Supernatural Wiki

The Winchesters season 1 is currently streaming on The CW and HBO Max.


Supernatural Wiki
Supernatural Wiki

WatchNRant WatchNRant 13 March

Your Top Supernatural Episodes

Please submit 1 episode. You can submit multiple entries if you want to provide more than 1 episode.

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KingGreeneIG KingGreeneIG 18 December 2023

Representation of Supernatural through Legacies

Hey everyone my name is IG I’m a high school student. I’m on my acting journey. I have to say I am a huge fan of Supernatural. Like I’m obsessed with it. The show is so amazing. It’s romantic, it has action, also heart breaking and sad. To be honest this might seem horrible or messed up but I am a believer of God and Jesus. It’s just I don’t know what I should believe in. For example I like the idea of the Devil. I mean Lucifer. It’s the fact that he wasn’t like everybody else. He did something different and made a difference. Now I know he’s pure evil but then again he didn’t want to be brainwashed and like every angel. He wanted to be different. I know he hated humans and thought them as insignificant. Though everyone hates him. All they…

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Ao3enthusiastt Ao3enthusiastt 8 December 2022

What's wrong with the SPN timeline?

I was looking for a digital timeline for fic reasons and I noticed that it's really confusing. Seasons 1-5 are okay, if a little vague, but the year gap between 5 & 6 and 6 & 7 makes everything afterwards shift forward by about two years. I'm now working on my own timeline, but I was wondering if there's a canon timeline I can look at for comparison.

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Stacierae Stacierae 22 November 2022

Same guy

The vampire Ely on season 2 episode 3 is the same man that plays Benny.

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KylaraE KylaraE 16 September 2022

Style discussion for The Winchesters

With the upcoming series The Winchesters, Supernatural Wiki has some decisions to make regarding page setup and style. Following from the discussion here, this blog post raises some proposed ideas on how to proceed and requests community feedback and consensus.

  • 1 Proposal: Subpages for returning Supernatural characters
  • 2 Proposals: Series/season fields in infoboxes
  • 3 Feedback
  • 4 Consensus results
    • 4.1 Consensus on the subpage proposal
    • 4.2 Consensus on the infobox proposals

One of the questions is how to handle documenting The Winchesters characters that also have content about them from the original Supernatural series. One proposal is that their roles in The Winchesters can be documented on subpages, like so:

  • John Winchester/The Winchesters
  • Mary Winchester/The Win…

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Bakerursel Bakerursel 28 August 2022

Art World

Supernatural Fan Blog (

Dean and Sam visit Chuck’s to evaluate with Castiel and obtain the news that their angelic ally is toast, taken out by the archangel. Chuck describes Castiel’s demise being a “Water balloon of chunky soup” exploding, along with the description is punctuated grimly by the discovery of just one of Cass’s molars in Chuck’s hair. Ouch. Zachariah presents itself to summon Dean to sign up them, Dean immediately tells him to “Cram it with walnuts, ugly,” using the needed amount of patented Dean bravado. Zachariah tells them that they must take appropriate steps swiftly, whereas Lucifer continues to be in spirit form. The moment Lucifer has reached his vassal, he can become considerably more dangerous to all rele…

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WesLuvsBTR WesLuvsBTR 21 February 2022

Why isn't Pretty Little Liars on "Cast And Crew Crossovers?"

There are many cast members on Supernatural that also appeared on PLL as well like Kiera Royster, Alica Banes also played Yvonne Philipps and Mary Page Keller as Female Leviathan played Diane Fitzgerald Laruen Tom played Mrs. Tran Played Rebecka Marcus, Ashley Bensen Hanna Marin played Tracy Davis Rarick Chow Tom Marin played Randy, Bryce Jonson as Sal Lassiter played Darren Wilden Sean Faris Julian Duval played Gabriel Holbrook, Nathaniel Buzolic David Lassiter played Dean Stavros If anyone else knows more actors please leave a comment

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Rowenasbitch2 Rowenasbitch2 5 July 2021


hey everyone. i have just joined this community and i hope everyone is well. i have been a supernatural fan for about 2 years now and im almost finished the show. I hope everyone is having a good day/night. I cant wait to meet some of you and learn more about everyone. Supernatural has changed my life and I hope to learn about how supernatural how’s impacted your lives or how much you love it.

