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Questions tagged [react-native]

React Native is a JavaScript library used to build native mobile apps using React. The focus of React Native is on developer efficiency across all the platforms you care about - learn once, write anywhere.

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Drawer item focused on Tab press in React Native Expo

I'm building an app in React Native Expo (I'm new on this) and I'm struggling to highlight Drawer Navigation menu item when I press on Tab Navigation icon, I open the same screen in both situations. ...
Cristian 's user avatar
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Axios Network Error in React Native project - how to handle this issue?

At first I started to develop my mobile app using Expo, but then migrated the components (and generally the whole UI) to plain React Native (react-native). No matter what I am trying to do (e.g login, ...
Antoni Łubisz's user avatar
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Context Load before Client? react-native

i created a context to start up the socket but before that it validate the token sending a request to the server. there is an issue that i can't really figure it out. if the app is closed and i open ...
anfield's user avatar
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React Native Gifted Charts Styling

i'm new with React Native Gifted Charts and i'm trying to make some styles with it. IMAGE I have question about styling curve line chart. Thank you all! My code looks like: <LineChart {....
Иннокентий Вайц's user avatar
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Error while trying to connect Django With ReactNative

I am building a React Native app with Django as the backend. I have set up the login screen in React Native and configured JWT authentication with rest_framework_simplejwt in Django. However, I ...
ahmed's user avatar
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* What went wrong: Value 'C:Program FilesJavajdk-17.0.12' given for Gradle property is invalid (Java home supplied is invalid)

What platform(s) does this occur on? Android Where did you reproduce the issue? in a development build Summary I'm facing an issue creating an Android development build using EXPO. After updating ...
Lima's user avatar
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How to resolve TypeScript error: "Property 'EXPO_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL' does not exist on type 'typeof env'"?

I'm working on a React Native project with Expo and using TypeScript. I'm trying to access an environment variable using process.env.EXPO_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL. "The code works correctly when I run ...
M. Maiz Nadeem's user avatar
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Error "Unresolved reference: serviceOf" updating gradle

I'm trying to update gradle in my expo react native app and to do so I executed "./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version 8.9" in the android level. But when I see the logs of the update, it ...
codertocode's user avatar
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Is there any Bluetooth restrictions for HeadlessJS code in react-native?

My app tracks location when connected to a specific Bluetooth device. I use expo-location for tracking and the react-native-ble-plx library for Bluetooth communications. However, I encountered a ...
Nick P's user avatar
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Too much space in app name CFBundleDisplayName

I am building react native ios project and there is too much space in the app name, I have tried the following but still the space is double. 1. <key>CFBundleDisplayName</key> <string&...
Sana Fatima's user avatar
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Jest - react-native-color-matrix-image-filters/dist/CMIFColorMatrixImageFilterNativeComponent.js: Could not find component config for native component

I have a React Native Android project and I just upgraded the react-native version from 0.72.3 to 0.74.3. After a fair amount of library upgrading, TS and Lint fixes, etc I was able to get my ...
Onyx's user avatar
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While making a build on react native app on my mac iOS system i am getting this error

Please guide me with the error Failed to upload the project tarball to EAS Build Reason: EPERM: operation not permitted, scandir '/Users/agrahyah/.Trash' Error: build command failed. I have used this ...
Aneesh Assary's user avatar
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React Native - Could not get unknown property 'com' for object of type

I'm updating my react native project with targetSdkVersion 34, I ran into the security error (I followed the steps listed but I'm still getting the error) so I decided to update some of my libraries ...
Zephyr's user avatar
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How to store the new Date().getTime() Method using Zustand and update the timer without re-rendering the component every second?

The stopwatch works perfectly with useState Hook, but I need to store the time using global state management. I'm using Zustand in my application and I have had no problems so far storing and updating ...
Elvys Pons's user avatar
-1 votes
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Internal Babel error: path is not in loop

I am getting error (VirtualizedLists.js: Internal Babel error: path is not in loop) after I build any React Native 0.74.3 app. Error appears when the app is trying to open. My environment is: Mac M1 (...
RadekR's user avatar
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