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2 answers

How can I get commands in Rails Migration file using regex?

I'm trying to get commands from a Rails migration file as an array based on a specific migration command, using regex. My code works well on most cases, but when there is a command with multiline code,...
dfop02's user avatar
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5 answers

Capturing all matches of a string value from an array of regex patterns, while prioritizing closest matches

Let's say I have an array of names, along with a regex union of them: match_array = [/Dan/i, /Danny/i, /Daniel/i] match_values = Regexp.union(match_array) I'm using a regex union because the actual ...
lumos's user avatar
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1 answer

Applying string functions to Regexp in gsub in Ruby [duplicate]

In Python it's possible to do something like this: re.sub("_.", lambda match:, "ab_cde") This would result in "ab_Cde", since the matched group is ...
Vessel's user avatar
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2 answers

Regex: Capture only matching alternative in Ruby

I am cracking my head open with this: I am building a simple password generator which uses a pattern created by the user. The pattern contains the letters a-f which stand for 6 character groups: So, ...
El Hippo's user avatar
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2 answers

Regular expression to capture the first 4 Numbers from a string [duplicate]

Was playing around with regex to learn it better and wondering if we can write regex to match something like the following use case below Example String: 1_234_3456_345 Expected result: I want to ...
mitnick kev's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

What does the operator ?: do in a Ruby regular expression when placed immediately after a (, particularly when the regex contains groups? [duplicate]

string = "This is a paragraph with a bunch3c:77:e6:68:66:e9of random MAC addresses 1100:50:7F:E6:96:20hello world 15:00s, 00:50:56:c0:00:08 some other text is written here 00-0C-29-38-1D-61 00:11:...
Brijesh's user avatar
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3 answers

Regex: match string with or without quote

I'm trying to extract a value using regex. This value can be quoted or not: For example: foo: "bar" or foo: 'bar' or foo: bar How can I extract only bar value? Here is the regex I use: ^(...
iAmoric's user avatar
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4 answers

Chop a string in Ruby into max length string considering new line and space characters

I have this long text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vestibulum id augue id mattis. Praesent congue nisi quam, ac gravida enim viverra non. Vestibulum id interdum ...
Philippe Perret's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Ruby regex for comma separated unique numbers using negative lookahead

Following is a regex which matches a comma-separated list of numbers and allows only unique numbers to be input: ^(?!.*\b(\d+)\b.*\b\1\b)(\d)(,(\d))*$ For e.g it allows 1,2,3 but disallows 1,1 or 2,1,...
Jignesh Gohel's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Scanning for words in a string with no spaces

I'm trying to extract words from a string in Ruby. For example, if I have this: "12jdfndjseven456sfjithree" I want to get an array with ["seven", "three"]. The only words ...
linneabell's user avatar
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3 answers

regex with letters and number combination

I am trying to create a regex for a format: TNP-XXXXX Only the letters TNP and - are allowed and the XXXXX are numbers, it can only accept up to 5 numbers. Here is what I have so far: if !(/TNP-[\d]{5,...
cpp 's user avatar
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0 answers

Replace a String with a Match from a regex in Jekyll [duplicate]

I want to take any Youtube URL and parse out the "code" so that I can imbed or link to the video. I manged to find the following Ruby: module Jekyll module RegexFilter def ...
MrHinsh - Martin Hinshelwood's user avatar
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1 answer

Disallow character if not prefixed with another character using regex

I have incorporated the following regular expression into my code: .gsub(/(^|[^*])(\*\*)([^*]+)(\*\*)($|[^*])/m, '\1*\3*\5') # bold The issue I'm facing is that the \3 block (defined as [^*]+) doesn'...
Omar Fareed's user avatar
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Fluentd error log config file format RegEX

My error: [warn]: #0 pattern not matched: "Oct 3 17:23:12 dc2prepzeebe03 broker[12925]: {\"severity\":\"DEBUG\",\"\":{\"...
Jeyhun F. Aslanov's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Regular expression for matching 2 numbers (with required decimals) that are separated by at MOST 6 words?

I'm looking to construct a regex that matches 2 decimal numbers (MUST contain a decimal point) separated by at most 6 words (words in this case meaning anything that has a space to the left and right ...
Henley Wing Chiu's user avatar

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