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KylaraE KylaraE 3 June 2021

FandomDesktop opt-in is LIVE

Check it out, and let me know your thoughts! Report bugs and feedback to me here.

To access the new FandomDesktop skin:

  • Go to Special:Preferences
  • In the top menu, select "Appearance"
  • Under "Skin" select "FandomDesktop"
  • Select any FandomDesktop preferences you want such as default light/dark mode, content width, and right rail collapse. (Personally I am all about that WIDE WIDTH experience.)
  • Click "Save" at the bottom

You can also opt-out the same way, just go to Special:Preferences and switch the Skin from FandomDeskop back to Oasis.

Helpful links!

  • New blog post about opt-in
  • FandomDesktop preparation guide
  • FandomDesktop highlights with links to staff blog posts
  • For admin: Blog about the customization policy

If you find a bug, please let me know about i…

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BlueMalarkey62 BlueMalarkey62 15 March 2021


This is a username I started using more in late 2020/early 2021. Thought I would apply it here.

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Love-Logic-and-Reason Love-Logic-and-Reason 14 March 2021

Joining the FANDOM (sorry, I just had to)

So, guess what I did today. Really, why don't you guess? I joined the FANDOM (once again, sorry). I think it'll be interesting. I hope it'll be interesting. I was annoyed bc I was looking at Helena G Wells' page on the Warehouse 13 Wiki and there was a chat moderator who as trying to shut down the entire chat section when they were talking about shipping Helena and Myka together and talking about the bi-ness of Wells. I really hope that that moderator doesn't hate me for trying to shut them down back. Obviously, this feels a little benign as the show came out in 2010 to 2014/15 over 6 years ago, so, really, I shouldn't care.

Anyway, in other, really late to the scene, news, I recently started watching spn and that's finishing now too, so, r…

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Jade Wallin Jade Wallin 25 January 2021

First Blog (Questions for the Community)

Okay, so. I've been a fan for years, though I've just recently decided to join the online community. I'd like to get to know you all! I've got a list of questions that I'd like for you to answer (though, of course, you don't have to). I'm going to answer these questions as well, so this won't be one-sided.



Who of the characters do you relate most to?

Which episode or season (or both!) hits your heart the hardest/most?

Who is your comfort (or favorite/both) character?

Which character death was saddest, in your opinion?

What are your pronouns [she/her, he/him, they/them, ze/zir, etc., etc.]? (So I don't misge…

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Darkoms666 Darkoms666 6 December 2020

About Empty and Reapers

The Empty

Why does this page indicate that the reapers fall into the Void? Where was it indicated?

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KhangND KhangND 23 November 2020

🛠 Fandom Utils - a browser extension for your own convenience

Hello everyone, I'm stopping by to promote a browser extension that I developed to benefit our community.

Try out Fandom Utils - a browser extension that incorporates several tools and utilities developed by the awesome developers at the Fandom Dev Wiki. All your favorite tools in one place and easy configuration. How does it sound?

More information and install links are available on the following page from the Fandom Dev Wiki.

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Rhythmxx Rhythmxx 20 November 2020

''Carry On'' Discussion

THE END - After 15 seasons, the longest running sci fi series in the US is coming to an end. Baby, it’s the final ride for saving people and hunting things.

What did you think about the series finale? Discuss!

If you want to, you can discuss the episode on The Discord Server.

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SonOfEve SonOfEve 15 November 2020

On the meaning of Supernatural, Amy Pond, Jack, and Chuck

Among Supernatural fans, there's a lot of talk about the changes in narrative and style that the series has passed through over the years, and many show greater appreciation (in my view, exaggerated appreciation) for the first five seasons compared to the rest of the series. There is very little recognition of what has improved or (which is the subject of this thread) what has remained unchanged in Supernatural: its ethical-philosophical theme.

