUpgradedRock Upgraded Rock
IconUpgradedSpear Upgraded Spear
IconUpgradedStick Upgraded Stick
IconWalkyTalky Walkie-Talkie
IconWarmsuit Warmsuit
IconWaterskin Water Skin
IconSpear Weak Spear
IconWristwatch Wrist Watch

Non-inventory items[]

There are some items that can only be interacted with, and cannot be placed in the inventory knapsack, these aren't Objects:

Story items[]

These are items that relate to the story. Most are collectable and can be stored in your inventory or in your survival guide, in the back pages:

IconAutospy Autopsy Report
IconBible Bible
IconDontBeAfraid Bible Page - Don't be afraid / Just believe
IconShesNotDead Bible Page - She's not dead / She is sleeping
BiblePage3 Bible Page - A jealous God punishes a parents fault on their children
IconTheDarkHairedMan Book - The Dark Haired Man
IconShippingManifest Cargo Manifest
IconChainsawAdvertisement Chainsaw Advertisement
IconCrucifix Crucifix
IconBringDownThePlane Email - Bring down a plane
IconMeganEmail Email - Megan
IconTerminationNotice Email - Termination Notice
IconFortune Fortune
IconMeganDrawings Megan's Drawings
IconMegansCrayons Megan's Crayons
IconMagazineBeneathLimestone Magazine - Beneath the Limestone
IconMagazineEthical Magazine - Ethical Scientist
IconMagazinePracticalCaver Magazine - The Practical Caver
IconRealMagazine Magazine - Real!
IconMagazineYacht Magazine - Yacht
IconMilkCarton Milk Carton
IconPaintBrush Paintbrush
IconXPolaroidPhotos Photo x8 - Cache
IconPolaroidKeycard Photo x3 - Keycard
IconMeganPhoto Photo - Megan's School Photo
IconPhotoObelisk Photo - Obelisk
IconSchematic1 Schematic 1
IconSchematic2 Schematic 2
IconSchematic3 Schematic 3
IconSchematic4 Schematic 4
IconTeddyBearPolaroid Photo - Teddy Bear
IconVirginia Photo - Virginia
IconYachtPhoto Photo - Yacht
IconRestrainingOrder Restraining order
IconNewsPaper Siblings Missing Newspaper
IconLatinPaper Sketch - Latin Paper
IconArtifactSketch Sketch - Obelisk
IconObeliskDrawing Sketch - Obelisk Drawing
IconVirginiaSketch Sketch - Virginia

Decorative Items[]

These items can be found though cannot be collected or interacted with. They are purely for decoration:

Items removed from the game[]

These are items that have been removed from the game. Some can still be found in the game files, or possibly added with console commands:
