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3 votes
4 answers

Java: Run a Callable in a separate process

Given an instance x of Callable<T>, how can I run x in a separate process such that I can redirect the standard input and output of the process? For example, is there a way to build a Process ...
1 vote
2 answers

Why does passing ClientID to a javascript function pass the whole control?

If I pass a ClientID to a javascript function as a parameter without including the single quotes around it, it gets passed as a reference to the control itself which can then be used without first ...
4 votes
3 answers

Best way of sharing/managing our internal python library between applications

Our company (xyz) is moving a lot of our Flash code to Python. In Flash, we have a shared library between our Flash apps - package xyz. We can make changes to the package without fear of breaking ...
0 votes
2 answers

Sharing a dedicated IP

I have 10 websites on an IP. I would like to share the IP among all the websites.How do I achieve this without having to run these websites on different port numbers?
2 votes
4 answers

Web application database concurrency

I have a web application ( 2.0) that has a database (SQL Server) at the background. I'm considering ways how to handle database concurrency if two users insert the same data to the same table ...
1 vote
5 answers

Converting string from memorystream to binary[] contains leading crap

--Edit with more bgnd information-- A (black box) COM object returns me a string. A 2nd COM object expects this same string as byte[] as input and returns a byte[] with the processed data. This will ...
2 votes
5 answers

Detect a file in transit?

I'm writing an application that monitors a directory for new input files by polling the directory every few seconds. New files may often be several megabytes, and so take some time to fully arrive in ...
1 vote
5 answers

Is there any correlation between versioning and milestones? [closed]

A lot of OS projects I know (I am PHP developer) uses versions as milestones, but is this the best way? Should milestones mean something in process of project iterations (meaningfull names)? Are there ...
2 votes
2 answers

ADO.NET check if Rollback is possible

I'm asking myself if it is possible to check if in ADO.NET the current transaction can be rolled back. The msdn suggests the following implementation: private static void ExecuteSqlTransaction(...
5 votes
2 answers

Using a WPF Custom Control, How can I give my custom control a name to access it via the code behind?

When I try using a Name="id" and\or x:name="id" I get a compiler error: The Type 'MyName' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have ...
2 votes
2 answers

What is the maximum password length in Subversion?

If I am storing the Subversion user names and passwords for repository access in a text file in the conf folder, what is the maximum length of the passwords I can use? That is to say, how long can the ...
0 votes
1 answer

ASP.NET Data Cache - Does Overwriting Imply Removal And Re-Addition?

If I add an item to the cache named "foo", and then add another item named "foo" to the cache before the first expires, will this trigger the CacheItemRemoved event?
3 votes
1 answer

string to binary[]

I have a string I need to feed to a com object that has a LoadFromStream method accepting "object Data". I'm guessing this should be a byte[]. Rather basic question: I got my MemoryStream all filled ...
1 vote
4 answers

How do I detect if the user is on a pc or mobile phone

I am working on a site and working on a component that will take users using wap or xhtml-mp and redirect them to sites specifically setup for those devices. Is there a good standard way of detecting ...
4 votes
5 answers

Google (Search Engine) Indexing advice for pages

I am working on a course leaflet system for the college I work at, leaflets are stored in a database with primary key course_code. I would like the leaflets ideally to get indexed by google how would ...

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