For purposes of clarity, this essay is divided into four parts: 1 is about the meaning or philosophy behind Supernatural. In 2 I will apply to the case of Amy Pond the arguments developed in 1. The case of Amy Pond is interesting for two reasons: first because it still arouses intense feelings on the part …

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Dominic1743 Dominic1743 13 November 2020

''Inherit The Earth'' Discussion

CARRY ON – Everything is on the line as the battle against God (guest star Rob Benedict) continues. A familiar face returns to join the fight.

What did you think about the episode? Discuss!

If you want you can discuss the new episode on the The Discord Server.

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Rhythmxx Rhythmxx 6 November 2020

''Despair'' Discussion

RICHARD SPEIGHT, JR. DIRECTS – With the plan in full motion, Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles), Castiel (Misha Collins) and Jack (Alexander Calvert) fight for the good of the common goal.

What did you think about the episode? Discuss!

If you want to, you can discuss the episode on The Discord Server.

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Dominic1743 Dominic1743 31 October 2020

''Unity'' Discussion

ONE WAY OR ANOTHER – Dean (Jensen Ackles) hits the road with Jack (Alexander Calvert) who needs to complete a final ritual in the quest to beat Chuck (guest star Rob Benedict). A difference of opinion leaves Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Castiel (Misha Collins) behind looking for answers to questions of their own.

What did you think about the episode? Discuss!

If you want you can discuss the new episode on the The Discord Server.

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Dominic1743 Dominic1743 23 October 2020

''Drag Me Away (From You)'' Discussion

FLASHBACK TO A YOUNG SAM AND DEAN – Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) are asked to investigate the murder of a childhood friend, calling them back to a motel from their past and perplexing the brothers with a case they thought was solved a long time ago.

What did you think about the episode? Discuss!

If you want you can discuss the new episode on the The Discord Server.

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Dominic1743 Dominic1743 16 October 2020

''Gimme Shelter'' Discussion

MATT COHEN DIRECTS – Castiel (Misha Collins) and Jack (Alexander Calvert) work a case involving members of a local church. Meanwhile, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) go off in search of Amara (guest star Emily Swallow).

What did you think about the episode? Discuss!

If you want you can discuss the new episode on the The Discord Server.

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Malthael Archangel of Death Malthael Archangel of Death 14 October 2020


Recently some unknown users are drastically changing the pages. Why is nobody doing something against this vandalism? Admins?

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Dominic1743 Dominic1743 9 October 2020

''Last Holiday'' Discussion

MAKING UP FOR LOST TIME – Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) discover a wood nymph (guest star Meagan Fey) living in the bunker who is determined to protect her family, at any cost.

What did you think about the episode? Discuss!

If you want you can discuss the new episode on the The Discord Server.

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Tmbarton1961 Tmbarton1961 9 September 2020

Review & Commentary on S15ep08

Season 15 episode 08 "Our Father Who Aren't in Heaven," Mid-season finale

Review of this episode with my commentary

By TM Barton,

Sept. 8, 2020


In this much anticipated episode, we finally got to see the day of reckoning for the Winchesters over one of their major hypocrisies, completely abandoning Adam while touting their belief in family.  When Adam was out of their sight, he was out of their minds.  Last season when Dean got his wish from the magic pearl for a brief family reunion, Adam was not invited.  I bet they never told their father what happened to Adam and how they failed their younger half-brother.  Unlike how they would go to Hell and back for each other, Sam and Dean just dropped searching for anywa…

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Tmbarton1961 Tmbarton1961 2 September 2020

Need correction on page for Season 02 eo 13 House of Holies

In Season 02 episode 13 titled “Houses of the Holy”, this statement is incorrect, it is Sam who makes the claim to Father Reynolds about angels being fierce. (

Father Reynolds describes angels as fierce, wrathful, terrifying, and as being more like God's warriors, not like the loving creatures found in Hall-mark cards. Come Season 4, this description will fit them to a T.

The actual dialogue is this...

