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2 answers

Mariadb / mysql EXPLAIN to optimize data query

I am using mariadb to store a large number of measurements. A common query I do selects for a data range. It takes a little long, something like 10 to 20 seconds, and it gets worse and worse, so I was ...
Daniel Hampf's user avatar
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4 answers

How can I group results where string has the same 6 characters from a total of 7 in MySQL/MariaDB?

I have a table that consists of vehicle plates, where all the plates have always 7 characters. Sometimes a plate was miswritten and so my SELECT query must be able to consider that "AAU1234" ...
RafaelZG's user avatar
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1 answer

mysql/mariadb JSON_VALID

Example given here at db-fiddle. CREATE TABLE `oa24_json` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `appnum` varchar(8) NOT NULL, `oa_json` longtext CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT ...
Scavokovich's user avatar
-1 votes
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xampp, mariadb, mysql, port management

I'm having issues with xampp dashboard error: Problem detected! 04:49:50 [mysql] Port 3306 in use by ""C:\Program Files\MariaDB 11.4\bin\mysqld.exe" "--defaults-file=C:\Program ...
Emmanuel's user avatar
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1 answer

SQLalchemy wont execute large DB query

so I was trying to query around 200k rows from a mariaDB using the following code. with engine.connect() as connection: print("test1") result = connection.execute(sqlalchemy.text(...
Andika Eka's user avatar
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1 answer

Why am I seeing SET NAMES UTF8 collation repeatedly in the MySQL (MariaDB) general log and slow query log

I'm attempting to troubleshoot why a PHP script is running slower on MariaDB 10.5.22 (~10 mins) than on MySQL 5.6 (~1 min). It's a simple script that takes data from a CSV file and uploads to a table. ...
Confounder's user avatar
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1 answer

unable to find /root/.my.cnf. Exception message: (1698, \"Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'\") [duplicate]

I'm trying to create and environment with Ansible to Wordpress with MariaDB, but i'm getting almost the same errors while trying to create the database and to create a new user with privileges on ...
Leonardo Pangaio's user avatar
3 votes
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MySQL Workbench is accusing a MariaDB error but i don't have it installed [closed]

I'm trying to create a foreign key by the MySQL Workbench menu, but every time i try to apply it the Workbench says that the code is wrong and i should check my MariaDB manual. But i haven't installed ...
gagabriel's user avatar
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3 answers

Replicating complex MySQL/MariaDB query with multiple joins in Laravel DB Builder

I have a query with multiple joins. Most joins are a 1 to 1 but two are 1 to man. My sql query returns results as expected with data from the 1 to many joins flattened into a single value. The two 1 ...
b_dubb's user avatar
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Character and integer performance differences in MySQL clustered index

I would like to know the difference between character type and integer type when configuring MySQL clustered index. If you look at the principles of clustered index, it's a sequential configuration. ...
jinwoo's user avatar
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1 answer

How to retrieve ids of inserted or updated rows after "INSERT ON DUPLICATE UPDATE" MySQL?

I'm storing players of my game based on their level : CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Player( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE, level TINYINT UNSIGNED ...
user25485418's user avatar
-1 votes
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Select script in specific table having large data responding too slow, even delete duplicates not working

I want to delete rows having duplicate TBO_code so i can use it as unique key, but when i run the below Delete query, it gives 504 error after take loading of almost 30minutes DELETE QUERY* DELETE t1 ...
Mohib Salahuddin Ayubi's user avatar
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How to add auto increment primary column with jOOQ

In MySQL/MariaDB I tried to do something like: ctx.alterTable("my_table") .addColumn("id", SQLDataType.BIGINT.identity(true)) .execute(); ctx.alterTable("my_table") ...
Michal Turcel's user avatar
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MySQL specify primary key sorting order in secondary index

In MySQL 5.7.25 and MariaDB 10.6.15, using InnoDB by default to create below table create table t1( id serial, employee_id int not null, name varchar(20), status tinyint, created_at datetime(3) not ...
George Lu's user avatar
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SQL Unique Constraint Across Multiple Database Tables [duplicate]

So a variation of this question has been asked many times; in all of those cases, usually the recommendation is a modifying of the data and the suggested rewrites often make more sense but I can't ...
Jaft's user avatar
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