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Convert the rows data into columns by grouping and the column names from row values [duplicate]

My Table code as follows, CREATE TABLE SalesData ( ID INT, ProductName VARCHAR(50), Year INT, SalesAmount DECIMAL(10, 2) ); INSERT INTO SalesData (ID, ProductName, Year, SalesAmount) ...
Dennis Xavier's user avatar
-1 votes
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SQL Server transposing rows to columns

I need to transpose rows to columns to display data in different dimensions or meet table format requirements using SQL server. Starting from this query and this return SELECT _p, _t, _x, ...
Hamamelis's user avatar
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SQL Pivot to create 2 columns per row

I have a table that looks like this: Date Name Actual Target 2023-03-14 Bob 15 15 2023-03-14 Jim 9 5 2023-03-14 Steve 10 9 2023-03-15 Bob 11 11 2023-03-15 Jim 16 16 2023-03-15 Steve 5 12 The ...
Mike Carpinello's user avatar
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Identify SKU id's that have changed status twice in a historical table

I have a historical table which has id, date and status columns. I am trying to identify all the instances where the id's have changed from status 1(Active) to 0(Inactive) and came back to 1(Active ...
msksantosh's user avatar
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How to pivot on multiple columns in SQL Server

I have the following table [EMPLOYEE]: Name Role Billed$ Revenue Joe Sales Mgr $500 $600 Joe VP $800 $900 Angel Sales Mgr $100 $200 Angel VP $300 $400 Chad Sales Mgr $400 $300 Chad VP $600 $100 ...
Phantasmic1980's user avatar
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How to Convert Oracle to MS SQL Server - PIVOT and STRING_AGG [closed]

Please help me convert Oracle into SQL Server PIVOT. The table_cases contains these data: And the expected result is below. Note: I just short-cut the columns "hour-Nth" for "hour-01&...
Jemru's user avatar
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Group by MIN value in SQL Server pivot table query

I have looked through some similar questions but still can't figure this out. My query: SELECT * FROM (SELECT Sites.ID AS SiteID, MIN(DateInspectionDue) AS DateDue, ...
Sparrowhawk's user avatar
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SQL Server pivot up to 10 columns, if more then automatically fill in the next row [closed]

I have a table with many rows of data I want it to turn into a table with 10 columns of data This is a multi-line data table: SELECT T.* INTO #Temps FROM (SELECT 'A' AS CloGroup, 1 AS ColNumber ...
huy's user avatar
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Pivot tabel aggregation - Convert rows to column by date

I'm having difficulty building the syntax. I tried to act as in the examples in a similar thread but I get aggregation errors that I can't deal with. I will be grateful for any hint in solving my ...
Grzegorz Mikłaszewski's user avatar
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T-SQL change column names in Pivot table

I am trying to rename the column names of this PIVOT. As of right now, the column names are the Ids, I would like to have the Title (instead of the Id) from the GlobalTagging table. I tried to save ...
bbWebDev's user avatar
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Get data monthly wise in Sql query from single Column

I need to retrieve monthly wise quantity sold from a table. How can i fetch all monthly wise data from the same column. SELECT IH_ITEMNO, SUM(IH_QTY) as July from tbl_item_history where IH_DATE LIKE '...
Alpha's user avatar
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Append a variable to the list of column headers in pivot table

I have the following code for my pivot table: Create table #CustView ( Customer_Code VARCHAR(150), Part_No VARCHAR(150), Invoice_Date DATETIME, Quantity ...
Jiji's user avatar
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Why is SQL Server Pivot being case sensitive on TabTypeId instead of treating it as the actual column name?

In T-Sql I am parsing JSON and using PIVOT. Select * from (select [key],convert(varchar,[value])[value] from openjson ('{"Name":"tew","TabTypeId":9,"Type":3}'))...
Narendra's user avatar
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Emulate pivot table double click to show detail in SSRS

I have an excel report that basically is a SQL query to get a table of data, then there is another page that shows a pivot table to summarize the data. When I double click a cell in the pivot table, ...
Bigbob23's user avatar
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Cross tab a Microsoft SQL Server table that has multiple IDs - a 2x2 grid of each variable ID

I have a table in Microsoft SQL Server like the following: Main_Key IDx IDy IDz Count 123450 0 0 0 0 123450 0 0 1 1 123450 0 0 2 0 123450 0 0 3 5 123450 1 0 0 4 123450 1 0 1 3 123450 1 0 2 8 ...
Shawn's user avatar
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