Sam asks, “So they are not really the Hallmark Card version that everyone thinks?  They’re fierce, right?  Vigilant.”
Father Reynolds replies, “Well, I like to think of them as more loving than wrathful, but yes, a lot of Scripture paints angels as God’s warriors.”  The priest quotes the Go…
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Bobby castiel Bobby castiel 25 August 2020

What is the supernatural in Supernatural? (no so good english)

What is the supernatural in Supernatural?


Certainly, this year has not been easy for the vast majority of people due to the coronavirus pandemic and its harmful effects not only on the health of individuals but also in areas such as the economy, politics, as well as the number of problems that each one may be facing personally. In addition to all the above, fans of the television series Supernatural must face another decisive event in their lives (perhaps I am exaggerating a bit!), It is the end of the series that is forecast for November 9 of this year. For this reason, I wanted to share a brief reading about the series that has accompanied me and countless people for the last fifteen years, giving away moments of emotion and h…

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Heya, so, sorry I've been inactive, but my dog died... Yeah, I've been, well it's been pretty bad. Anyways, IDK what to say... I'm probably not gonna post for a while.

221 B Arrow st. Castiel avenue, Gotham (talk) 21:44, June 21, 2020 (UTC)

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WesLuvsBTR WesLuvsBTR 9 June 2020

An Interesting fact about Villains

Sorry for this being off topic, but i did notice something about a huge amount of Antagonist from Seasons 7-12 they appeared in a different Series (yes i know in different Seasons & Times) but There's a show that's kinda missing "Hot in Clelveand" you can look them up if you want maybe add the series it self under the Actor's Filmography 

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For some reasons I can't make edits anymore on any pages, it remains stuck with the "loading" screen. I can only comment the blog posts. It's just me or other users have this problem as well?

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FrankDillane FrankDillane 27 April 2020

Jack immune to the Archangel Blades

Seeing though Jack is immune to supercharged Malak enochian, do you suspect he's now unabashed by the Archangel Blades?

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KillRoy231 KillRoy231 23 April 2020

I don't think Season 15 ever will resume

The virus is showing no signs of slowing down last I heard, at least not in the US due to a certain someone who made a deal with Crowley, and even if it does go away, the movie and film industry will not recover, they'll lose all their knowledge and momentum after being inactive for so long.

And if they actually did plan to resume sometime, they'd be airing the episodes that were already finished. Season 4 of The Last Kingdom will come out on Netflix in 3 days. Where only the last two episodes of Supernatural haven't been filmed yet.

So I think, while they consider the possibility they MIGHT be able to release the last episodes, they just left off at one where you can headcanon the ending pretty quickly - saying Jack is pretty much destined …

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AnimeAndSupernaturalLover AnimeAndSupernaturalLover 1 April 2020


Okay, so I want to know the names of your favorite Supernatural ships so I can look them up! Also, if you have any good fanfiction please post the link to them. Thank you! Gay or straight!! No judgment here!

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Dominic1743 Dominic1743 24 March 2020

''Destiny's Child'' Discussion

DANNEEL ACKLES AND GENEVIEVE PADALECKI RETURN AS JO AND RUBY – A search for the one thing that may give the Winchesters an edge against God leads Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) to Jo’s (guest star Danneel Ackles) door and to a secret that may have died with Ruby (guest star Genevieve Padalecki). Meanwhile, Castiel (Misha Collins) asks Jack (Alexander Calvert) to do the unthinkable to help the brothers in their quest.

What did you think about the episode? Discuss!

If you want you can discuss the new episode on the The Discord Server.

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KillRoy231 KillRoy231 20 March 2020

The cancellation of the series

I read on wikipedia - and correct me if I was misinformed - that Supernatural got cancelled because of the coronavirus outbreak. As if it wasn't ruining enough of the world already.

So, we left off on Galaxy Brain where Billie said a critical detail on how the final battle might end. But we aren't given exact details on how it will go down.

What's your headcanon as to how it ends? Since that's the best we can go by now. How does Jack become powerful enough to kill God and how are Sam and Dean involved?

