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org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected token: USE

I have a query that is trying to grab a number of details from a list of defects: String useIndexPrimary = "USE INDEX (PRIMARY)"; TypedQuery<Defect> query = getEntityManager()....
Tavo's user avatar
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27 views Invalid object name 'track_SEQ'

Getting this error after upgrading spring to 3.1.5 version & java 17 from 2.x with & java 8. DB connection is okay and all queries are executed as expected except for query ...
Dikshith's user avatar
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Hibernate performs redundant DB call to fetch child entity data along with parent during refresh event which is already fetched

I am using Hibernate 5.6.15. Hibernate performing Cascade Refresh of the associated child entities and then use LEFT OUTER JOIN on the parent entity with same child entities and fetch them again I ...
Navpreet Singh's user avatar
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Entity Inheritance and query filtering

I'm trying to achieve a very basic from SQL point of view operation but using Spring Boot and JPA This is my Java data model: @MappedSuperclass public abstract class BaseEntity { @Id @...
Witek's user avatar
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Hibernate HQL query validation error for join-fetch with conditional logic

I'm encountering an issue with a Hibernate HQL query where I'm trying to use conditional logic within a join fetch clause. Here's my query and entity setup: I have two entities LovMst and LovVal with ...
Farha Mansuri's user avatar
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Why boolean values are not set properly in DB

Here I'm trying to set Boolean values using JPA but in return the field name and the value both are different from what I have actually passed. If you look at my request, I have passed isCouponAplied ...
SANKAR M's user avatar
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How to Create a Composite Key Using Two Fields in JHipster?

I am learning JHipster and trying to create a relational table where the primary key is a combination of two fields. In the Liquibase changelogs, it looks correct, but when I run ./mvnw -Pdev, it ...
ngomez's user avatar
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Criteria Builder Sort a Table before Joining?

I want to join multiple tables, but I wanted the first record of the last id. So I want to join Table A and Table B, sort that by Table B's Id in DESC order then join it to Table C. CriteriaBuilder cb ...
Toorubelle's user avatar
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Use list of tuples as parameter in Quarkus Panache named query

I have the following (working) SQL query (names are changed for better readabilty): select B.a, A.a, A.b from A inner join Bb ON A.b_id = where (A.b_id, A.c_id) in ((13, 113), ...
JaB's user avatar
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Using @SqlResultSetMapping to map to list

Person ID Name 1 Luis 2 Frank Address Person-ID Address City 1 Samantha Road x 1 Franklin y In my Hibernate native query I want to map the result of one person to a set of addresses, such like ...
sensen ol's user avatar
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Hibernate ReturningWork - how do I print sql generated by ReturningWork?

How do I print the queries generated by Hibernate ReturningWork. As it uses jdbc connection the queries are not printed in the logger file after setting org.hibernate.SQL to INFO. May I know what ...
Usha's user avatar
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Generate Native Query with JOOQ and Map with Hibernate

Is it possible to generate a native query with jooq and use hibernate to do the mapping? I am generating the exact same sql that hibernate shows with print-sql: true, but am still getting org....
aarbor's user avatar
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filter on union entities with JPA specification

Considering this java JPA model: @Entity @Table(name = "PARENT") @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS) public abstract class ParentEntity { } @Entity @Table(...
Thomas's user avatar
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1 When I run my pgm class I get the following error:

1 When I run my pgm class I get the following error: Apr 22, 2024 8:45:54 AM org.hibernate.Version logVersion INFO: HHH000412: Hibernate ORM core version 5.6.5.Final Exception in thread "main&...
Basavaraj. Malagi's user avatar
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String formatting with object parameters in intellij

I am creating a standard function that uses jpa's createQuery function, as it will be a generic class, I can format the sql elsewhere, but when using the same pattern and definition of parameters only ...
El PsyCongrou Men at Working's user avatar

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