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ARKit: Anchor Size Larger Than Visible Area in Camera in swift

I'm encountering an issue in ARKit where the anchor size, created when capturing an image and adding a red box, appears to be much larger than the visible area in the camera. I'm using the following ...
mobile-team-i's user avatar
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How to write unit test for WKWebView evaluateJavaScript

I want to do some unit test regarding WKWebView evaluateJavaScript JS code. JS code runs well in ViewController.m, but failed in unit test with error of "Domain=WKErrorDomain Code=5 "...
Aris-mm's user avatar
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CGImageSourceCreateThumbnailAtIndex doesnot rotate the image on ios 17

I use CGImageSourceCreateThumbnailAtIndex to resize and rotate a CGIImage. It works fine on ios 16 and below, but on ios 17, rotating does not work anymore. CGImageSourceRef imageSource = ...
Tedxxxx's user avatar
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Objective-C NSFileManager works fine on simulator but Operation not permitted error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=257 on device when check file size

I need to check size with Objective-C of external file which is shared to my react native app. I got url which works fine without getting file attributes: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Shared/...
Piotr Witkoś's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

download xcode15beta and build errror

I downloaded xcode15 beta, and then run the project and reported an error, but I did not report an error when I ran it with xcode14.3. the error info is: Library 'iconv.2.4.0' not found Linker ...
user7021848's user avatar
-1 votes
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how to determine whether the ios device is a face or a touch?

when I turn off face id on the setting,I get a error as follow: LAContext *myContext = [[LAContext alloc] init]; NSError *authError = nil; [myContext canEvaluatePolicy:...
user7021848's user avatar
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How to get IPv4 & IPv6 values on iOS

I am trying to get both the IPv4 and IPv6 value of a URL, say '' for example. Ideally returning the same results as dig A AAAA +short I currently ...
Bob The Coder's user avatar
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Objective c iPhone microphone self adjusts after loud noise

I'm using AVAudioRecorder and calling averagePowerForChannel. When I start the app, the ambient noise, produces and a decibel value of, for example, -50. However, if the iPhone is exposed to ...
user3335999's user avatar
-1 votes
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"Library not found for ___." Error only for Simulator after updating to Xcode 14.2

My Project was working fine before updating to Xcode 14.2, but now it is throwing the error "Library not found for ___" for Simulator only
GauravSTomar's user avatar
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Swift Package dependencies error- shell out

The process function show error I install updated shell out updated package , but i faced the Cannot find type 'Process' in scope. error
PAVUNRAJ P's user avatar
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Common SDK Using Swift and Pods

Hi i want create one Common SDK for 3 Project which have same functionality in it but for creating that SDK we need to use some of the pod and bridging header file we faced issue with how to configure ...
Vishal S's user avatar
5 votes
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Choosing suitable camera for barcode scanning when using AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInTripleCamera

I've had some barcode scanning code in my iOS app for many years now. Recently, users have begun complaining that it doesn't work with an iPhone 13 Pro. During investigation, it seemed that I should ...
StainlessSteelRat's user avatar
11 votes
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Why all these ShareSheet errors?

Related to this. When I open a file using QLPreviewController, and press the "Share" button, the console prints the following logs: [cloudthumbnails.generation] Unable to determine whether ...
Sergio's user avatar
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OBJC_CLASS_$_GSDK_GTMLogBasicFormatter", referenced from: objc-class-ref in iOS objective C

I Removed the StartApp sdk and added GoogleAd sdk it shows like Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_GSDK_GTMLogBasicFormatter", referenced from: objc-class-ref ...
Parveen Banu's user avatar
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How to Implement Delete Account functionality with objective c in xcode

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { UIAlertController *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Alert" ...
Chipmonk LLoyd's user avatar

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