Or did they reveal the ending somewhere now that they know the final episode will never be released? If so, please show me so I know how it ends, I don't want to become a ghost when I die from the state of panic the world is in within a few mon…

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Dominic1743 Dominic1743 17 March 2020

''Galaxy Brain'' Discussion

KIM RHODES RETURNS AS SHERIFF JODY MILLS – Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) respond to a frantic call and together along with Castiel (Misha Collins), Jack (Alexander Calvert) and Jody (guest star Kim Rhodes), assist in an extraordinary and heartbreaking rescue. Billie (guest star Lisa Berry) surprises everyone with a visit to the bunker.

What did you think about the episode? Discuss!

If you want you can discuss the new episode on the The Discord Server.

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Moriningstar999 Moriningstar999 14 March 2020

Who played the role of Marissa Wright?

I was in another Supernatural fan site the other day and someone brought up

the subject that in Season 4 Episode 5 "Monster Movie"...Sam and Dean 

are in the morgue investigating Dracula's victim and the the decaesed....Marissa Wright is a dead ringer for Nicki Aycox  the way she appeared in "Can You Hear Me God? It's Me, Dean Winchester" as the human ghost of Meg Masters..

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KillRoy231 KillRoy231 14 March 2020

Mondays now?

It says the next episode will be March 16th, then next episode March 23rd, and so forth. So they switched from Thursdays to Mondays now?

Also, the blogs aren't showing up on Blog:Recent Posts again.

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Tmbarton1961 Tmbarton1961 6 March 2020

Michael+Adam and the 3 Amigos

I take an exception to how Michael is likened to a "petulant child" for not believing everything the Winchesters and Castiel (the 3 amigos) told him about God.  Michael's meeting with the resurrected Lilith was a prelude to how his meeting would go with the Winchesters and Castiel.  Fans knew that Lilith was telling Michael the truth about God sending her to fetch him.  Michael did not believe her because she offered no credentials to back her claim.  She only offered her word, but because she was a demon and he hated demons, he incinerated her instead of trusting her and following her back to his Father. It was a good thing for the 3 amigos that Michael did not trust Lilith, else they would not even have had a chance to get God's secret f…

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It's been over a week that this message

Is on my screen every time I visit the Wiki. How can I remove it?


If you have received an email to reset your password from Fandom it's because a vandal is trying to guess your passwords and subvert an account and inflict damage with it. Make sure your passwords are strong and if not then please change them into something better. I suggest a random mixture of letters and numbers that have no significance to you and lengthy. Remain calm. This is a common tactic and why we admins keep our accounts secured.

Season 15 is a go, people! Please try not to spoil the S15 page. Post links if you must.

Staff Announcements If you didn't already know, User:Dominic1743,…

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Jackson3869 Jackson3869 2 March 2020

Jack vs Jesse Turner

Who is stronger Jack Kline or Jesse Turner?

  • Jack strong enough to destriy the Universe, will one day grow powerful enough to kill god
  • Jesse at full power destroy the host of heaven.
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Jackson3869 Jackson3869 2 March 2020

Jack Vs Godcas

Who is stronger Full power Jack or Castiel with purgatory souls?

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Courtney0017 Courtney0017 21 February 2020

Season 12 episode 17 weapon

Can someone please tell me what weapon did Mary take out of the case when she was talking to ketch....I’ve been trying to figure out for the longest and still haven’t figured out the name of that weapon

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Tommy,Klaus&Kol2012+ Tommy,Klaus&Kol2012+ 18 February 2020

A problem with jacks plan

Im sure this will be brought to attention when the show returns but does it worry you guys that jacks plan to kill chuck involves potentially killing every angel left perhaps even cass? Cause of the whole consuming angel hearts thing, not to mention we've been told if all angels die, heaven falls apart and billions of ghost dive into earth and could become angry spirits.

I know this whole story reminds me a bit of sam drinking the demon blood but still they picked the worst time to have this happen and to the worst of species cause angels are considered endangered. They cant reproduce via a bite or scratch or even procreate with each other.

I would say if this is considered, go back to apocalypse world and have jack eat the hearts of the an…

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SammRojgar SammRojgar 17 February 2020

I can't remember which episode...

