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How to redirect an url with a specific folder to another, whatever the page?

I tried for hours to redirect in an htaccess every pages of a folder to new url, matching the folder but it seems I definitely do not understand nothing to regex and redirect ! I want to redirect any ...
Tim's user avatar
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LocationMatch regex, a directory + front page

I want to proxy everything except front page and /images/* to another server with password. I wrote <LocationMatch "^/$|^/(?!images/)"> AuthType basic . . . ProxyPass "http://...
Jori Mäntysalo's user avatar
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Wildcard in a Require expr in Apache

I'm trying to set up a Require expression in my Apache config to forbid users from accessing any file in a directory except specific types of files. When accessed over the internet, everything else ...
QuestionAsker1995's user avatar
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Special access rule in an .htaccess file for IP addresses, authorized only for one directory structure

I have been dealing with WordPress for many years, but have a delicate problem with an access rule that I want to store in .htaccess. I use actually Apache 2.4.56. Initial situation 1: The web server ...
Besim's user avatar
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How to ignore case in regexp mapping in a .htaccess rewrite rule? [duplicate]

What I have now is the following: RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/*$ x/$1.html [L,NC,END] This would point: /abcd to x/abcd.html /ABCD to x/ABCD.html which would not be fine on a Unix file system that is ...
Chong Lip Phang's user avatar
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htaccess config to serve jxl / avif if file exist

I want to configure the htaccess file on a wordpress installation / apache server to serve a JpegXL if the browser supports it and if not serve a .avif file. If both formats are not supported serve ...
konrad's user avatar
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mod rewrite split and replace

I need an internal redirect, where category-slug is a dynamic value, that schould be appended after the ~ /category/**category-slug** /blog/?ucterms=category~**category-slug** Is that possible with ...
joe king's user avatar
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Regexp change with Substitute apache instrument in htaccess

I want to change strings on my site pages like: <hr style="width:50%;"> <center> to: <hr style="width:50%;"><p class="somenew&...
Krechet USA's user avatar
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2 answers

htaccess - rewriting API requests to "api.php" and other requests to "web.php"

I'm testing some stuffs on Apache server and PHP. at the root of my project, I have this .htaccess configuration file: RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /react/ # API requests RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/...
Emmanuel Vianney's user avatar
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Why doesn't my PHP blocking .htaccess rule work?

I'm using Apache and I have this .htaccess file: <IfModule mod_deflate.c> SetOutputFilter DEFLATE AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/css text/plain text/xml application/...
Tudvari's user avatar
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Need apache regex config for rewrite rule

Here is a scenario of what I am trying to do. Folder A has folders B and C. Folder B has D, E and index.html. Folder C has index.html I declared folder B as my DocumentRoot. Declared an Alias for ...
vijay's user avatar
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Apache folder redirect to a subfolder, without invalidating direct access to the subfolders

I have this directories structure: www -- subfolder ---- .htaccess ---- folder1 -------- file1.jpg ---- folder2 -------- file2.jpg ---- folder3 -------- file3.jpg What should I type in the "....
Resiel's user avatar
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Bitnami Apache rewrite Rewrite Cond and Rule

I would really appreciate some help in rewriting something. I have moved a site to a sub domain and now the links to that site are not working. The link before was:
Josh Hawkes's user avatar
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htaccess rewrite condition 404 all querystring only on index page

i was trying to protect the main page because on google console my report on a querystring is visible like this example: i would like to 404 all querystring only on ...
Dhon Collera's user avatar
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Apache2 VirtualHost : deny root URL but allow path

I am using below to block accessing the root URL... and trying to only allow access if visited path or with anything after root domain... # Redirect root domain to a 403 Forbidden error <Location &...
Sajjad Hossain Sagor's user avatar

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