NEVERMIND. This has been answered by Zane, Thanks Zane!

Does anyone remember the episode where sam and dean investigate an urban legend out in the woods. something about an axe murderer? but, suddenly the monster changes.  It turns out to be a weird symbol on the wall that makes the urban legend come to life based on the collective unconcious of those who see the webpage and image?

for the life of me, i cannot find which episode this was.

please help.

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Anonyme Tät Anonyme Tät 11 February 2020

The Comeback of Alastair

Alastair is a white-eyed demon and possibly the second demon ever created . I am the only one who wants Alastair to be back on the screen soon. I am the only one who wants Alastair's comeback.

I also wonder when the show finally states that Alastair was irrefutably the second oldest demon in existence to have been the myth of the show.

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KillRoy231 KillRoy231 9 February 2020

Is this the last hiatus finally?

I certainly hope so. This is why, if Season 15 hadn't been final season, I'd have ignored everything past Nick's death and made up my own resolution for headcanon, and also why I don't get into any more shows that aren't finished. I'm tired of waiting for these, they're long enough BETWEEN seasons where they belong, we don't need them IN THE MIDDLE OF seasons either. It's bad enough that we only get one episode a week (remember when shows used to be one episode a day or weekday?)

The Flash, MLP, and Star vs. the Forces of Evil were notorious with this as well. MLP is ended, I stopped watching Star after Toffee died so I could see his arc wrapped up, and I stopped watching The Flash after Season 3 due to crossover episodes requiring you to g…

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Tommy,Klaus&Kol2012+ Tommy,Klaus&Kol2012+ 9 February 2020

A question about chucks death

So something I havent brought up yet but im sure will, but how do you think they will work around jack killing chuck? Cause we've been told chuck is needed to keep the universe around or it will unravel and die.

My best guess is it will be an unlinking spell as part 1 of killing him, to unlink chuck from his own creations but like wouldnt this mean he would have created a spell to do this unlink? Like that doesnt make alot of sense to me. Then again there were spells to kill beings who had never died, like the pagan gods had lore how to kill them despite only being one of their kind. Plus it was revealed there is a spell that can trap away chuck himself and amara but we've been implied chuck is the one who makes all the rules yet some great…

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Thetwindler Thetwindler 4 February 2020

Unanswered Questions In Supernatural

Since Supernatural is ending, I feel it's appropiate time to relfect on what hasn't been solved.

Here's my list. I want to note I didn't make this up all myself I did some digging around the internet.

  1. What happens to the deities when they die? 
  2. Who created the Fairies? Are they apart of the multiverese, or are they extradimensional?
  3. What kind exactly kind of demon is Samhain? What is his purpose? Did Lucifer directly create him?
  4. Where did Samuel Colt get the knowledge to make the Colt? 
  5. What exactly is the The Shadow? Is there more of it's species? 
  6. What does Azazel mean by Tom and Meg being his children? Were they his children when he was alive? Are they human descendents of him? Or did he personally corrupt their souls?
  7. How did all angels exist …
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Gabriel417 Gabriel417 31 January 2020

"The Gamblers" Discussion

YOU GOT TO KNOW WHEN TO FOLD 'EM – Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) press their luck in a winner-takes-all game of pool. Meanwhile, Castiel (Misha Collins) hunts down a would-be murderer, but not for reasons one might think.

What did you think about the episode? Let's discuss!

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Orion Invictus Orion Invictus 30 January 2020

WHO declared China coronavirus a global health emergency

I know this isn't exactly the proper place for breaking news, but I figure the more people know, the better.

TL;DR: WHO declared the virus a global health emergency because they're concerned it might spread to countries that are not prepared to deal with it.

Longer version:

Global health emergencies are declared when diseases have the potential to spread locally once they've arrived to a new country and can result in economic disruption. This doesn't mean it's the Black Plague or Spanish Flu all over again, it just means the virus could become a big issue worldwide if people aren't careful.

Human-to-human contact is possible, but infected surfaces can remain infectious for some time. In terms of transmission it's quite similar to the flu, so do …

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